
Xianshui, the formidable bastion town nestled within the imposing mountain range of Raishar's easternmost border, stands as a symbol of unwavering defense and serves as the logistical heart of the mighty Celestial Wall. Situated strategically along the only land passage from the wall to the rest of Raishar, Xianshui guards the gateway to the kingdom with an arsenal of cutting-edge weaponry, a testament to the combined forces of Raishar and the Dhandoruhl Technate. With its impregnable fortifications and a surplus of well-trained soldiers, Xianshui stands as a formidable challenge to any would-be invader seeking to breach the Celestial Wall.   As the central logistics hub for the wall, Xianshui plays a pivotal role in the deployment and supply of troops defending Raishar's borders. The town operates with military precision, ensuring that every soldier, weapon, and resource is efficiently dispatched to where it is needed most. Its sole purpose revolves around the defense of Raishar, and its unwavering commitment to this cause is evident in the town's prioritization of military preparedness over trade and civilian activities.   Within the fortified confines of Xianshui, the Opal Dragon Order stands as the vanguard of defense, their resolute warriors ready to confront any threat that may breach the Celestial Wall. They are supported by a substantial Raishari military force, bolstered further by the presence of formidable Dhandoruhl constructs and war machines. Together, this unified defensive front ensures that Xianshui remains an indomitable stronghold, standing as the last line of defense between Raishar and potential invasion.   Xianshui's stoic nature and militaristic focus create an atmosphere of constant vigilance, with a sense of readiness permeating the town's every corner. Though devoid of vibrant trade or civilian pursuits, Xianshui is a testament to Raishar's commitment to its own protection. It serves as a stark reminder of the kingdom's resolve and willingness to defend its borders at all costs, reinforcing the unyielding spirit of Raishar and its unwavering dedication to safeguarding its lands and people.
Large town
Owning Organization


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