The forbidden moor

The forbidden moor is a remote swamp in the south of the barony Cote Sombre. There are few reasons for humans to travel into it, and it remains uncharted by the civilized humans living close to it. The majority leaves it alone, as there is nothing within it they cant get easier somewhere else. The marsh is called the forbidden moor by the locals and the name have catched on.   It is said to be inhabited by the the ghosts of the fallen warriors from the Raxorian/ penner wars. According to the legends on the night of the battles the dead rise again to fight the battles over and over again.   Amongst its northern border there lives a women named Egellia the Hag, who have a sinister reputation but also said to be very wise. She is said to brew potions which can help the sick and make people fall in love. It is claimed she have always lived there, and old folks can tell its the truth. During the ages several knight have rode in to kill the witch, never to be seen again. She lives with her friend and guardian the hill giant Nogmir. He is smart and peaceful, but will use force to protect himself and Egellia.


The moor exists as a river slowly flows into the sea here. It has through out the aeon divided up into several small streams making the land waterfilled. The depth of the water seldom reaches deeper than 1 meter, but there are a few exceptions.

Fauna & Flora

The trees are at most 5 meters and grow all twisted, covered in moss, which hangs down from the trees bransches. As firm land is uncommon, different kind of fern is the most common growth, or small bushes whose roots grow at the bottom. The small islands cropping up here and there are mostly stones and covered in moss.     There are many dangerous reptiles such as snakes, toads and reptiles who can kill with a bite. There are some crocodiles who are the top predators in the marshes.

Natural Resources

Many herbs and animals used in alchemy and potion making. The healing enhancing white moss is prevailant.


There have been a few battles between Raxorians and Penner which moved into the moor. These places are haunted and on the night of the battles the spectres return to relive the battles.


Egellia the Hag: People try to find her to get a potion or spell to counter what ails them. She usually helps when asked and agree to be paid in food. She refuses to cast spells which will alter natures natural ways, but have no problem with spells which helps or quickens the natural way. Example: She will not cast a spell which regenerates a lost eye, but she will cast a spell which will quickens natural healing of a broken arm.
Wetland / Swamp
Location under
Owning Organization

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