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Horgenhold, a once-thriving Dwarven stronghold nestled within a deep chasm, now stands as a poignant relic of a bygone era. For centuries, the city resounded with the rhythmic symphony of hammers on anvils, as the dwarves practiced their unparalleled craftsmanship. Towering columns, intricate archways, and resplendent halls showcased their dedication to both art and industry.

The zenith of Horgenhold's grandeur was eclipsed by the arrival of a fearsome dragon during the Draconic Age. Its name has faded into the mists of history, but the devastation it wrought endures. The dragon's fiery wrath razed the city, leaving behind scorched earth, crumbling edifices, and the echoes of once-thriving forges.

While the surface ruins hint at its past splendor, the heart of Horgenhold lies below, in labyrinthine tunnels that reach into the uncharted depths of The Underdark. This subterranean network teems with dangers: lurking beasts, forgotten traps, and the mysteries of an age lost to time.

Horgenhold's legacy now beckons to those who dare to unearth its secrets. Its ruins and caverns are a symphony of echoes, bearing witness to a civilization's rise and fall, and offering a tantalizing glimpse into Kermoria's rich history.


Horgenhold was primarily inhabited by Dwarves, forming the backbone of its society. The Horgendwarves were known for their exceptional craftsmanship, metallurgy, and engineering prowess. They dedicated their lives to perfecting their craft and contributing to the city's industry and technological advancement. The population also included various skilled artisans, blacksmiths, engineers, and miners who supported the city's economic and technological growth.

In addition to the Dwarves, a small number of Gnomes and Humans were present in Horgenhold, drawn by its reputation as a center of innovation and opportunity. These non-Dwarf residents often specialized in fields that complemented Dwarven expertise, contributing to the city's diverse range of skills and knowledge.

Despite its prosperity, Horgenhold maintained a relatively modest population due to the limitations of its underground environment and the rigorous requirements for entry into the city. The city's challenging location and the dangers posed by its surroundings also contributed to a smaller population than one might expect from a prosperous Dwarven city.


The government of Horgenhold was structured around a Thane, a respected and authoritative figure akin to a King.  The Thane held the highest position of leadership and represented the unity and strength of the city. Chosen from a lineage of esteemed Dwarves, the Thane's rule was often passed down through hereditary succession, but merit and capability were equally valued in the selection process.

The Thane was supported by a council of advisors, each representing influential families, skilled guilds, and knowledgeable elders. This council acted as the heart of governance, providing diverse perspectives and expertise to guide the Thane's decisions. The advisors were responsible for ensuring the well-being of their respective constituents, as well as contributing to the overall prosperity of the city.

Key decisions, such as matters of industry, commerce, diplomacy, and defense, were deliberated within this council. The Thane would seek their advice before making important choices, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation among the various sectors of Horgenhold's society. This collaborative approach ensured that the city's governance remained fair, balanced, and in touch with the needs and aspirations of its citizens.

  The system of governance under the Thane allowed for a harmonious blend of tradition and progress, as the advisors' insights complemented the Thane's leadership. This approach was integral to maintaining Horgenhold's reputation as a bastion of industry and innovation, all while upholding the Dwarven values of unity, honor, and resilience.


Horgenhold's defenses were a formidable combination of natural advantages and meticulously crafted fortifications. Situated within a chasm and surrounded by the rugged terrain of the mountains, the city's physical location provided a level of protection in itself. The waterfall that cut through the chasm acted as a natural barrier, making it difficult for potential invaders to access the heart of the city.

The Dwarven engineers further enhanced these natural defenses by constructing a series of stout gates and watchtowers along the entry points to the city. These gates were intricately carved and adorned with defensive runes, symbolizing both the Dwarves' craftsmanship and their commitment to safeguarding their home.

The city's subterranean nature also played a significant role in its defenses. The network of tunnels beneath Horgenhold was strategically designed to allow for quick movement of defenders and to hinder invaders' progress. Trap mechanisms and concealed chambers were likely present, though the exact details have been lost to time.

Horgenhold's proximity to The Underdark, however, posed a continuous threat. The tunnels leading to the depths below were a point of vulnerability, and it's believed that the Dwarves maintained a vigilant watch over these passages to prevent incursions from subterranean creatures.

The city's formidable military consisted of skilled warriors, battle-hardened from conflicts with greenskins and other threats from the surrounding lands. These defenders were likely organized into disciplined units, well-equipped with Dwarven-forged arms and armor. Given the city's emphasis on metalwork and craftsmanship, it's plausible that the Dwarves' weapons and armor were of exceptional quality.

While the details of Horgenhold's defenses have been obscured by time, the remnants of fortifications, gates, and watchtowers that can still be found in the ruins suggest a city that was well-prepared to withstand the challenges of its dangerous surroundings.


Horgenhold's infrastructure was a marvel of Dwarven engineering, a testament to their mastery over stone and metal. The city's layout was intricately designed, taking full advantage of the natural chasm formed by the waterfall that cascaded through its center. Most of the city was located underground, with sprawling tunnels, chambers, and halls carved into the rock.

The main thoroughfares were wide and well-constructed, adorned with grand arches and sturdy columns that showcased the Dwarves' skill in stone masonry. Illuminated by a network of rune-etched torches and enchanted gems, these passageways retained an otherworldly glow that bathed the city in a warm, welcoming light.

  Horgenhold's architecture fused practicality with artistic embellishment. The residences were adorned with intricate engravings and reliefs that depicted the city's history, the prowess of its craftsmen, and the honor of its warriors. Towers rose from the chasm's edge, featuring breathtaking panoramic views of both the city's splendor and the surrounding landscape.

The heart of the city was the principal shrine of the Dwarf Engineer's Guild, an awe-inspiring chamber dedicated to the deity of craftsmanship and innovation. Ornate altars, intricate metalwork, and ornamental stonework adorned this sacred space, reflecting the Dwarves' deep reverence for their craft and their connection to the divine.

Throughout the city, an elaborate system of waterwheels, bellows, and furnaces attested to Horgenhold's industrial might. These mechanisms powered the forges, factories, and workshops that churned out legendary Dwarven creations, from masterful weapons and armor to intricate metal artwork.

While much of Horgenhold now lies in ruins, the remnants of its infrastructure are a stark reminder of its former glory. Visitors to the city's decayed chambers and echoing halls can catch glimpses of the Dwarven ingenuity that once thrived, and imagine the symphony of industry and artistry that once echoed through its stone corridors.


Horgenhold's history began with the resounding clang of hammers on anvils and the melodic chime of dwarven voices echoing within its cavernous halls. Founded centuries ago by a group of visionary Dwarven clans seeking refuge from the tumultuous surface world, the city was meticulously carved into the heart of a chasm worn by a powerful waterfall. This ingenious design offered both protection and a bounty of resources, as the cascading waters powered the forges, bellows, and water wheels that would make Horgenhold a symbol of Dwarven industry.

During its early days, Horgenhold thrived as a hub of craftsmanship and metalwork. The Dwarves of various clans and guilds joined forces, melding their skills to create exquisite pieces of art, arms, and armor that were coveted far beyond the city's borders. The Dwarves' unyielding dedication to their craft made them wealthy and formidable, as their creations earned them favor and alliances with neighboring kingdoms.

However, Horgenhold's prosperity was not without its challenges. The Greenskin Wars brought a shadow of danger and conflict, as the Greenskin tribes, driven by their own insatiable thirst for conquest, sought to lay claim to the fertile lands surrounding the city. In a brutal siege that would be etched into the annals of history, Horgenhold found itself pitted against a relentless horde of barbaric warriors.

The battle that followed was fierce and unforgiving. The Greenskin tribes, united in their quest for destruction, launched wave after wave of attacks against the city's defenses. The resolute Dwarven defenders, bolstered by their unparalleled craftsmanship and unbreakable resolve, stood their ground against the onslaught. The clash of steel against steel reverberated through the mountainous terrain, while the city's forges roared with the flames of resistance.

Ultimately, the Dwarves emerged victorious from the crucible of war, their tenacity and unity prevailing over the ferocity of the Greenskins. Horgenhold's walls bore the scars of the conflict, and its people mourned the fallen, but the city remained standing as a testament to the Dwarves' unyielding spirit. The near-destruction at the hands of the Greenskins forged an even deeper bond among the city's inhabitants, who resolved to rebuild and fortify their home against future threats.

Little did they know that another formidable adversary was lurking in the shadows, waiting to test the mettle of Horgenhold and its steadfast Dwarven defenders.

Age of Prosperity

Emerging from the crucible of conflict, Horgenhold entered an age of renewed prosperity, marked by steadfast determination and unrivaled craftsmanship. With the scars of the Greenskin Wars serving as a reminder of their resilience, the Dwarves of Horgenhold turned their efforts toward rebuilding and strengthening their city.

Under the leadership of their Thane, the Dwarves fostered a sense of unity and camaraderie that transcended clan boundaries. The once-disparate guilds and families that had contributed to the city's founding now collaborated in harmony, pooling their expertise to create wonders that captured the imagination of all who beheld them. Horgenhold's reputation as a center of innovation and ingenuity spread far and wide, drawing merchants, scholars, and adventurers seeking both trade and knowledge.

The city's vast forges burned ever brighter, casting a warm glow that illuminated the heart of the chasm. Precious metals flowed through skilled hands, shaping into works of artistry that ranged from delicate jewelry to mighty weapons of war. Horgenhold's masterful artisans crafted intricate mechanisms, enchantments, and clockwork wonders that were unrivaled in their complexity and beauty.

  With prosperity came an influx of resources and wealth, enabling the Dwarves to expand their domains deep into the mountains and further into the Underdark. Complex networks of tunnels and chambers were excavated, rich veins of ore discovered, and the city's territory extended to encompass vast subterranean landscapes. The Underway, a labyrinthine passage system linking the city to other Dwarfholds and regions, expanded as well, facilitating trade and connections throughout the underground realm.

The bustling streets of Horgenhold echoed with the melodies of industry, as Dwarves went about their tasks with a passion and dedication that could only be born from the memory of adversity. The shrine of the Dwarf Engineer's Guild, situated prominently within the city, became a place of reverence and inspiration. Horgenhold's population grew as ambitious artisans and aspirants flocked to the city, seeking to learn from the masters and contribute to its legacy.

The age of prosperity saw not only a resurgence in material wealth but also a rekindling of Dwarven culture and heritage. Festivals, ceremonies, and celebrations abounded, honoring both the Dwarves' triumph over adversity and their commitment to craft. In the city's heart, a colossal statue was erected, depicting a Dwarf warrior triumphantly raising his hammer aloft, a testament to Horgenhold's unwavering spirit.

However, as the city basked in the glow of its achievements, a new and unforeseen challenge began to stir. A malevolent dragon, shrouded in the mists of time, would soon cast a shadow over Horgenhold and lead to a cataclysmic event that would echo through the ages.


The ominous shadow of the malevolent dragon descended upon Horgenhold like a harbinger of doom, casting a pall over the city's once-vibrant streets. The dragon's name, whispered only in hushed tones by those who dared to speak of it, had been lost to time, replaced by the collective dread it inspired. Its scales were as black as the abyss, and its eyes burned with an unquenchable fire, radiating a malevolence that struck terror into the hearts of all who beheld it.

Driven by a zealous fury, the dragon's wrath was swift and merciless. It swooped down from the skies, unleashing a torrent of flames that engulfed Horgenhold's spires and forges in an infernal blaze. The once-thriving city, where the clang of hammers and the hiss of steam had been a symphony of industry, now resounded with anguished cries and the crackling of flames. Buildings that had stood for generations were reduced to charred ruins, their intricate designs and sturdy craftsmanship swallowed by the dragon's flames.

The Dwarves of Horgenhold fought valiantly against the dragon's onslaught, their indomitable spirit undeterred even in the face of such overwhelming odds. Dwarven warriors clashed against the beast, their hammers and axes striking true, but their efforts were met with the dragon's ferocious breath and deadly talons. Many perished defending their home, their bravery and sacrifice etching their names into the annals of Horgenhold's tragic history.

In the midst of the chaos, the Thane rallied the remaining Dwarves, seeking to buy time for the city's evacuation. The dragon's rage was unrelenting, however, and as the fires consumed Horgenhold, the Thane's voice rose above the roar of destruction, urging his people to retreat and regroup. Reluctantly, the survivors withdrew, their hearts heavy with grief and determination to someday reclaim their lost city.

As the dragon's rampage continued, the chasm itself seemed to tremble under its fury. The waterfall that had once been a source of life now became a torrent of destruction, its waters mingling with the dragon's flames to create a cataclysmic spectacle of fire and water. The very foundations of Horgenhold shook, and the echoes of the dragon's roars reverberated through the mountains, a mournful dirge for a city that had once stood as a testament to Dwarven ingenuity and strength.

When the dragon's wrath finally subsided, all that remained of Horgenhold was a smoldering ruin, its once-proud towers reduced to ashen spires. The city that had weathered wars and adversity for centuries had fallen to an enemy unlike any it had faced before. Horgenhold's legacy was now one of sorrow and loss, a memory of a city that had once flourished but had been consumed by a malevolent force that could not be repelled.

As the smoke cleared and the ruins stood as a testament to the city's fall, a heavy silence settled over the chasm that had once echoed with the symphony of industry. The Dwarves mourned their losses, their hearts heavy with the weight of history and the knowledge that the dragon's shadow would forever darken their once-proud legacy.

Points of interest

Amidst the desolation of Horgenhold's ruins, several points of interest serve as haunting reminders of the city's past glory. These sites, now shattered and broken, offer glimpses into the lives and achievements of the Dwarves who once thrived within its walls.

The Great Foundry, once the heart of Horgenhold's industrial might, now lies in ruins. Its towering chimney stacks have crumbled and become choked with debris. Amid the wreckage, remnants of intricate machinery and massive anvils are scattered, a testament to the craftsmanship that once defined the city. The rhythmic pounding of hammers and the hiss of steam are now silenced, replaced by the eerie whispers of the wind through broken windows.

Nearby, the Shrine of the Dwarf Engineer's Guild stands as a solemn echo of its former grandeur. This once-majestic temple, dedicated to the patron deity of Dwarven engineers, now features crumbling walls and shattered altars. The sacred halls, which once resonated with reverent prayers and bustling innovation, now echo with a haunting emptiness.

  Deep within the chasm beneath the city's bustling surface lies the fabled Crystal Caverns. These once-glistening caverns now possess a dimmed beauty, covered in layers of dust. They were once adorned with glittering crystals that reflected light like a thousand stars. The Dwarves of Horgenhold considered these caverns a source of both beauty and mystic energy, drawing upon their power for their runic enchantments and creations. Now, their brilliance is veiled by the passage of time.

Deeper still, within the heart of the ruins, a secret chamber known only to the most skilled Dwarven runecrafters holds an air of latent magic. The Runeforge, as it is called, remains untouched by the dragon's wrath. This chamber hums with a faint and ethereal glow, its walls adorned with intricately carved runes. At its center lies an anvil forged from enchanted metals. Here, Dwarves of old imbued their creations with powerful enchantments, channeling the essence of the earth itself. The runeforge remains dormant, its power untapped, awaiting the touch of those brave enough to venture into the heart of the ruins.

  As the winds whisper through the broken remnants of Horgenhold, these points of interest stand as a testament to the city's legacy and the indomitable spirit of its people. Though the ruins are now a realm of desolation and echoes, they hold within their broken walls the stories of Dwarven determination, innovation, and the hope that one day, the city's legacy may be reclaimed from the clutches of time and destruction.

The Draconic Age

Founding Date
The Old World
Alternative Name(s)
Before its tragic destruction, Horgenhold was home to a bustling population of around 30,000 Dwarves.
Inhabitant Demonym
The inhabitants of Horgenhold were known as "Horgendwarves," denoting their connection to the city and its distinctive cultural identity within the Dwarven Empire.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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