Ire History of the Nathair Timeline

History of the Nathair

From their creation the Nathair have had a long and glorious story to tell

Beginning Age

... 1000

  • 3

    13 /5

    Nathair are born

    The Dark god creates the Nathair

    More reading
    The Nathair
    Additional timelines
  • 4

    The Nathair split and the five tribes are made
    Cultural event

    The different Nathair split from their larger group and found the five tribes we know today

  • 5

    13 /7

    The Dark One is born

    The Dark One ring is given to the Nathair by the Dark God and the first Dark One is born

    More reading
    The Dark One
    Additional timelines
  • 102

    Tower of Ak'ar is built
    Construction beginning/end

    A tower built to worship the Dark god was built

    More reading
    The Ruins of Ak'ar
  • 108

    Dwarves raid in the Desert
    Military action

    Dwarven raiders discover the Desert and begin to Raid.

    Additional timelines
  • 111

    Nathair drive the Dwarves out of the Desert
    Military action

    The Nathair take a stand and slaughter the next part of Dwarven raiders.

    Additional timelines
  • 237


    Skirmishes over the oasis
    Military action

    The five tribes all battled over the desert oasis, each wanting to settle their people there themselves. The Toxicus were the one who managed to keep hold over the oasis

  • 250

    The chieftains meet
    Gathering / Conference

    The five chieftains meet for council and found the kingship and the battle trial for the crown

  • 251

    19 /2

    The battle for the crown

    The first battle for the title of king is held in the desert wastelands

  • 251

    27 /2

    King Persius is crowned
    Life, Milestone

    Persius is the winner of the crown battle and is crowned king

  • 251

    25 /7

    4 /8

    The Pit is built
    Construction beginning/end

    The Pit is built as a place for the future battles for the crown

    More reading
    The Pit
  • 253


    Vorodorom is built
    Construction beginning/end

    The capital city of the desert and the King's palace is built

  • 327

    Persius is assassinated
    Criminal Activity

    While sleeping in his bed King Persius is killed in his sleep

  • 328

    A battle for the crown and the new king Kublai

    With the King dead another battle was held, this time in The Pit. Kublai is the winner and now King

  • 374

    The first stages of the five martial arts begin to bloom
    Cultural event

  • 400

    Mendax become nomads
    Civil action

    The Mendax's town was sacked and raided and the Mendax left it behind to become nomads

  • 467

    Scales returns home
    Life, Milestone

    The Dark One Scales comes out of hiding and returns home to his people

  • 470

    Magic is taught to the Nathair
    Cultural event

    After returning home Scales teaches not only his people but all the Nathair magic and how to use it

  • 568

    Scales becomes king

    After Kublai's death Scales wins the Pit and becomes king

  • 579

    Serpent Sages are formed

    The Serpent Sages form to council the King and to protect magical knowledge

    More reading
    The Serpent Sages
  • 617

    The Tower of Ak'ar is destroyed

    The Dark god destroyed the tower and let loose a terrible storm on the desert

  • 987

    16 /9

    The Nathair discover The Vale and come into contact with humans
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Nathair leave the Desert for the first time and discover new lands

    Additional timelines
  • 987

    13 /11

    7 /12

    The battle for The Vale

    The first Dark One and his army attack the clans of The Vale. They managed to destroy the wolf clan before their defeat

    Additional timelines
  • 988

    Scales dies
    Life, Death

    King Scales is killed and both his mantels pass down to others

  • 1000

    A new age begins
    Era beginning/end

    The Training age begins

Training Age

1000 2003

  • 1000

    A new age begins
    Era beginning/end

    The Training age begins

  • 1008

    Melodula the Mad is made king
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After recovering from defeat a new King is made

  • 1009

    Nathair starting raiding and reaping The Vale
    Military action

    King Melodula send out war parties into The Vale to take everything they can and kill anyone they see

    Additional timelines
  • 1012

    The Battle of Sands
    Military action

    The Knights of 13, lead by King Bulagaurd and Sir Morain the Valiant meet the Nathairian raiders on the field of battle and drive them out of The Vale. Unfortunately King Bulagaurd dies in the conflict.

    Additional timelines
  • 1013

    King Melodula sacks Meltwater
    Military action

    The Mad King attacks Meltwater one of many times

  • 1017

    Mendax & Ukulutha unite and kill the King

    The Mendax and Ukulutha tribes unite together to assassinate King Melodula

  • 1018

    Mendax & Ukulutha fight against each other
    Military action

    After killing the king the two tribes fight over power and the right to be the next king

  • 1048

    The Root pops up
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Root infects thousands in The Vale and in The Desert

    More reading
    The Root
    Additional timelines
  • 1242

    Alchemy's experiments sack Kadune
    Disaster / Destruction

    The rouge known as Alchemy unleashed a horde of monsters made with mutagenetic alchemy on the city of Kadune

  • 1243

    Meltwater and the Oasis are attacked by Alchemy's creations
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1244

    Alchemy's beasts fail at Grandak & Alchemy goes MIA

    Alchemy strikes at the Dhulking city of Grandak next, but fail to break in. Alchemy goes MIA after this battle

  • 1245


    The tribes send out search parties to capture Alchemy
    Diplomatic action

    All the tribes put a bounty on Alchemy's head.

  • 1247

    Alchemy returns and is exeuted
    Cultural event

    After three years the rouge known as Alchemy strikes at the capital of Vorodorom. Alchemy is defeated, captured and executed

  • 2003

    Zhao Lin the Great becomes King

Golden Age

2003 and beyond

  • 2003

    Zhao Lin the Great becomes King
  • 2010

    12 /2

    The Snake war
    Military action

    The King Zhao Lin kills Harkon's chosen Dark One taking the power for himself. He then used the power to launch a war with the Vale

    More reading
    The Snake War
    Additional timelines
  • 2031

    21 /12

    The Vale is taken back
    Military action

    Queen Crystal and Filavandrel raised a large fyrd and took back The Vale from the Nathair

  • 2033

    Nathair and Humans sign a peace treaty
    Diplomatic action

    Queen Crystal and the new Desert King sign a peace treaty and agree to an alliance

    Additional timelines
  • 2064

    King Vexus is crowned
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The current king of the Desert Vexus wins the pit and is crowned

  • 2078

    Ashwar begins
    Military action

    The Bullks declared war and the humans, elves, nathair and dwarves ally together to fight the largest war in history

  • 2079

    The Darkest Day
    Military action

    The humans, elves and nathair are forced into Xares where the dwarves meet them. Outside the city they fought the largest single battle in history. The dwarves ride down from the mountain and the dragons come out of hiding for the battle. The Nathair unleash the Devourer and the humans bring a their champion Veli Riderson. The battle is won and the Bullks are forced back to Ashgaurd

    More reading
    The Darkest Day