
A small coastal town in Osland. The town is ruled by Lord Hathlus Alouart whom the poeple view as a just and gracious lord. Their primary exports are lumber and food crops, such as wheat, corn, potatoes, etc. In terms of safety, Oakdale is one of the more dangerous towns in Osland. With the start of the Zlaatan Jungles to its northwest, and undefended coast to its west, and then finally the pirates of Periah's Port to its north. It does act as the primary port for the Auburn Express sea lane.


The town is ruled directly by Lord Hathlus Alouart who recieves all taxes and tariffs on imported goods and shipping fees. However the lord is too busy to deal with the day-to-day dealings of running the town, so most of the work is delegated to his Magistrate, Magistrate Rolar Birult. The magistrate oversees all daily dealings within the town and only ever brings his lord into the court if the matter is of appropriate delicacy.


An Oakdale militia returns from patrol.

Oakdale has no walls but the natural terrain makes it difficult to simply overwhelm. There are only a few viable entrances into the town which are guarded by the lord's troops. The town recieves military aid when there's a large enough incursion from the Rim but that doesn't happen often. Most of the threats are manageable between the lord's troops and the Mistreavers though the Mistreavers charge a high price.

Industry & Trade

An Oakdale lumberyard readys a new shipment of lumber.

The primary exports of Oakdale are lumber and fresh crops for food such as wheat, corn, etc. The crops are grown in the fields south and west of Oakdale, away from the Amber Forest. The crops are brought to market in Oakdale and then either used within the town or shipped off to the rest of Osland. Oakdale is the bread basket of Osland and so it is vital to the flourishing of this region.   The lumber is retrieved from the Amber Forest in the form of timber which then gets cut and refined into the lumber. Not much of the lumber is exported beyond Osland. Most of it is used locally to build and maintain carts and wagons neccessary to keep the flow of trade along the Gold Road moving. The remainder of the lumber is shipped to the shipwrights in Voreth to be made into new ships or to upkeep the fleet.


The center point of Oakdale's infrastructure is the Auburn Express, a sea lane that runs from Havenport all along the Oslan coast ending in Oakdale. This sea lane runs Kevelon goods, Aeshar goods, Dhandoruhl Technate goods, and more all across the Amber Bay in exedient time. This doesn't come without a cost however. Every good that isn't in Osland is imposed a moderate tariff and fee for shipping these goods across its waters. All pay it one way or the other. Oakdale takes a cut of the fee and sends the remainder to the king. While the cut is small, it is still substantial and provides an abundance of wealth.    They also possess a large lumberyard and mill to cut timber into lumber and ship it across Osland and beyond.

Guilds and Factions

The most prominent guild present within Oakdale is the Amber Bay Trading Co.. They have operations in all of Osland but the guild hall local to Oakdale is one of their busiest.   Another local guild hall is the Mistreavers guild. They are the largest monster hunting guild in all of Rheiknor and they have a local guild hall within Oakdale. The guild stays busy with incursions from the west as well as dealing with the leftovers of a Mist Storm.

Points of interest

Patrons come and go from the Tipsy 'Jack.

The most popular inn and & tavern in Oakdale is the Tipsy 'Jack run by Timolf Encley. They are known for their salty Orange Brew and Sawdust Stew.
Approx. 3,000
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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