Malyn Thirnis

The lord of Forstford. As a citizen in Forstford, one would see him as a gruff and imposing figure who commands respect and fear in equal measure. His reputation as a veteran of war and expert strategist precedes him, and many view him as a necessary evil, a leader who is harsh but effective in ensuring the safety and security of the colony. While he can be seen as cruel at times, his actions are always in service of the greater good, and his uncompromising leadership style has instilled a sense of discipline and order in the colony. However, his reputation as a difficult person to talk to can make it challenging for his subjects to voice their concerns, and some may view him as unapproachable or even tyrannical. Despite this, his willingness to listen to the needs of his people and his compassion for children are seen as redeeming qualities by many, and his leadership is generally viewed as a necessary means of ensuring the survival of Forstford in the dangerous and unforgiving environment of the Zlaatan Jungles.
Year of Birth
1126 PC 57 Years old
Ruled Locations


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