Ire Elven History Timeline

Elven History

Beginning Age

... 1000

  • 1 BA

    1 /1

    Elves are born

    The Elves are made and brought into the world

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  • 1 BA

    7 /1

    Elves learn the language of the world

    Dorthal the wise come to the magical wisps that are the elves and teaches them the language of the world

  • 113 BA

    The Battle of Black-Burn
    Military: Battle

    The Dragons Lithiss, and Dogoss delve from the night into a Creed occupied town. The corpses were black with frostbite, and burns alike.

  • 122 BA

    27 /6

    The Cleansing
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Dwarves who sail into Tir Orail discover nothing but open land. Yet something was there, something that wiped out the dwarves that ventured there. Only the Dwarves who stayed with the ships survived to tell the story.

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  • 504 BA

    Elves take a partial form
    Cultural event

    A fraction of the form the Elves will one day take is complete. At this time the Elves are like spectors

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  • 798 BA

    Elves take on a physical form
    Cultural event

    Elves finally complete their transformation and have bodies.

  • 799 BA

    17 /3

    The Elves begin to "build"
    Construction beginning/end

    In merely a few nights the Elves construct buildings and cities for themselves now that they have bodies. This was managed by magic from the most powerful of elves.

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  • 800 BA

    903 BA

    The Expansion begins
    Construction beginning/end

    Over the next century the Elves advance at an unprecedented rate. They make jobs, armies, roads, art and even farms to sustain the half elves. The Emperor appoints families to watch over other cities. Their cities become more refined as a whole and the Elves establish Tir Orail as a true country in the world

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  • 801 BA

    The Dragon Riders are founded

    The first Dragon Riders are trained at Sun's Landing

  • 812 BA

    Enchantments are discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    Elves discover how to enchant

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  • 820 BA

    888 BA

    The War of Hearts
    Military: War

    Driven by passion and love Kings Sevin & Louis engage in a multi decade long war.

  • 888 BA

    The King's of the land Gather
    Gathering / Conference

    The four Kings gather in Mytal Alari at the trickery of Faeling Ularic. Claiming it was to end the war and ease tensions he led them into a trap where they had no choice but to do what he wanted, pick one ruler. To adverte the enevitable the other put forth the names of Artwen, and Vaelock, but it was Faelin that was chosen.

  • 889 BA

    The Elven empire is founded
    Cultural event

    Chosen by the elves for being the strongest magically Faelin Ularic founds the elven empire and becomes the first Emperor.

  • 990 BA

    A rebellion begins to brew
    Political event

    Some Elves, while the know the Emperor is the most powerful elf whish to change that. A elf by the name of Vaelock begins to brew a rebellion

  • 1000 BA

    1009 BA

    Years of Shade
    Plague / Epidemic

    Monsters migrate to Tir Orail and begin to attack the Elves.

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Harsh Age

1000 2003

  • 1000 HA

    1009 HA

    Years of Shade
    Plague / Epidemic

    Monsters migrate to Tir Orail and begin to attack the Elves.

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  • 1003 HA

    Walls are put around all the major cities
    Construction beginning/end

    Due to the monster invasion the Elves are forced to use their magic to construct walls around all their major cities.

  • 1003 HA

    Armor and weapons are made
    Technological achievement

    Due to the rampaging monsters, elves create weapons and armor, rather than fighting with only magic.

  • 1009 HA

    Arwen the Light Bringer drives the monsters away
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Arwen of house Hikrina over the years of shade drives the monsters into hiding brining peace back to the Golden Lands.

  • 1021 HA

    The Golden Swords are Founded

    Inspired by the recent events, and by a Guild in the east, Arwen the Lightbringer founds a guild of monster hunter's named The Golden Swords.

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  • 1032 HA

    Elven Troops march onto Human soil

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  • 1032 HA


    King Farsfirus & Emperor Faelin Negotiate
    Political event

    The two Rulers meet and the terms are set. Silver for life; Farfirus agrees, and the Elves withdraw from The Vale.

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  • 1045 HA

    1045 HA


    House Dowager and House Draconis go to war
    Military action

    House Dowager believes the nobles of House Draconis are corrupting magic and go to war with them

  • 1072 HA

    Faelin Ularic grows his empire out into Eldre
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Elven Emperor wishes to grow his empire out into the mountains.

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  • 1073 HA

    1074 HA

    The Short War begins
    Military action

    Elves and Dwarves go to war. The Elves name it The Short War.

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  • 1074 HA

    Elves loose the Short War
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Elves loose. They had no problem killing Dwarves but they were not fit to fight in the mountains.

  • 1074 HA

    The Battle of Kthos Canyon
    Military: Battle

    The Emperor sends his forces through Kthos Canyon and into Eldre, but the Kingdoms of Skjall, Dugna, and Karstall unite in the pass and defeat the Elves.

  • 1105 HA

    1319 HA

    Vaelock's Rebellion begins
    Military action

    Vaelock's Creed launches a rebellion against the Empire and plunges Tir Orail into war.

  • 1110 HA

    The Field of Burned Blood
    Military action

    The Dragon Riders align with the Empire and battle the Creed of Light's warriors outisdie of Thalas. This would be the first of many, horrific battles of fire and blood.

  • 1111 HA

    Kemil kills Baeron-The Hellfire
    Life, Death

    Kemil-The Unburnt kills Baeron at Sky Tower

  • 1115 HA

    Whispers of Necromancy reach The Golden Land
    Discovery, Scientific

    Whispers of a Dark Wizard raising an army of the dead reach the ears of Elven mages.

  • 1125 HA

    1127 HA

    A drought strikes
    Geological / environmental event

    A horrible drought plagues Tir Orail

  • 1125 HA


    Siege of the Silver Palace
    Military action

    The Creed of Light's very own Merlin Sunborn leads and assault on the Silver Palace of Dekus Linral. Instead of sword fights and siege weapons Merlin used magic to force the palace's inhabitants to surrender.

  • 1125 HA

    21 /8

    The Creed of Light takes control of Dekus Linral
    Military action

    Merlin's siege is successful and the Creed takes the city

  • 1127 HA

    Reshire is reclaimed
    Military: Battle

    Solas Draconis returns to take back his city. He denied help from the Emperor and the Dragon Riders and took the city with his own warriors. When he made it back into his palace he challanged the new Samran Beriene himself.

  • 1209 HA

    The Creed takes Reshire
    Military action

    Avaloch the Traitor, with an army of elementals, takes the city of Reshire.

  • 1319 HA

    The Creed's temple is taken
    Military: Battle

    Faelin Ularic decends on the Creed of Light's temple with the Empire and the Dragon's behind him. The temple was pulvarized and Vaelock-The Chosen was put to death in the chapel.

  • 1320 HA

    The Higborn Law is passed
    Political event

    After the war the Emperor passes a law that only allows elves of noble blood to use magic. For common borns magic is now outlawed.

  • 2003 HA

    The Edge dissipates

    In the year 2003 The Border that once held back the Elves from going west suddenly disappears.

Golden Age

2003 2078

  • 2003 GA

    The Edge dissipates

    In the year 2003 The Border that once held back the Elves from going west suddenly disappears.

  • 2010 GA

    With no choice The Humans migrate to Tir Orail as refugees
    Population Migration / Travel

    With The Vale lost those who remain seek safe haven in The Golden Land.

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  • 2012 GA

    Red-Death sweeps through Tir Orail
    Plague / Epidemic

    The land's new reffugees bring a horrible sickness that the Elves were not ready for.

  • 2051 GA

    The Massacre of Bearmount
    Military: Battle

    The Elves finally strike at the humans. They rode into Bearmount in the night and reduced the villiage to ash. This horrific event would launch the Grear War in earnest.

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  • 2051 GA

    2057 GA

    The Great war begins
    Military action

    The Great war between The Vale and Tir Orail is launched and the bloodiest conflict in history begins.

    More reading
    The Great War
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  • 2053 GA

    The Dragon Riders Turn on The Empire
    Military action

    When the Emperor demands that the Riders fly and kill the Humans they defect, and Sun's Landing is lost as a result.

  • 2057 GA

    12 /3

    The Battle of the Redwood
    Military action

    Filavandrel the Dragon Rider's army and House Draconis fight in the Redwood

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  • 2057 GA

    31 /3
    2057 GA

    7 /4

    Mytal Alari is Sieged
    Military action

    The Humans attempt and fail to siege the great city of Mytal Alari

    More reading
    Siege of Mytal Alari
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  • 2057 GA

    9 /4

    Emperor Faelin Ularic is killed and the Great war ends
    Life, Death

    Emperor Faelin Ularic dies in a duel against Filavandrel Hero of The Vale thus ending the Great War

    More reading
    Duel on Edhellen
  • 2057 GA


    Mios Ularic becomes Emperor
    Life, Career

    Mios Ularic becomes the second Emperor of Tir Orail

  • 2060 GA

    Mios Ularic begins to tax Higborns for use of magic.
    Diplomatic action

    His father's Higborn law is not enough for Mios, and he installs a tax on magic use.

  • 2061 GA

    2063 GA

    The Low-Born Revlot Begins
    Military: War

    Fed up by the Highborn law the peasnt's begin rising up in the cities. This revolt would last two years and frustrated High-born begin siding with the peasents.

  • 2078 GA

    Ashwar begins
    Military action

    The Bullks declared war and the humans, elves, nathair and dwarves ally together to fight the largest war in history

The Age of Ash

2078 and beyond

  • 2078 AA

    Ashwar begins
    Military action

    The Bullks declared war and the humans, elves, nathair and dwarves ally together to fight the largest war in history

  • 2079 AA

    The Elves Last Stand
    Military: Battle

    As the country was being evacuated some Elves chose to remain. Elihal Golden-Drake of Reshire lead those still lion hearted to the border and made one last stand againt the Bullk army. Her company's bones still litter the field today.

  • 2079 AA

    The Darkest Day
    Military action

    The humans, elves and nathair are forced into Xares where the dwarves meet them. Outside the city they fought the largest single battle in history. The dwarves ride down from the mountain and the dragons come out of hiding for the battle. The Nathair unleash the Devourer and the humans bring a their champion Veli Riderson. The battle is won and the Bullks are forced back to Ashgaurd

    More reading
    The Darkest Day
  • 2079 AA

    Mytal Alari is lost

    The Bullk invasion takes the Capital and by entention, Tir Orail. The city was sacked and those who chose to remain were tortured and flayed. Other cities held on but in truth they were nothing but captives.