Pettoris Sandoral

Pettoris Sandoral, the Tower Lord of Tor Kefael, is a shrewd and ambitious ruler whose focus lies more in the realm of politics and trade rather than defense. While his official responsibility is the defense of the Shimmering Wall and the Emerald Gate, Pettoris finds himself drawn to the intricacies of Kevelon's political landscape. He possesses a natural knack for negotiation and diplomacy, which has earned him favor among the higher nobles of the realm. Despite the other Tower Lords not receiving the same invitations, Pettoris frequently finds himself at royal parties and gatherings in the capital, seeking to expand his influence and solidify his position.   Pettoris's ambitions and penchant for politics often lead him to overlook some of his defensive duties, as the relatively safe conditions of Tor Kefael allow him to prioritize other matters. His focus on trade and economic growth within Tor Kefael is evident, as he dedicates significant efforts to fostering prosperous trade relationships and attracting merchants from afar. This emphasis on commerce has transformed Tor Kefael into a bustling trading hub, fueling its growth and prosperity.   While some may criticize Pettoris for his divided attention and apparent neglect of his defensive obligations, he remains a competent ruler who seeks to balance the needs of his people with his personal aspirations. His political acumen and charm have allowed him to navigate the complex landscape of Kevelon's nobility, positioning himself as a figure of influence and securing opportunities for Tor Kefael's prosperity.
Year of Birth
796 PC 387 Years old
Ruled Locations


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