
Forstford is a colony of Osland that dwells within the dangerous Zlaatan Jungles. The colony is ruled by Lord Malyn Thirnis who is seen as a harsh but effective leader. The colony is more of a fort really, with palisades surrounding the town and an able body regiment ready for defense. King Faelon Amelheim has been increasing the garrison drastically within recent months along with the number of expeditions into the jungles. The colony is regularly beset by bipedal reptilian humanoids of varying sizes. The locals call them Scaleheads, but they're generally referred to as Saurials. These scaleheads are regularly seen using the beasts of the jungle to aid in their raids. Towering reptilian creatures of monstrous proportions can be seen ridden by the Scaleheads into battle. This threat has created a hardened populace within Forstford. The populace is made up of mostly veterans and soldiers or the odd citizen looking for treasure and glory from the ancient jungles. The colony is always vigilant and on watch but they still manage to have a regular export of lumber, rare fruits and plants from the jungles.


Forstford Townhall.
The colony is ruled by Lord Malyn Thirnis but he is more of a general than lord due to the nature of the environment from which the colony dwells in. Forstford is not taxed by the King but he is owed a share of the spoils that are found within the jungles from expeditions. Lord Malyn is very hands on with the ruling of the colony and its denizens but he does have his Lieutenant Marshal Encen Stedarc to delegate to if needed. L. Marshal Encen is second in command of the colony and oversees the day to day affairs as well as receives all of the scout reports and relays them to the lord.


A ravenous Carnosaur chases Forstford colonists.
Forstford is manned by one decem of Oslan Marines at all times called the Leviathans, or the 7th Decem. The 7th Decem are known for being masters of battling in and out of the jungle. They have been sent to some of the deepest parts of the Zlaatan Jungles and returned with treasures beyond any commoner's imagination. This decem is what guards Forstford and has protected it from ruin since its founding. Forstford is manned by other soldiers within the Oslan military but they are there for primarily garrisoning and simple operations such as guarding pathways in and out of the colony or occupying areas already cleared by the Leviathans. Forstford is also frequented by adventurers and Mistreavers thanks to many monsters that plague the area and the treasures that lay within the deep jungles.

Industry & Trade

Oslan laborers work a Forstford mill outside the walls of the colony.
The industry of Forstford is primarily comprised of lumber and rare fruits from the jungles. The gathering of these resources from the jungles is dangerous, however. All must be done outside the walls of the colony under guard and there is always a threat looming from just beyond the thick trees and brush. Logging camps are constantly being raided by Scalehead warbands or the rogue Carnosaur or Stegadon rampaging through the thicket. Despite this, due to the abundance of these resources in the jungles, Forstford colonists are still able to gather a rather sizeable yield every month. Their industry is heavily reliant on good security whether its the military or private sellswords and mercenaries, as long as the goods are protected from A to B Forstford will flourish.
Military, Base
Owning Organization


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