Ire The History of Man Timeline

The History of Man

Man and their country The Vale have had a long and complex history

Beginning Age

... 1000

  • 98

    30 /6

    Man is created

    The battle between the gods unintentionally creates the humans

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  • 99

    Men make weapons
    Discovery, Scientific

    Men make stone weapons and wood clubs.

  • 100

    Humans are taught the language of the world

    Dorthal the Wise visits the humans and teaches them the language of the world

  • 103

    Valinor gives men fire

    The Great Dragon Valinor gifts the race of men the first fire. From that men learn how to make their own fire

  • 119

    8 clans are made

    Humans start banding together to face natures dangers and form 8 clans, the Wolf Clan, the Raven Clan, the Bear Clan, the Dragon clan, the Sun Clan, the Boar Clan, the Serpent Clan and the Eagle Clan.

  • 121


    The War of The First Men
    Military: War

    Blood stirs within the clans and the first Human war begins.

  • 183

    War between the Eagle and Serpent clans
    Military action

    The Eagle and Serpent clans go to war and the Serpent clan is destroyed and disbanded

  • 201

    Humans discover how to make iron weapons
    Technological achievement

    Humans discover how to take raw iron and forge it into weapons

  • 222

    Crude steel is made
    Discovery, Scientific

    Smiths discover how to make steel.

  • 230

    Furt is founded

    Eadric Eberson build Furt from the ground up.

  • 241

    King Eadric Eberson Establishes Furtinshire
    Diplomatic action

    Eadric Eberson declares himself a King and marks his kingdom.

  • 244

    Ratmen kill King Eadric Eberson
    Life, Death

    Eadric is ambushed by Ratmen while on a tour. His kingdom does not long outlive him.

  • 301

    Worship of the Light god begins
    Religious event

    The Light god appears to the chieftain of the Sun clan and the Sun Clan begins to spread Sunianism throughout the land

  • 710

    Building evolves
    Construction beginning/end

    The building skill of men has improved and the strong clans build stone fortresses

  • 987

    16 /9

    The Nathair discover The Vale and come into contact with humans
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Nathair leave the Desert for the first time and discover new lands

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  • 987

    13 /11

    7 /12

    The battle for The Vale

    The first Dark One and his army attack the clans of The Vale. They managed to destroy the wolf clan before their defeat

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  • 987

    23 /11

    Wolf clan is destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Wolf Clan were the first to defend The Vale and are destroyed by the Nathair warriors. Only their lesser blood survives.

  • 988

    2 /1

    The new Dark One

    Gorgan the Invincible becomes the new Dark One becoming the first human to hold the title

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  • 990

    Man begins to learn magic
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The humans studied and watched their snake foes while fighting them and they learned from the prisoners the took. Over the next few years they began to learn magic

  • 992

    Gorgan the Invincible is defeated

    The Dark one is killed and the mantle passes down to one an unknown being

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  • 992

    4 /2

    War between the clans
    Military action

    Bulaguard of the Bear Clan conquers and joins the clans under one banner.

  • 1000

    23 /2

    Xares is built
    Construction beginning/end

    Xares is finished being built and the seven clans united together under the bear clan

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Harsh Age

1000 2003

  • 1000

    23 /2

    Xares is built
    Construction beginning/end

    Xares is finished being built and the seven clans united together under the bear clan

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  • 1009

    Nathair starting raiding and reaping The Vale
    Military action

    King Melodula send out war parties into The Vale to take everything they can and kill anyone they see

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  • 1009

    The Black Daggers are formed

    Brave humans tired of monsters form the Black Dagger guild and begin to hunt monsters

    More reading
    Black Daggers
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  • 1010

    Knights of 13 are formed

    The first Knights of 13 are chosen and officially formed as elite fighters to drive off the Nathairian raids.

  • 1012

    The Battle of Sands
    Military action

    The Knights of 13, lead by King Bulagaurd and Sir Morain the Valiant meet the Nathairian raiders on the field of battle and drive them out of The Vale. Unfortunately King Bulagaurd dies in the conflict.

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  • 1012

    King Bulagaurd dies
    Life, Death

    The first king of The Vale Bulagaurd died. His son ascends to the throne

  • 1021


    The Furt Rebellion
    Military action

    The Furt hold rebelled against the crown and attempted to starve Xares

  • 1021


    Rainholm quashes the Furt rebellion
    Military action

    The cavalry of Rainholm free Xares and defeat the Furt soldiers

  • 1032

    Farsfirus Ursain Ascends The Throne
    Political event

    King Sigurd Gaurdson, and his oldest son follows him on the throne.

  • 1032

    Elven Troops march onto Human soil

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  • 1032


    King Farsfirus & Emperor Faelin Negotiate
    Political event

    The two Rulers meet and the terms are set. Silver for life; Farfirus agrees, and the Elves withdraw from The Vale.

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  • 1048

    The Root pops up
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Root infects thousands in The Vale and in The Desert

    More reading
    The Root
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  • 1054

    Dwarf and Man clash
    Military action

    Clan Dugna of the Eldre Mountains take recent events as a threat and attack Woldenshire

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  • 1054

    King Farsfirus sacks Clan Dugna in revenge
    Military action

    King Nortwic sends a force through Shiver Pass and sacks Clan Dugna

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  • 1055

    King Farsfirus backs out of the mountains and reinforces defenses at the pass
    Political event

    With no other choice Nortwic pulls what remains of his army from the mountains and guards the Vale's side of the pass with fury

  • 1055

    Volsung Dwarves liberate Dugna and slaughter hundreds of men

    Clan Volsung comes to Dugna's aid in the promise of gold

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  • 1055

    The Crossbow is Invented
    Discovery, Scientific

    With magic being nearly outlawed humans are forced to fight in new ways. So the crossbow is invented and used in the conflict with the dwarves. The dwarves impressed reverse-engineer the crossbows and use it for themselves

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  • 1091

    Giants go extinct

    Jack the Giant slayer drives the giants to extinction

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  • 1111

    13 /5

    31 /5

    Xares is Sieged
    Military action

    The Dark one sieges Xares with and army of the undead

    More reading
    The Siege of Xares
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  • 1111

    31 /5

    Jack the Giant Slayer dies
    Life, Death

    Jack the Giant Slayer dies in the siege of Xares

  • 1112


    The Magic Trials begin

    After Xares is sieged male magic users are hunted down and burned at the stake in an attempt to find and kill the Dark One. Thousands of men died.

  • 1113

    King Horrin outlaws magic
    Political event

    King Horrin-The Wild outlaws the use of any magic for all The Vale.

  • 1115

    Mages revolt in Xares

    232 mages living in Xares, lead by Sam Erin revolt and attempt to kill the royal family.

  • 1115

    King Osburt ends the hunting of mages
    Diplomatic action

    The new King, King Osburt puts an end to the Magic Trials, and throws his father's magic away.

  • 1115

    4 /13

    The Knights of 13 kill Sam Erin and end the rebellion
    Military action

    The Knights of 13 take a stand and stop the Mage Rebellion.

  • 1204

    King Edmand bans magic within Xares

    King Edmand bans the use of magic within the walls of Xares

  • 1205

    The Second Mage Uprising

    Mages take up arms against the non magical once again and revolt in Xares, lead by The Preacher.

  • 1207

    The Second Revolt ends
    Cultural event

    The mages agree to end the rebellion if magic is allowed within the city and the King takes on a mage advisor.

  • 1207

    Dwarves offer peace with Humans
    Diplomatic action

    A few of the Dwarven clans come down from the mountains for the first time and forge and extend not an alliance but a pact of peace with the humans and it is excepted

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  • 1918


    The Kodiak War
    Military action

    A civil war between King Rolant and his brother Prince Faron rages. Faron eventually wins the war and is named King.

  • 1918

    The Battle of the Bears
    Military action

    The Battle of the Bears was the initiating conflict of the Kodiak War. A civil war between Prince Rolant and Prince Faron.

  • 1923

    The Battle at Small River
    Military action

    A battle between Rainhold and Woldenshire

Golden Age

2003 2079

  • 2010

    With no choice The Humans migrate to Tir Orail as refugees
    Population Migration / Travel

    With The Vale lost those who remain seek safe haven in The Golden Land.

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  • 2010

    12 /2

    The Snake war
    Military action

    The King Zhao Lin kills Harkon's chosen Dark One taking the power for himself. He then used the power to launch a war with the Vale

    More reading
    The Snake War
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  • 2013

    8 /5

    Filavandrel is born
    Life, Birth

    The boy who would one day become Hero of The Vale is born

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  • 2020

    Warsworn guerilla fighters being fighting for territory

    King Silus forms the Warsworn to take back land in The Vale

  • 2030

    King Silus dies
    Life, Death

    King Silus dies on on elven soil meaning princess Crystal can not be named queen officially

  • 2031

    21 /12

    The Vale is taken back
    Military action

    Queen Crystal and Filavandrel raised a large fyrd and took back The Vale from the Nathair

  • 2032

    Princess Crystal is crowned Queen
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    With The Vale back in human hands Princess Crystal is officially crowned Queen of The Vale

  • 2033

    Nathair and Humans sign a peace treaty
    Diplomatic action

    Queen Crystal and the new Desert King sign a peace treaty and agree to an alliance

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  • 2051

    The Massacre of Bearmount
    Military: Battle

    The Elves finally strike at the humans. They rode into Bearmount in the night and reduced the villiage to ash. This horrific event would launch the Grear War in earnest.

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  • 2051


    The Great war begins
    Military action

    The Great war between The Vale and Tir Orail is launched and the bloodiest conflict in history begins.

    More reading
    The Great War
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  • 2057

    12 /3

    The Battle of the Redwood
    Military action

    Filavandrel the Dragon Rider's army and House Draconis fight in the Redwood

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  • 2057

    31 /3

    7 /4

    Mytal Alari is Sieged
    Military action

    The Humans attempt and fail to siege the great city of Mytal Alari

    More reading
    Siege of Mytal Alari
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  • 2057

    9 /4

    Emperor Faelin Ularic is killed and the Great war ends
    Life, Death

    Emperor Faelin Ularic dies in a duel against Filavandrel Hero of The Vale thus ending the Great War

    More reading
    Duel on Edhellen
  • 2057

    14 /13

    The Blue Accords are signed
    Political event

    Man writes down their terms since their champion won the duel and the elves sign it and agree. These demands are the Blue Accords

  • 2063

    2 /4 07:00

    Filavandrel Hero of The Vale dies
    Life, Death

    Filavandrel dies when his banished daughter sieges Greenhaven and kills him

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  • 2064

    1 /4

    24 /12

    Civil war breaks out
    Military action

    Civil war between the King along side Sunian Church and the remaining colonies of Heden people. The Nathair lend warriors to the King and the pagan peoples are forced to flee to the Southern Isles

  • 2065

    War between Greenhaven and Furtinshire
    Military action

    Circi of Greenhaven declares war on Furtinshire after claiming to be wronged.

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  • 2065

    17 /1

    A New King Rises
    Political event

    Now religated to the Isles Skulvar rises to and leads his people in rebuilding and regaining strength.

  • 2065

    3 /4 2063:00

    The Dim Night
    Military action

    Overnight Circi of Greenhaven drives the Amos family to extinction and razes Barley Fort

    More reading
    The Dim Night
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  • 2067

    Valians Migrate to the Isles for Jobs
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 2078

    Ashwar begins
    Military action

    The Bullks declared war and the humans, elves, nathair and dwarves ally together to fight the largest war in history

  • 2079

    The Darkest Day
    Military action

    The humans, elves and nathair are forced into Xares where the dwarves meet them. Outside the city they fought the largest single battle in history. The dwarves ride down from the mountain and the dragons come out of hiding for the battle. The Nathair unleash the Devourer and the humans bring a their champion Veli Riderson. The battle is won and the Bullks are forced back to Ashgaurd

    More reading
    The Darkest Day
  • 2079

    The Lords of The Vale drive out the remaining Bullks
    Military action

The Age of Ash

2079 and beyond

The defeat and retreat of the Bullk Invasion heralds a new age

  • 2079 AA

    The Darkest Day
    Military action

    The humans, elves and nathair are forced into Xares where the dwarves meet them. Outside the city they fought the largest single battle in history. The dwarves ride down from the mountain and the dragons come out of hiding for the battle. The Nathair unleash the Devourer and the humans bring a their champion Veli Riderson. The battle is won and the Bullks are forced back to Ashgaurd

    More reading
    The Darkest Day
  • 2079 AA

    The Lords of The Vale drive out the remaining Bullks
    Military action

  • 2083 AA


    Veli & Uhtred Sail Home
    Military action

    After years of waiting Veli finally strikes. With a proper army finally built he and his warriors sail to Greenshire

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