Stirpaz river


The Stirpaz river flows from the Aidne mountains all the way south to the bay of Stirpaz in the Coppersea. Far up in the mountains several smaller rivers and streams comes together and creates the river. In some places it is deep while in other it is shallow, but in the mountains it is always fast flowing . There are several water falls and some of them are quite high.   As the Stirpaz reaches more habital lands it gets wider and slows down considerably. There are few places which is very deep. It enters the copper sea in one large outlet rather than a delta.

Fauna & Flora

The top predators of the Stirpaz river is the Sea serpents. The bay of Stirpiz is well known for it populance of sea serpents and their younglings swim up the Stirpaz river for protection from predators, and to hunt and grow. When they reach about 2 meters length they return to the sea.   Within the Stirpaz there are also small sharks and large cat fishes which all can be a danger to swimmers, especially small humanoids, such as human kids and halflings.   The most common fish and a staple of the local cuisine is Stirpaz silver, a up to 40 cm long fish that travels in large schools. Fishermen put all of the fish to use. The innards are usually cooked and used as foundation for soups and stews. The skin of the fish is very silvery and used to enchance clothing for poorer people, often used as decoration of pouches and scabbards.   The reed which grow by the banks are used by the locals for roofing.


There is a legend about Old Stirpaz or Father Stirpaz the Sea serpent. It is said that he never migrated back into the sea but rather stayed in the river to become its king. He is said to be over thirty meters long and killer of men. Sometimes when a fisher boat have just disseapered in calm weather, the old folks says that Old Stirpaz has struck again.   Earlier in history the Echter and Raxorians contested who where the owner of the river, but after the battle of thirty heroes they agreed to share the river. A vow both Kardien and Zorakin have honoured.
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