
Hellfort, a military fortress in the Infernal Steppes, is one of the most perilous places in the Kingdom of Osland. Surrounded by a sea of hellish monsters and devils, it stands as the last line of defense against the terrors of the Rim. Lord Marshal Rolstas Achnold commands the fortress and its defenders, including the formidable Oslan Marines and the holy Order of Iron, whose paladins follow Helm, the god of protection. Despite their bravery and training, the garrison is under constant siege, as wave after wave of infernal creatures assault the fortress's walls. Living in Hellfort is a dangerous and grueling task, with only the bravest and most skilled soldiers allowed to serve within its walls.


A Justicar of Iron stands atop the Hellfort plateau looking over the Infernal Steppes, towards Dreadridge.  
As a military fortress, the government of Hellfort is structured under the command of Lord Marshal Rolstas Achnold. He holds the ultimate authority in Hellfort and is responsible for its defense and maintenance. Hellfort is not governed like other settlements, as there are no civilians living there. Instead, the focus is on military organization and structure. The soldiers, including the Oslan Marines and the Order of Iron, follow a strict chain of command. The laws in Hellfort are dictated by military regulations, with a strong emphasis on discipline and obedience. The fortress does not collect taxes since it is a military stronghold, and all resources are allocated towards defense and maintaining the strength of its troops. The organization of Hellfort is focused on military efficiency, with a clear hierarchy of power and a focus on training, equipment, and logistics. The soldiers stationed at Hellfort are expected to be always prepared for battle, as the fortress is constantly threatened by the forces of The Infernal Steppes.


The embattled walls of Hellfort.
The security and defenses of Hellfort are among the strongest in the Kingdom of Osland. Due to its location in the Infernal Steppes, the fortress is constantly under threat from devils and other hellish creatures. As such, Lord Marshal Rolstas Achnold has made sure that the fortress is heavily fortified and defended by the best soldiers in the kingdom. The Oslan Marines, who are known for their bravery and skill in battle, are the primary defense force of Hellfort. They are trained to withstand the fiery breath of Hell Wyrms and the savage attacks of devils. In addition to the Oslan Marines, Hellfort is also protected by the Order of Iron, a holy order dedicated to Helm, the god of protection. The paladins or Iron are renowned for their unwavering faith and their ability to repel evil. The walls of Hellfort are made of thick stone and are heavily fortified, making them almost impervious to assault. The fortress is also equipped with a network of traps and mechanisms designed to repel invaders. Overall, the security and defenses of Hellfort are unmatched in the Infernal Steppes, making it a formidable stronghold against the forces of darkness. Hellfort is manned always by at least 2 decem of Oslan marines, though the numbers have been increased over the past few months by King Faelon Amelheim.
Outpost / Base
Owning Organization


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