Mordhston Arneand

The lord and ruler of Ridgemere. He is also known as the "Fat Lord" but none should speak it in his presence, for he is quick to anger, though lacking in follow through. Mordhston was born into royalty and his family has ruled Ridgemere for decades now. Ever since he was given rule after his father's passing, he took to become the town's biggest drunk. The lord will frequently be found with several empty pitchers wherever he goes and filled pitchers of wine on the way. The people of Ridgemere view him as weak but it ultimately does not matter all that much. Ridgemere has always been self-sufficient and functioning ever since its first ruler. The town is small which allows for Lord Mordhston to get away with childishly ruling it. He is not seen as a petulant dictator, merely an apathetic drunk who's task of ruling fell into his lap undesirably. Mordhston delegates virtually all responsibilities to his Magistrate Ernelius Galor.
Year of Birth
1147 PC 36 Years old
Ruled Locations


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