
Villanoth is the name of both the town and the castle of the baron. But when people mention the name Villanoth they usually means the town. Mostly when adressing the castle they name it The castle of Villanoth. The town is quite poor and the peasants are malnourished. At the entrance to the town, the corpses of executed thiefs are hung in cages until the bones fall to the ground, or the cages are needed again.     Riark: Bothwain Lavonne


The commoners of the settlements are mostly Raxorians, but a few non humans are also living in the town.


As the Barons castle lies in proximity of the town, he is heavily involved in the ruling of the town. But the Seneschal manages the day to day rule in close conjunction with the Sherriff of the town.


The castle is the main defence of the town and therefore the town has no walls. But it is surrounded by a moat, and the outlying houses are built to become defensive posts in case of a siege.

Industry & Trade

Cottage industry for local use


The town is situated at the banks of Stirpitz river and as such there are many small fishing warfs. There are also a few lumber centres upstream where the logs from the edge of Brynhildur forest logging camps are collected. The road between lumber centres and the port are pretty decent as the wagons traveling between them are heavy.


  • A large tavern on the outskirt of the town called - Hippogriffs feather - run by a family with two near adult children.
  • A blacksmith named Jurghan who can make decent weapons. He has a few axes and daggers in his store ready to buy, all other weapons will have to be ordered. There are also a large quantinty of bolt- and arrowheads to be bought.
  • A general store owned by Eveline where you can buy supplies. She sells crossbows and bolts and have a few in store. She also have some light armour in store, like leather coats.
  • Beleth the Brewer, a dwarf who have a large brewery in the docks, he sells to most taverns and Inns in Villanoth. His Ale is darker than most but very appreciated in Villanoth.

Guilds and Factions

The only large and somewhat influental guild is the loggers guild.


548 A.O. Hit hard by the Witchmasters forces as they marched towards Fil-Tofia


A large part of the town houses are built with wood. The town seems like it has grown up rather than being planned.


From the banks of Stirpitz the land keeps going upwards.

Natural Resources

Wood is the primary resource.
approximatley 200
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization