Dorons tower

Purpose / Function

Today the tower is the workplace and home of the magician Doron and his family. Although it is somewhat fortified, it clearly doesn't fill a military role any more. Apart from the tower there are a few small hovels which are used as storage and also a large combined stable and house, in which the servants live.


The large stable and servants house, used to be a stable and barrack for the garrison. Doron rebuilt it to a more mundane house.


Today the tower is a four story round tower. The first floors walls are clearly built by the Lindskiarns and the other floors have been constructed later, and is of clear Zorkai architectual style.   The surrounding wall have a few patches of stone wall up to a meter high, the rest is made up by wooden pallisade. On the courtyard there is a stable and a small house for the servant. There a few small storage buildings as well.   A shallow moat surrounds the walls and outside of it there is a small field for the animals, and small fields for farming vegetables.


A shallow moat surrounds the pallisade. The pallisade is defensible against monsters and small bandit bandsw, but not a military force. The tower is well defended and could withstand a siege.    The tower also have magical defences.


It is unknown when the tower was built but the oldest parts of it is clearly of Lindskiarn making, and it was the defensive core in what was a Lindskiarn fortress. It is unknown when it was turned into a ruin but most agree on that it must have been during the Lindskiarn wars.  The tower are mentioned in many old texts as a ruin at it seems to have been left alone most of the time. It seems that some brigands turned it into a base throughout history. Approximatly 150 years ago the ruins were claimed by a lord whom started to rebuild the ruin as a outpost. The tower were added to during the ages. The tower were inherited by Doron about 25 years ago and he has shifted the tower from a military tower into a magical tower.


Surrounding the tower the landscape is filled with lumps and bumps, which is the last remnants of the ruined Lindskiarn fortress. There are a few scholars which visits the tower and looks around the area searching for new discoveries.
Tower, Mage
Parent Location