
Havenport is a bustling port town situated on the picturesque Gold Coast of the Amber Bay ruled by Lord Brucelon Stoile. The town is renowned for its thriving fishing industry, where fishermen go out to the deep blue waters to catch some of the finest seafood the world has to offer. The Auburn Express, a long sea lane that runs through Amber Bay along the Gold Coast, starts from Havenport, making it a vital hub for trade and commerce. This bustling town plays a pivotal role in the economies of Miscrea, Aeshar, Dhandoruhl, and Kevelon, making it a crucial link between them. The town is always buzzing with activity, with merchants haggling over prices, sailors offloading cargos, and locals going about their daily routines. Despite its busy nature, the town has a charm of its own, with its quaint cobbled streets, bustling markets, and the sound of the sea always within earshot. Many view Havenport as the little brother of Voreth.


The Lord's Hall of Havenport.
Havenport is a thriving settlement with a government headed by Lord Brucelon Stoile, who rules with the assistance of his right-hand man, Magistrate Hastrian Krenen. Together, they oversee the day-to-day operations of the town, including the Haven Guard, the local regiment of soldiers responsible for law and order. The government enforces laws and regulations to maintain order and ensure the safety of its citizens, while also managing taxes to fund various initiatives, such as infrastructure, defense, and public services. The settlement is organized in a way that ensures the efficient functioning of its economy, which relies heavily on the fishing industry and shipping trade. The government also maintains good relations with neighboring settlements and countries, ensuring that Havenport remains a safe and prosperous place to live and work.


The Haven Guard patrol the busy docks.
While Havenport has a local regiment of soldiers known as the Haven Guard, they are not necessarily the most skilled in combat. In fact, Lord Brucelon is more of a politician than a capable commander, and the Haven Guard are trained soldiers but not considered to be elite compared to Oslan Marines. Despite this, the town's location on the Gold Coast and its importance as a major trading hub means that its security is still of great concern. To bolster their defenses, Havenport has several fortified structures, including a towering lighthouse that doubles as a watchtower and a large stone wall that surrounds the town. Additionally, the town has a small navy to protect against potential maritime threats. In times of war or increased danger, the Haven Guard can call on the aid of neighboring towns or larger military forces, but for the most part, it is up to Lord Brucelon and his soldiers to ensure the safety and security of Havenport. Mist Storms are still a present danger for Havenport but Mistreavers are always on call for any monstrous threat that plagues the town.

Industry & Trade

Ships sail in and out of Havenport Harbor coming and going with new goods.
Havenport's fishing industry is vital to its economy and the livelihood of its residents. The town's location on the edge of Amber Bay provides easy access to the rich fishing grounds of the open sea. Fishermen brave the unpredictable and often dangerous waters to bring in their catches, which are then processed and sold at the bustling fish markets along the docks. But fishing is not the only source of income for Havenport. As the first stop on the Auburn Express, the town sees a steady stream of imports and exports passing through its port. Goods from all over the realm are shipped to Havenport to be stored, inspected, and taxed before being sent off to their final destinations. The town's strategic location makes it a key player in the realm's commerce, as it serves as a gateway to the lucrative markets of Miscrea, Aeshar, Dhandoruhl, and Kevelon. Merchants from all over the realm come to Havenport to buy and sell their wares, making it a hub of activity and trade. With its bustling fishing industry and thriving trade economy, Havenport is a town that never sleeps, always alive with the energy of commerce and industry.
Large town
Owning Organization


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