Session 87 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 87 Report

General Summary

Auren Sylynn ran down the stairs to the bottom level to engage with an arrow demon. Mogi Delvin ran down to the southern platform to engage with another arrow demon. Ladigo Farthon climbed the steps behind him to get out from the anti-magic gaze and then used Dimension Door as a blink dog to teleport into Mokku’s lair several feet behind the beholder. Then he cast Wall of Smoke and boxed Mokku in. The beholder’s anti-magic cone bore a hole in the Wall of Smoke to where all Haymin’s Heroes could see was a large eye through the opening. Then Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone descended a few steps and aimed her crossbow at the beholder’s eye. Mokku blinked as the bolt struck him, protecting his eye with his armored hide. But he roared in frustration.   Mokku then floated above the Wall of Smoke and closed his central eye and assaulted the party with his eye rays. Three beams shot at Kyrie, but her magic protections kept her safe. Three beams shot at Ladigo, but he was able to resist the harmful effects. One ray shot at Titta Morco and two at Pyzar Zim. But they also resisted the harmful effects.   Titta ran down to the northern platform and engaged the third arrow demon while Pyzar ran down to ground level to aid Auren. Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Disintegrate at Mokku while his central eye was closed and her ray struck true. Many wounds opened in the beholder’s hide as large parts of flesh were turned to dust. Though still alive, Mokku was a wounded, bleeding mass. Selia retreated up the stairs to avoid any reprisal. With the anti-magic cone gone, the air elementals appeared from the shaft overhead and rushed Mokku. Mogi finished Mokku off with an Orb of Fire and the beholder was left a burnt and partially disintegrated husk.   The smaller beholders, the arrow demons, and the huge spider were defeated relatively easily after that. Haymin’s Heroes and the twelve air elementals proved too much. In the end, one of the arrow demons escaped, teleporting away up the stairs. Haymin’s Heroes sent the remaining air elementals after it, but they were intercepted by the fire elementals in the landing upstairs. The air elementals outnumbered the fire elementals and killed them.   Haymin’s Heroes spent some considerable time searching Mokku’s lair. They found his journal in which he recounted how he came to possess the Ring of Ruin. The journal also revealed how Mokku received visions from Vastator, God of Destruction, revealing to him that the Ring of Ruin could be used to bypass Terra’s Wall and enter Clades’ Wrath. In his journal, he also suggested that with the Heart of Embril, he should be able to control the Great Beast and use it to bring ruin upon the world. The journal also mentioned how Idarin Black, a doppelganger member of the Doom Bringers stole the Ring of Ruin and all the magic items held in the same chest. Haymin’s Heroes eventually found the treasure room and found the empty chest. They were able to loot all the coins, gems and gold trade bars, though.   Eventually, Haymin’s Heroes left the Citadel of the Eye and began their journey back to Rowadin. The next day, on May 5, 499 AV, Kyrie cast Raise Dead to bring Fluffy back to life. The rest of the journey was relatively uneventful and they reached Rowadin on May 10, 499 AV.   They sought out Amanaxis first and told him of their triumph. He then told the party it was time to claim their reward. He took them to his house and into his bedroom where there was a portal frame against a wall. Amanaxis activated the portal and it began to shimmer and revealed a cavernous lair beyond it. He led them through the gate and into his hidden lair. There they saw an enormous treasure hoard. In addition, there was a teenage young man who he introduced as his grandson, Traegandar. Traegandar was excited to meet them, particularly Mogi, asking Amanaxis, “Is this him?”   Amanaxis brushed the question aside and proceeded to give Haymin’s Heroes the Golden Key Haymin Stone had given him to keep safe. Then Amanaxis changed into his dragon form and told them he had something important to discuss. Traegandar also changed into his dragon form, though much smaller than Amanaxis, still large.   Amanaxis told them that he had had relations with a human woman approximately 750 years ago. Her name was Vina Delvin. From that relationship, a half dragon child was born. That child eventually mated with a human and for generations Amanaxis’ draconic heritage was passed down in the Delvin bloodline. Mogi was his grandson, twenty-four generations removed. He then asked a serious favor from Haymin’s Heroes and Mogi. He asked them to watch over Traegandar for a time, suggesting that the young teenage dragon needed to expand his horizons and seek out experiences that would help him mature. Traegandar had been sheltered thus far by his late parents, who were recently killed by the red dragon, Grymith, the Wicked. It was Amanaxis’ opinion that Traegandar was a bit underdeveloped for a dragon his age.   Haymin’s Heroes agreed to the task. Mogi and Traegandar hit it off well from the onset and the dragon took Mogi for a flight around the cavernous lair.   Afterwards they all went to the Golden Vault to claim what Haymin had left them. In the vault, they found a scroll tube containing a large parchment and a balled-up cloth with three rings wrapped inside. The Sacred Map depicted a star in the center with the words Pantheon Temple underneath the star. The rest of the parchment was blank. The three rings were each engraved with four holy symbols. The Ring of Acuity was marked with the holy symbols of Artis, Goddess of Craft, Eruditio, God of Knowledge, Fortuna, Goddess of Luck, and Magus, God of Magic. The Ring of Light was marked with the holy symbols of Iustitia, Goddess of Justice, Luna, Goddess of the Moon, Solis, God of the Sun, and Vita, Goddess of Life. The Ring of the Wild was marked with the holy symbols of Caelum, God of the Sky, Mundus, God of Nature, Pontus, God of the Sea, and Terra, Goddess of the Land.   The map and the rings all radiated with a magical aura beyond that of mortal magic. When someone wore one of the rings and held the Sacred Map, images of terrain would appear on the map with the star shrinking in the center to mark its location. The star was within Clades’ Wrath and a dotted line marked a path to it from one edge of the map, where a ring-like symbol was marked within the city of Rowadin. The three rings each possessed marvelous abilities and the party debated who would wear each to maximize their powers. The Ring of Acuity went to Selia. The Ring of Light went to Auren. The Ring of the Wild went to Titta.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
21 May 2022


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