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Fallenmourne is a tower of mystery, rising up from the bleak landscape with smooth sides made of a bone-like material. It is believed to have been born from a storm of necromantic magic that raged across the land, resulting in the creation of Arcane Fulcrums. These pillars of supernatural power were erected to harness the magical energies that surged throughout the world, but most would crumble and disappear once the storms subsided. Fallenmourne, however, remained standing even after the storm had passed, a testament to the magnitude of the magic that had been unleashed.

Although the magical tempests that once surrounded the tower have long since dissipated, Fallenmourne still possesses a glimmer of that power. It is said that a mage who climbs to the top of the tower can still harness the residual energy, allowing them to scry the future or pluck lost knowledge from the past.
  Despite its mysterious origins and powerful potential, the exact purpose of Fallenmourne is unclear. However, it is believed to have served as a base of operations for the sorceress Lyras, who used the tower as an arcane focus for her most malevolent spells and curses. In fact, some scholars believe that the curse that corrupted the Hex'oatl Empire, turning them into the Adan'f, was fueled in part by the dark powers emanating from within Fallenmourne's necrotic halls.


Since the demise of Lyras, Fallenmourne has been dormant, and no one has ever been able to utilize its dark magic. The records of those who witnessed Lyras in action atop the tower describe an eerie sight, as the powerful sorceress appeared to merge with the dark, swirling energies emanating from the tower's peak. Her figure would become indistinct, as if dissolving into the magic itself, and her voice would be heard booming across the land as she channeled its power.

The roof area of the tower, where Lyras would sit and wield her spells, was said to be surrounded by a thick, impenetrable mist that obscured the view of anyone attempting to approach. The only way to ascend the tower was by a winding staircase, which was lined with traps and other arcane defenses that would deter any intruders.
  At the top of the staircase, there was a circular platform that was constantly humming with dark energy. Lyras would sit in the center of the platform, surrounded by arcane sigils and runes that glowed with a sickly green light. The wind would howl around the tower, and the sky would darken, as if reflecting the malevolence of the magic that was being wielded.
Despite the dangers and the eerie atmosphere, the lure of the immense power that could be harnessed from Fallenmourne has drawn many mages and scholars over the years. But none have been successful in accessing the tower's magic, and most have never returned from the treacherous journey.  Those that have rarely return with their minds intact, often seeming as if affected by a casting of the powerful Feeblemind spell, with no way of removing it.


Fallenmourne stands as a dark and foreboding ruin, a testament to the malevolent magic that once coursed through it. The tower, crafted from bone-like stone, juts skyward like a twisted finger, a constant reminder of the corruption and devastation wrought upon the land. Its very presence inspires fear and unease in those who see it, as if they can feel the dark energies emanating from its necrotic walls.

Despite its ominous reputation, the lure of the magic within is undeniable. Legends speak of powerful spells and lost knowledge that lies hidden within its walls, tempting even the most stalwart of mages to brave the dangers within. The whispers of its dark power are said to reach out to those attuned to the arcane, drawing them inexorably closer to its corrupted halls.
  The interior of Fallenmourne is a labyrinth of twisting passages and dark chambers, filled with deadly traps and horrors beyond imagination. The very air is thick with the stench of death and decay, and the only sound is the distant echo of one's own footsteps. Yet, for those who dare to explore its depths, there are untold treasures to be found, and the promise of mastery over the darkest of magics.


Fallenmourne is protected by a complex array of defenses that blend magical and mundane elements. At its base, the tower is surrounded by a moat of dark, murky water that seems to sap the strength and will of anyone who falls into it. Crossing the moat is made even more difficult by the presence of spectral guardians, former acolytes of Lyras who are bound to protect the tower in death as they did in life.

Beyond the moat, the outer defenses of Fallenmourne are primarily physical in nature. The tower is surrounded by a network of trenches and razor-sharp stakes, some of which still intact, with numerous guard posts and fortified gates that can only be opened by the proper command words. Even approaching the tower can be perilous, as the ground is littered with traps and hidden snares that can immobilize or even kill unwary intruders.
  But it is the magical defenses of Fallenmourne that truly set it apart. The tower is warded by countless spells and wards, many of them so ancient and powerful that their exact nature is unknown to all but the most learned scholars of magic. The air around the tower is suffused with a dense, eerie fog that seems to seep into the bones of those who breathe it, weakening them and dulling their senses.
  Even those who manage to breach the outer defenses of Fallenmourne will find themselves confronted by even more potent enchantments. The tower itself seems to be alive with magic, with the very walls and floors pulsing with arcane energy. Runes and glyphs cover every surface, each one a trap or a warning or a ward against intrusion. The tower's interior is a labyrinthine maze of twisting corridors, hidden chambers, and deadly traps, all designed to thwart and ensnare any who dare to penetrate its depths.
  In the end, it is said that no one who has breached the defenses of Fallenmourne has ever returned to tell the tale. The tower remains an enigma, a place of unspeakable power and dread, a lure to the brave and the foolish, and a warning to all who would dare to challenge its dark might.


Tourism to Fallenmourne is virtually non-existent due to its remote location and dangerous reputation. The only ones who would dare to make the journey are mages and scholars seeking to tap into the tower's powerful magic and knowledge. However, even these individuals approach the tower with caution, knowing full well the dangers that lie ahead.

The journey to Fallenmourne is long and treacherous, spanning hundreds of miles through inhospitable terrain. Those who attempt the journey must navigate through wastelands, barren deserts, salt flats, and rocky terrain. There are no roads or paths leading to the tower, so travelers must rely on their own wits and resources to make their way there.
  Upon arriving at Fallenmourne, travelers are greeted with a sight of dark, foreboding tower looming over the surrounding landscape. The tower's smooth, bone-like exterior is a stark contrast to the rough, jagged rocks that make up the terrain around it. The air around the tower crackles with magical energy, and the faint sounds of chanting and incantations can be heard echoing throughout the area.
  Despite the tower's dangerous reputation, some mages and scholars still attempt to explore its depths, hoping to uncover its ancient secrets and tap into its immense magical power. However, few ever return from their expeditions, and those who do often carry with them tales of terrifying creatures, deadly traps, and powerful curses that guard the tower's secrets. As a result, Fallenmourne remains a place of fear and mystery, shrouded in dark legends and whispered rumors.
"The tower of Fallenmourne stands as a silent sentinel, a monument to the unbridled power of magic. Those who dare to approach it will find themselves ensnared by its dark aura, and those who dare to enter will never return the same." - Maerys, the Herald of Lyras.
Tower, Mage
Parent Location


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