
As you approach the city from the sea, the first thing you will see is the large bridge connecting the two cities Tofia and Fil together. The bridge with is old statues of the famous heroes is a well known trade mark of Tofia. On the eastern side the city extends with its walls protecting it. The city gate is bustling and the guards usually have much to do. The dukes castle dominates the town and protects it as well. From the largest tower the hippogriffs screeches can be heard as a few the knights of the Order of the Hippogriff is stationed in the castle.   Tofia is situated on the easter side of the Stirpitz river. It is the sistertown to the Kardian town of Fil which is located on the western shores.


Most of the populations are made up of humans of the Raxorian ethinicity and small but influental population of Penner. There is a section of the city set aside for dwarves in which also halflings have made their homes. The size of the arcithecture makes them feel more at home. There is a unofficial cooperation between the two species, the dwarves build and the halflings cook and clean for them.   There are also many daily visitors from Fil, and during the years there have been many marriages between lowborn Kardians and Zorakis, creating a subculture within the city walls. Even on the Zoraki side there is a clear fascination for the dragon. A clear Kardian influence.


The eastern part of the city is part of the Duchy of Saittlebeaux, while the western part is Kardian. The division is clear but the inhabitants move between the different part of the city on a daily basis. More and more of them consider themselves a Fil-Tofian rather than a subject of either Kardien or Zorakin.


The whole city is walled in and have three main gates. One to the north, one to the east and one to the south. The city wall is surrounded by a water filled moat as a part of the defences. The outer city wall is very large and crenelated. Spread out along the wall are several towers where catapults and arbalests are kept in working order.   There are two castles defending the city. In the north is the new castle where the duke has his residence. It is well built and defensible, but also extravagant and made to impress. In the south by the harbour there is the old castle, which today is the garrison of the city watch and fuctions as a jail.

Industry & Trade

The city is the main trade hub for the export of iron ore and timber from Zorakin to the rest of the Coppersea.    Much of logs and timbre arrives via the Stirpiz river on barges, which are amongst the only seafaring vessels which can pass beneath the bridges. But there are also seafaring vessels from the northwestern part of Zorkain which arrives to the harbour to deliver  and pick up wares.    Tofia is a large city and there is always a need for food (all food in the city is marked up by 1.3). In the morning the lines with carts filled with food for sale are long and irritation are rife. The three gates are a bottleneck in the logistics as each cart is to be inspected and taxed. By each gate many taxcollectors work together with the guards to make it work. It isn´t made easier by the amount of people wanting to get out as well. As the night comes closer all those peddlers and traders who were on their way in, wants to get out before the gates closes, which causes the same logistical problem.   There are three large markets for the peddlers, and many of the local producers sell in their own shop/ production facility.


The large bridge connecting both sides of the city are ancient and built during the empire. It is actually two different bridges that connects on a large island in the middle of the Stripiz river. The island is called the Island of the heroes, and it was the place where the famous battle of 30 heroes took place. The island is a walled compound and the only way to reach it is through the bridges. The island contains a large shrine dedicated to the 30 dead heroes, which according to legend are buried on the site. The bridges are to low for large ships to pass under. The traffic is often small fishing boats who can remove their masts, and flood barges.   The harbour of Tofia is bustling with activity and many boatsmen offer passage to the harbour of Fil on the opposite side of the river. The harbour is a reloading harbour where the goods from upstream are collected and loaded onto larger seagoing ship for transportation.


The harbour district: The harbour district lies in the south of the city and it is the only place where the seafaring ships can land. As the Stirpiz river runs out here it is quite dangerous water and the local fishermen make a good living guiding international ships into the harbour.   The riverfront: The riverfront is a catch all term for the city along the river. There are no natural beaches, all is raised up on a granite foundation to spare the city from tides. The waterfront is filled with small docking moors from which the fishermen and ferry traffic springs. The waterfront is where Kardians and Zoraki often meet and many small stalls are found along it. Here is also where the fishermen sells their catch and fixes their nets, so many peddlers make a living here as well. Along the riverfront is a bustling place for the commoner.   The church district: Tofia is where the Bontisal of the Duchy of Saittlebeux makes his home. The church in the city is the largest of the duchy and it closest competitior in size is on the other side of the Stripiz river. There is a lot of friction between the two Bontisals of Fil-Tofia.   The Dwarves district: A district with much dwarves and halflings living side by side. Many houses are built for smaller people.


  • Deshechmas Arms and Armour: A large store filled with arms and armour bought by the owner from different smiths in the surrounding villages. There is no own production. The choices of weapons are large but the prices is marked up by 1.2
  • Finias herbs and potions: A small shop filled with herbs and potions. Finias is a young halfling who have inherited the shop from his father as he passed away recently. His two brothers aids in the shop by growing and collecting herbs.

Guilds and Factions

The warfers guild: In order to unload or load a ship a deal must be struck with the guild of the warfers. This makes them a powerful guild as they control in which order ships will be tended to. The guild is also reputed to have illicit connections and are becoming a thorn in the side for the local guard. They have a understanding with their counterparts on the Kardian side and they stay out of each others business.   The mages guild: The local mages guild is quite large and has extensive communications with their counterpart on the Kardian side of the river. There are many mentalists in the guild, and the library is large and old. They have extensive contacts with the mages guild in Pendonne and the Lyceeum. There are ten full level wizards with at least three apprentices each. The master of mages guild sits on the dukes council.


The first known mentions of Fil-Tofia are from early colonisations of the area, by the Jorpagnian conquerors. It is mentioned as a trade settlement and fishing port due to its location where the Stirpaz river flows into the Coppersea. It seems to have grown into a full fledged trade town quickly as more people from Jorpagna arrived and the surrounding barbarian tribes moved into the city. Fil-Tofia grew on both sides of the river and very soon a majestic bridge were built. It did not only connect the city but also took control over the trade with the tribes upstream.   As the Blackblood tribes in the forests and Aidne mountain were very hostile, Fil-Tofia have always been well defended. From the old texts it is clear that there were a Imperium Jorpagnian fort in the vicinity and at least one legion were there to patrol and defend the area.   When the conflux hit, Fil-Tofia were hit bad and due to fires, black blood raids and starvation the whole city were more or less abandoned and left to crumble. The large bridge were so well made it remained standing throughout the years. As time moved on the bridge were occupied by bandits and others. But as the tribes on the east and west grew stronger they struggled to take control of it. As their interest grew they moved more resources to to the area, which meant more people. As they needed places to live, they rebuilt the old houses and before long Fil-Tofia were reclaimed. With Fil on the Kardian side and Tofia on the Zoraki side.   For a long time Tofia were de facto the capital of the Raxorian kingdom, until it fell and it became the main settlement of the Duchy Saittlebeaux and part of the dukes personal lands.

Points of interest

The lost fortress: Almost a fairytale by now, but during the Imperiun Jorpagnia there were a fortress somewhere in the area of Fil-Tofia, but no one knows where. The knowledge was lost during the Conflux and it is even unclear if it was on the Zoraki or the Kardian side. Very few ordinary people or the nobles knows about it, but there is folklore about lost castles and their treasures which stems from very real fortress. In Jorpagnia there is a growing interest in lost fortress of old, and they are mounting small expeditions to find them. As they could still hold the military salaries chests, which would contain salaries for up to one year. And many of the officers would have expensive jewellery and magical equipment as well.


The shrine to the 30 heroes: Many people from Kardien as well as Zorakin visits the shrine of the heroes at least once in their life.


Close to the bridge is the old town. The streets are crammed and if you know about such things it is easy to spot the old Jorpagnian cores of the houses.


the river Stirpiz divides the cities.   The land is plain in the area.

Natural Resources

There is a large fishing industry going as the town are growing there is always need for more food.
Founding Date
Unknown, but sometime during the Jorpagna Empire
Alternative Name(s)
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization