
Zhaolang, a karst city of the Jade Isles, stands as a unique and enchanting marvel. Nestled within the towering masts of karsts, it occupies a significant landmass, second only to the capital of Raishar. Surrounded by the Sea of Pillars to the east and the Jade Strait to the west, Zhaolang is endowed with natural defenses that contribute to its resilience. The karsts themselves serve as a protective shield, providing sanctuary and acting as a formidable barrier against external threats. Although the city boasts two ports, the arduous and lengthy road connecting them to the main parts of Zhaolang makes transportation of goods challenging. As a result, airships have become the preferred method of transport, facilitated by the city's expansive skyport.   Within Zhaolang, the esteemed Sapphire Dragon Order, supported by the Raishari military, assumes the responsibility of defending the city. Renowned for their exceptional skills and unwavering dedication, the Sapphire Dragon Order stands as a symbol of strength and protection. Alongside its defensive role, Zhaolang also serves as a hub for cultural exchange and intellectual pursuits. The city attracts a significant influx of outsiders, particularly mages and scholars, who seek to explore the riches of Raishar. Zhaolang boasts numerous schools and centers of learning, encompassing a diverse array of knowledge from various cultures and regions. Notably, the Dragon Emperor, recognizing the city's significance as a cultural bridge, often permits outsiders to stay in Zhaolang, even those who would not typically be granted entry into the heart of Raishar.   Zhaolang acts as both a physical and metaphorical buffer between Raishar and the western world. Its breathtaking beauty, combined with its role as a center of knowledge and intercultural exchange, makes it a captivating destination for visitors. The city stands as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of natural wonders, intellectual pursuits, and military strength, embodying the spirit of the Jade Isles and leaving an indelible impression on all who encounter its splendor.
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