
Hakatori, a resilient karst town nestled in the northernmost reaches of the Jade Isles, stands as a testament to the unwavering spirit of its inhabitants. Despite its perilous location and the constant threat of demonic raids and monster attacks during Mist Storms, Hakatori perseveres as a thriving community.   Due to the unpredictable nature of its surroundings, Hakatori's lone port often requires evacuation to ensure the safety of its residents. As a result, airships have become the preferred and more reliable mode of transportation, offering a secure means of travel in and out of the town.   The town's economic prosperity is rooted in its rich resources. Large deposits of jade, an exquisite gemstone, lie within the karsts that define Hakatori's landscape. Through meticulous extraction and skilled craftsmanship, the townspeople harness the valuable jade, fueling trade and establishing the town as a prominent exporter of this precious resource.   In addition to jade, Hakatori boasts another valuable commodity: the rare healing herb known as Kuolao. With a monopoly on its production, the town plays a vital role in meeting the high demand for this essential herb among Raishari healers. The presence of Kuolao ensures the town's economic stability and positions it as a trusted supplier of medicinal resources.   Hakatori's natural defenses, provided by the rugged karst formations and the dense forest that envelops the island, serve as an effective bulwark against external threats. These features, coupled with the prowess of the Emerald Dragon Order, the town's primary defense force, and the support of the standard Raishari military, ensure the safety and protection of Hakatori and its inhabitants.   Hakatori stands as a resilient karst town in the northernmost region of the Jade Isles. Despite the constant danger posed by demonic raids and monster attacks, the town thrives by leveraging its abundant jade deposits and its exclusive production of the healing herb Kuolao. With its well-defended natural landscape and the watchful guardianship of the Emerald Green Order, Hakatori epitomizes the indomitable spirit of its residents, who persist against all odds to maintain a thriving community amidst the rugged beauty of their surroundings.
Large town
Owning Organization


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