Pharynx - The city

Pharynx is a large and lively city and the capital of the duchy of Pharynx. The city were originally founded by the Lindskiarn and even though conqured by force and set to fire there is still many parts of it which are clearly of Lindskiarn design. One of the most famous is the road of eight. It is a broad and perfectly straigth and level road, which goes from one gate to another. The road is paved with identical hexagon slates who all fit perfectly together. The road is in mint condition, and even when someone have tried to excavate the slates it have been impossible to move them. Visiting dwarves who have examined the road declares that it is protected by the magic of perfection. Human scholars rebuffs it and claims it is protected by ordinary magical charms who probably are ingraved bemneath the road and therefore havenĀ“t been found.


Although the duke of Pharynx officially is the ruler and owner of Pharynx, the burgher have bought themselves the right to rule the city. As long as they do not conspire against the duke or the king.   Pharynx is officially ruled by a council who elect a mayor who deals with the practiacalities of governing the city.


The city is surrounded by a large crenelated city wall, with ballistas and catapult dispersed between the towers.

Industry & Trade

The fishing port of Pharynx is large and in connection with small industries where they process the fish in several ways. They ferment fish, dry fish and make sauces out of the rum.   Apart from that the trade and industry is weak in the city.


The roads of old Pharynx are made to a level which cannot be attained today. Even the smaller roads made by them are in better condition than the newer made of the Zoraki rulers throughout history.

Guilds and Factions

The mages guild is strong in Pharynx.


The city were originally founded by the Lindskiarn people, but most of the buildnings where torn down during the war. There is still places where you can see traces of the Lindskiarn craftmanship.


Many scholars and arcitects visit the city to examine the Lindskarni remains.


The most famous buildning is the library of Pharynx, which is run by the mages guild charter. The buildning is the most well preserved Lindskiarn building in the city.   The arcithecture is mainly Zoraki wich tries to imitate Lindskiarn arcitecthure and re use as much materials as possible.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization