Altis Tide

The Altis Tide exists as a clandestine force of shadow and cunning that weaves its intricate web of thievery and intrigue throughout the heart of Osland's bustling capital, Voreth. Operating beneath the radar of law and order, this notorious thieves guild has mastered the art of discretion, always remaining one step ahead of their relentless pursuers, the Cerulean Guard.   Cloaked in secrecy, the structure of the Altis Tide is a closely guarded secret, known only to those who have earned the right to be initiated into its ranks. The organization is like a tightly knit family, forged by shared expertise, camaraderie, and the pursuit of wealth. Each member plays a specific role within the intricate machinery of the guild, from master thieves who orchestrate grand heists to nimble pickpockets and infiltrators who gather critical information.   The guild's influence extends beyond simple theft, encompassing an array of illicit activities that range from smuggling rare artifacts to orchestrating elaborate cons. The streets of Voreth are their playground, and the city's high society and underworld alike are under their watchful gaze. Their fingers are always on the pulse of the city's happenings, from the opulent halls of the nobles to the hidden corners of the slums.   The Altis Tide's elusive nature and impeccable timing allow them to evade the Cerulean Guard's clutches with uncanny precision. Their network of safehouses, hidden routes, and secret symbols scrawled across the city's walls enables them to melt away into the shadows when danger approaches. The Guard's efforts to apprehend the members of the Altis Tide often end in frustration and defeat, as the guild possesses an uncanny ability to vanish without a trace.   Despite their life of crime, the Altis Tide is not without a code of honor. Betrayal within their ranks is met with swift retribution, and innocent bystanders are rarely harmed during their operations. They view themselves as instruments of balance, taking from the rich and powerful to redistribute wealth to those they see as deserving, all while preserving their own anonymity.   To the public, the Altis Tide remains a whispered rumor, an entity of myth and legend that strikes from the darkness. The fear they inspire and the intrigue they generate only add to their mystique. In the heart of Voreth, where shadows stretch long and secrets abound, the Altis Tide weaves its intricate tapestry of theft, cunning, and defiance, leaving those who dare to cross their path in awe of their prowess and terrified of their reach.


Guildmaster: The Guildmaster is the highest-ranking member of the Altis Tide, overseeing all aspects of the guild's operations. They are chosen based on their exceptional leadership qualities, strategic acumen, and unwavering dedication to the guild's principles. The Guildmaster presides over all matters related to the Altis Tide and holds the final authority in decision-making. They also act as the primary negotiator with external organizations, ensuring the guild's interests are protected. The Guildmaster's primary duty is to safeguard the guild's traditions, ensure the unity of its members, and lead them in times of critical operations   Tide Lord: Tide Lords are esteemed leaders within the Altis Tide. Each Tide Lord oversees a specific district or territory, responsible for coordinating thieving activities, intelligence gathering, and recruitment efforts. They report directly to the Guildmaster and assist in the strategic planning of the guild's operations. Tide Lords are chosen based on their mastery of thievery, ability to navigate complex schemes, and their capacity to maintain loyalty among their subordinates. Their primary duty is to lead their district or territory, ensuring successful heists and maintaining the secrecy of the guild.   Silver Serpent: Silver Serpents are seasoned veterans who have proven their worth through numerous successful heists and unwavering loyalty to the Altis Tide. They serve as senior officers within the guild, providing guidance and mentorship to the newer members. Silver Serpents also manage specialized operations, such as artifact smuggling, cons, and intricate heists. They act as intermediaries between the Tide Lords and the lower-ranking members, ensuring efficient communication and unity within the guild.   Tide Runner: The Tide Runners form the core body of operatives within the Altis Tide. These individuals are experienced and skilled in various forms of thievery, including burglary, pickpocketing, and infiltration. They carry out the guild's missions, which can range from stealing valuable artifacts to gathering critical information. Tide Runners often work in small teams, with one member designated as the "Lead Tide Runner" responsible for mission planning and execution. They report directly to the Silver Serpents.   Street Scoundrel: Street Scoundrels are the newest recruits of the Altis Tide. They undergo rigorous training and must demonstrate their commitment to the guild's principles. During their training period, they are placed under the guidance of a seasoned Tide Runner who serves as their mentor. Street Scoundrels are tasked with performing minor thefts, gathering information, and honing their thieving skills. Upon successful completion of their training, they are formally inducted as Tide Runners, where they will continue to develop their expertise and rise through the ranks.
Guild, Thieves


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