
Ethalas, the majestic capital city of Kevelon, stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of the elven civilization. Founded long before the time of the eldest Astral Elf, Ethalas holds the distinction of being the oldest city in all of Rheiknor. Nestled between the imposing Centrem Mountains to the south and the tranquil waters of the Autumn Lake to the north, the city boasts a strategic location that has contributed to its reputation as one of the safest havens in the land.   At the heart of Ethalas lies the seat of power for King Sylnan Dawn and the revered royal family. As the political and administrative center of Kevelon, the city serves as the hub of governance, where the kingdom's laws are enacted and decisions that shape the realm's destiny are made. The presence of the royal family lends an air of regality to the city, and the grand architecture of the Pearl Palace stands as a testament to the elves' refined taste and sophisticated craftsmanship.  
The majestic Pearl Palace, home of the elven court and the Dawn Dynasty
  Ethalas is not only a center of political power but also the epitome of magical mastery. The city is home to the prestigious Praelon Var, an esteemed institution where the very foundations of arcane knowledge were laid. It was here, amidst the hallowed halls and ancient libraries, that the first spellcasters of Rheiknor gathered to unravel the secrets of the arcane arts. The Praelon Var continues to serve as a beacon of magical learning, attracting scholars, sages, and aspiring mages from all corners of the realm.   The city's economy thrives on the production and trade of wondrous magical items. Ethalas possesses a unique monopoly over the creation of new enchanted artifacts, and its skilled artisans and craftsmen are renowned for their ability to imbue objects with arcane power. From formidable weapons and sturdy armor to intricate baubles and mystical trinkets, the markets of Ethalas offer a vast array of magical items for those willing to pay the steep price.   However, the exorbitant cost of these enchanted goods has created a dark underbelly within the city. The black market for magic items thrives in the shadows, catering to those who seek forbidden or illicit enchantments. This clandestine trade not only endangers the average citizen of Kevelon but also fuels the activities of nefarious organizations. The profits derived from the illicit magic trade contribute to the growth of these underground factions, further dividing the people and threatening the overall safety and well-being of the kingdom.   Despite the presence of these challenges, Ethalas remains a beacon of elven splendor and a symbol of Kevelon's enduring legacy. The city's ancient architecture, adorned with elegant elven motifs, showcases the elves' impeccable taste and appreciation for beauty. Streets lined with vibrant gardens and canopies of majestic trees create a serene and enchanting atmosphere, inviting both residents and travelers alike to immerse themselves in the timeless allure of the elven capital.   Within the walls of Ethalas, the essence of Kevelon's rich cultural heritage is preserved and celebrated. Festivals and gatherings are held regularly, where the arts, music, and poetry of the elves find expression. The city is a melting pot of elven subraces, with Astral Elves, Dark Elves, Eladrin, Half-Elves, High Elves, Sea Elves, and Wood Elves coexisting harmoniously, their diverse customs and traditions weaving a tapestry of elven culture that is truly awe-inspiring.   As the beating heart of Kevelon, Ethalas stands as a testament to the elves' enduring spirit, their mastery of magic, and their unwavering commitment to preserving their ancient legacy. It is a city where past and present converge, where the grandeur of history merges with the ever
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