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History of Neoria

Dawn of Life

... 9125 b.M.B.

The Dawn of Life was the era in which the deities overthrew the titans, created Neoria and planted life in the world.

  • -9125 DoL

    Rise of Linaris

    Linaris was a unified civilization that conquered every part of Neoria. Divided in provinces each under the rule of a council selected by the people, the civilization thrived.

Age of Exuberance

9124 b.M.B. 7789 b.M.B.

In these ancient times the Linarian civilazition rose to power, achieving the best technological advancements seen in the world to current date.

Linaris designed machinery powerful enough to rival lesser deities in strength. These advancements were beholden by the gods that began to grow wary of mortals. The Divine Clash happened, distracting the deities attention from the mortals. However, once the clash was over, the gods scrutiny intensified. This lead to an age of discconection between mortals and deities, known as the age of Acrasia.

  • The Great Divine War
    Divine Clash
    Military: War

    The Great Divine War was a plot of the evil deities of the linarian pantheon to overthrow the major deities.

Age of Acrasia

7789 b.M.B. 7163 b.M.B.

During this period, people's general displease for the gods grew. Some rebelled against them, ignoring better judgement. The Divine Clash devastated the surface of Neoria and only the civilizations with technologies to rise to the skies remained.

This age ends in calamity after the gods, displeased with the mortals' defiance, decided to end them all and start life anew.

  • Doomsday
    Fall of Linaris

    The great civilization of Linaris, as well as intelligent life as a whole were wiped from the face of Neoria by the gods angered by the mortals' defiance.

Barren Age

7162 b.M.B. 5328 b.M.B.

After the fall of Linaris, the gods began to recreate the world from scratch.

  • -6930 BA

    Moon Carving
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Levanna created two celestial bodies out of the ashes of the old world. One was white, made from the rests of the earth and the purity of it's denizens. The other was red, made from the hatred and grudges left behind by the previous those same denizens.

  • Resurgence 5330 BA
    Return of Life
    Linguistic Evolution

    Resurgence of sapient life on the face of Neoria capable of communication through primitive language that would later evolve into common.

New Dawn

5329 b.M.B. 1187 b.M.B.

After the reconstruction of the world, humanoid began to move through the world again. The time that had been stopped for so much, run once again as life made it's way.

  • The Tragedy of Maldarul
    Narúgúl Dú
    Disaster / Destruction

    An order of inquisitor's, followers of the Sundari god of Life, was tipped off by an anonymous source found that the land of Maldarul was ruled by a vampire bloodline. They burned the place to the ground, killing everyone they found acussing them of heresy.

  • -1187 ND

    -1184 ND

    Calamity of the Skies
    Disaster / Destruction

    The calamity of the skies, Tiamat, raided the entirety of the elven viceroyalty of Syldorei before moving to Dremaria where she created her lair.

    Once there, she was ended by a group of valiant and powerful heroes, The Four Saints.

Age of Woe

1186 b.M.B. 0 b.M.B.

In this short age the Four Calamities made their apeareance one after the other. The era begins with the first sighting of a calamity and ends in the moment where the last one was considered controlled or contained in a place.

  • -1186 AoW

    Calamity of the Forests
    Disaster / Destruction

    The calamity of the forests, Lucretia , appeared after the raid of the calamity of the skies upon the ex-capital of Syldorei, Sylvinas. The calamity corrupted the forest all around it which would come to be known as The Explorer's Tomb.

  • -1152 AoW

    -1151 AoW

    Calamity of the Deserts
    Disaster / Destruction

    The calamity of the deserts, Allugdra , was first sighted in the Aerisian ocean, it would then move to the Vreozar kingdom razing it to the ground in its way. The calamity was stopped by the armies of Vreozar in plains of Ugerda which, after the advance of Allugdra, came to be known as the Shallow Canyon.

  • -1151 AoW

    Calamity of the Seas
    Disaster / Destruction

    The calamity of the seas, Scylla , has roamed the Gelidan ocean since the 1150s BMB. It has the highest kill count amongst all of the calamities. Any who venture in the Gelidan ocean are it's target. It commands all of the sea beasts on this ocean and seems to have a grudge against land dwellers.

  • -251 AoW

    -236 AoW

    Disaster / Destruction

    On this catastrophic date, a portal to the abyss was opened by a magic practioner. The portal was big enough to let armies of demons come into the material realm. The demons destroyed all of the former continent of Dremaria and made it into a hellish new continent known as Fireskull.

  • -30 AoW

    Magna Bellis
    Military: War

    Magna Bellis is the name given to the all-out war of world-wide racial conflict that set all inhabitants of Neoria against each others for 30 years plunging the world into its darkest age and sinking it into poverty by the decimation the world's population.

  • -12 AoW

    Firearm Invention
    Technological achievement

    The technological genius Grak Grimeye created the first ever firearm. A devastating weapon capable of firing metallic pellets at incredible speeds. The weapon was used in the Magna Bellis by the technocracy of Nergroma and earned his creator a seat on the Council of the Five Technomancers.

  • Rebirth, Year 0
    Coup of Vallen
    Diplomatic action

    The Coup of Vallen, was a reunion on neutral grounds where the Treaty of Holy Rights was signed, ending the Magna Bellis. In this 4 day long coup, the main world powers' dignataries reunited to discuss the divisions of land and the conditions of the end of the war.

Age of Rebirth

0 b.M.B. and beyond

The age of rebirth is the current age of Neoria. Wounds from the war are still being mended and tensions between longevous races still linger. Nevertheless, tensions are slowly easing up.

  • 3 AoR

    48 Lutra

    Creation of the Luden Order

    The Luden order was founded three years after Magna Bellis by Elletta Hayden a half-elven paladin who spent the years of war trying to strike a truce between elfs and humans. She created the order so that history wouldn't repeat itself and no one had to suffer another war of that magnitude

  • 402 AoR

    47 Dynastes
    406 AoR

    41 Lutra

    Solvian Revolution

    The people of the Ranginian Empire, lead by prince Adriel Bellum rose up against the tyranny of Vortigern Caelum.
