
The port town of Shangdao, nestled at the edge of No Man's Land along the northeastern coast of the main continent, stands as a remote outpost of Raishar, distinct from the settlements within the Jade Isles. Its geographical isolation renders it one of the most perilous and challenging settlements in the realm. Shangdao endures frequent assaults from monsters unleashed by Mist Storms and raids by both demonic forces and feral Leonin tribes that inhabit the treacherous No Man's Land.   Despite its inherent dangers, Shangdao serves as a crucial trade hub for Raishar, acting as the gateway for all goods entering and exiting the realm. To connect with Raishar, one must navigate through Shangdao, making it a pivotal point for commerce. The town boasts a sea port, which serves as the primary means of transporting goods. While Shangdao does possess a skyport, it lies defunct and unused due to the lengthy and perilous airship route, making sea transport the preferred method.   Shangdao's strategic significance extends beyond trade, as it plays a vital role in the defense of Raishar. Situated along the Gilden Road, a thoroughfare connecting the dwarven city of Kahl Doral to Shangdao, the town serves as a crucial juncture for the transportation of war machines and constructs. Dwarven creations from the Dhandoruhl Technate destined for the defense of the Celestial Wall and other areas of Raishar traverse the Gilden Road before being loaded onto ships in Shangdao's port. These vessels then sail to Zhongshen, where the war assets are distributed throughout the realm as required. Thus, Shangdao's importance as a logistical hub cannot be understated.   While Shangdao may lack significant natural resources, its primary resource lies in facilitating trade and shipping, thereby connecting Raishar to the wider world. The town's economic prosperity hinges on its pivotal role as a conduit for external trade, solidifying its status as the gateway to Raishar.   In terms of defense, Shangdao relies primarily on the Obsidian Dragon Order, a formidable force of dragonriders. Supported by a smaller contingent of the Raishari military, these defenders strive to safeguard the town and its vital trade routes against the constant threats that loom in No Man's Land.   Shangdao, being the abode of the ostracized Obsidian Dragon Order, assumes the role of a quasi place of exile for these dragonriders who bear the weight of dishonor within the eyes of the other Dragon Orders and the Dragon Emperor. This unique circumstance grants the Obsidian Dragon Order significant influence within the town, permeating its very fabric. From the highest echelons of power to the intricacies of governance, members of the order occupy nearly all offices of authority in Shangdao. At the pinnacle stands the enigmatic Lord Magistrate, Myaxel Bacrath, a figure who embodies the complex amalgamation of respect and resentment that defines the relationship between the Obsidian Dragon Order and the realm. Within the walls of Shangdao, this marginalized order has forged its own realm of control, fostering an intricate web of loyalties and alliances, all the while navigating the delicate balance between redemption and defiance.   Shangdao stands as a remote port town on the northeastern coast of the main continent, separate from the Jade Isles. Despite its inherent dangers and isolation, it serves as a crucial trade hub for Raishar, facilitating commerce and acting as the gateway to the realm. Furthermore, Shangdao plays a vital role in the defense of Raishar, situated along the Gilden Road and serving as a logistical center for the transportation of war machines. While lacking in natural resources, the town's economic significance lies in its trade and shipping capabilities. Defended primarily by the Obsidian Dragon Order, Shangdao perseveres as a vital link between Raishar and the outside world.
Large town
Owning Organization


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