The last monarch died, leaving the people to demand the introduction of a government system, with elected officials.
The last monarch died, leaving the people to demand the introduction of a government system, with elected officials.
The Wrath begins, destroying everything beyond the saftey of Hausken's protective towers, built by Lestalt to keep the city safe from the impending disaster.
Lestalt recognises that Celestials are without a home, and grants them permission to stay within the city.
Lestalt recognises that Daemons are without a home, and grants them permission to stay within the city.
Sally Romanov of the Hausken Police begins to investigate the mysterious cases of disappearances and deaths related to the figure in the cloak.
After the dissappearance of his son, Ludwig turns to Dark Magic and vows to be a powerful Dark Mage.
The Staff of Nightmares is discovered in the archeological dig ruins near the Sulphar Mines.
Sally arrests Timmons at their LOD hideout, and interrogates him in the Boiler Room. After getting no answers, she leaves him in the holding cells for a while.