Alaric Thorndrake

Alaric Thorndrake is a formidable and revered leader within the Knights of the Misty Vale. His rise to the position of High Warden was a testament to his bravery, tactical brilliance, and unwavering dedication to the realm of Miscrea. The pivotal battle of Westhall, where he led his Silver Talons against the overwhelming odds of a Pit Fiend's legion, showcased not only his prowess in combat but also his willingness to sacrifice for the greater good.   As the High Warden, Alaric carries the weight of responsibility for the order and the protection of Miscrea on his shoulders. He is known for his resolute determination to defend the realm from any threat that may arise, regardless of the personal cost. Alaric's leadership is marked by his unyielding loyalty to the tenets of the Knights of the Misty Vale, ensuring that every knight under his command upholds the values of loyalty, brotherhood, and honor.   Alaric's disdain for the nobility of Miscrea stems from his belief that some lords prioritize their personal ambitions and power struggles over the well-being of the realm and its people. He holds them to a higher standard and demands that any noble seeking his trust must prove their dedication to the betterment of Miscrea, placing aside personal gain for the greater good.   Despite his stern demeanor, Alaric displays a softer side when it comes to young knights. He sees them as the future of the order and is more lenient and nurturing in guiding their growth and development. He understands the potential and importance of fostering the next generation of protectors for Miscrea, and he does so with a sense of duty and care.   Under Alaric's leadership, the Knights of the Misty Vale have become a formidable force within Miscrea, earning respect not only for their skills in battle but also for their unwavering commitment to the realm. His devotion to the order and its principles has solidified his place as a revered figure among the Griffin Lords and a symbol of hope for the people of Miscrea.  
  Stormwing is the treasured steed of High Warden Alaric Thorndrake. With his striking white and silver plumage, Stormwing stands as a symbol of valor and nobility among the Knights of the Misty Vale. From the earliest days of Alaric's knighthood, Stormwing has been by his side, forging an unbreakable bond that transcends words. Together, they form an awe-inspiring sight, soaring through the skies with unparalleled grace and power. Stormwing's fierce and resolute spirit perfectly complements Alaric's noble character, making them an inseparable pair on and off the battlefield. The griffin's unwavering loyalty and dedication to the protection of Miscrea mirror Alaric's own sense of duty, making him an invaluable companion and a formidable force to reckon with. The legend of Stormwing and his bond with Alaric has become a source of inspiration for the knights, instilling confidence and pride in their cause. Their legacy will forever be etched in the heart of Miscrea's history as a symbol of honor, courage, and unity.
Year of Birth
1134 PC 49 Years old


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