
Hanlon was Chief of the New California Republic Rangers from 2249 to 2281, their longest serving, and final Chief.    Born in 2208 on a ranch in Redding, Hanlon grew up sharpshooting vermin on the range, and exploring the surrounding desert. This saw him as a great candidate for the Rangers, long before the Rangers were fully integrated into the military, reportedly joining in 2227. Hanlon was a reliable ranger, removing raider camps, and protecting frontiers from Reno to Baja. During the War with the Enclave, Hanlon lead ranger teams into Mariposa Military Base, alongside Brotherhood of Steel Paladins.    In 2249, Hanlon replaced Elise, the second Chief the Rangers had, following their founder Seth, and built a solid "power base." Hanlon had the ear of three presidents, multiple senators, and military generals everywhere. One of his closed friends was Edward Parker, who was a Colonel at the battle of Lost Hills when they met in 2265. Hanlon and Parker were fond of incorporating explosives in their strategies, Parker in extreme amounts, Hanlon for traps and sabotage. Parker and Hanlon worked alongside each other for the rest of the NCR-Brotherhood War. Following the Battle of Maxson in 2268, Hanlon followed the Brotherhood into the Mojave Wasteland and got wrapped up in the Mojave Campaign against Caesar's Legion  In 2277, during the First Battle for Hoover Dam, Hanlon saw the NCR Army, under General Lee Oliver begin to collapse, and reacted quickly. He had his rangers atop the rear ridge start sniping officers and veterans from Legion Lines, forcing the Malpais Legate to give chase with his troops. Hanlon and his rangers led them into the ruins of Boulder City and blew them all up within the rubble. Hanlon was credited with the victory, which only improved his reputation.   By 2281, Hanlon's demeanor had noticeably changed, and he outwardly spoke ill of the campaign. Most chalked it up to his old age, but during the trials that took place after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, Hanlon reveal an extensive list of failures and mishaps, all from General Oliver and former President Kimball. His evidence, along with his reputation exonerated him from any charges of negligence. Hanlon retired to Redding, just in time to hear the news of the disbandment of his Rangers. This was the primary reason for his running for office as senator of Redding, with his main platform being military reform, and the re-founding of the rangers, as he believed they were a necessary part of the Republic. He never saw the end of the election, as he was assassinated by a destitute former ranger outside Reno in 2282.
2208 AD 2282 AD 74 years old
Aligned Organization


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