
Wakefield, a coastal town situated in the Kingdom of Miscrea, holds a perilous position on the southern coast of Miscrea, facing both the Ruzgad Plains to the east and the ominous Ghostlands across the Wispy Sea in the Rim. As the domain of Lord Elras Cranner, the town relies on fishing from the treacherous waters of the Wispy Sea as its primary source of food, supplementing it with basic food crops. However, the fishermen dare not venture beyond sight of the coastline due to the lurking dangers within the Wispy Sea.   The ever-present threat of orcish raids from the Ruzgad Plains and the horrors that accompany Mist Storms from the Ghostlands make Wakefield a town in constant vigilance. Its defense is fortified by the presence of the valiant Knights of the Misty Vale, who have long been the town's staunch defenders without seeking compensation. The knights' unwavering loyalty to Miscrea and its people has cemented their status as a major resource for Wakefield's protection.   However, recent charity from Lord Asten Granes, who offers his own troops for the town's defense, has caused tensions between the Knights of the Misty Vale and Lord Asten's forces. High Marshal Alaric Thorndrake's withdrawal of support from Lord Asten and Calcheth has intensified the bickering between the two factions over jurisdiction on dealing with outlaws and monsters that plague the region. Amidst the conflict, Lord Elras Cranner endeavors to maintain balance and uphold his sworn allegiance to the crown, managing the complicated dynamics between the Knights of the Misty Vale and Lord Asten's troops.   Wakefield, a town enveloped by constant threats and faced with the delicate task of navigating conflicting interests, stands as a symbol of resilience and unity in the face of adversity. The residents of Wakefield have learned to adapt and work together to survive the dangers that surround them, with Lord Elras Cranner at the helm, striving to protect his people while upholding the values of loyalty and service to the crown.
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