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Religion in Runetalras

Religion plays an important and prominent role throughout all of Runetalras, as the vast majority of its population worship at least one deity. For most, paying worship to a deity is an almost daily occurrence, with farmers, crafters, merchants, and all kinds of workers offering worship at the start or end of their work day, or when making important decisions. There are few settlement throughout all of Runetalras that do not have a temple or shine, with even a settle of half a dozen families oft erecting more shines, either to gain the blessings of deities or to avoid their wrath.   There are few in all of Runetalras that deny the existence of deities given that they empower clerics and priests with the ability to cast spells. For most the choice to not pay worship is born out of the belief that the deities are cruel, uncaring, or ineffectual, rather than the belief that they do not exist.


Within the Kingdom of Aran'Nack by far the majority of the population venerate the Morndinsamman.

Atarsid Isles

The Atarsid Isles are diverse in their religious beliefs.   The Atarsid City-States typically worship the Atun-huni Pantheon, with other deities also receiving worship there, most notably the Morndinsamman and Seldarine .   The Kingdoms of Makthoria and Sarvartarboth pay worship to the Morndinsamman, but with a focus of the deity Kalerdun, which is practically unique to the region.

Elnurian Forest

Religion within the Elnurian Forest has a degree of uniformity to it. Within the Kingdoms of Old Garstil and Elnusarithe Seldarine receive by far the most worship, but so too does Eldath, Silvanus, and more paganistic natural forces. In Caedreon it is these paganistic natural forces that receive most of the worship, while the worship of Seldarine , Eldath, and Silvanusare not unheard of amongst the kingdom of the dryads.

Free States, Aarlan, and Velantia

It is said that there is a deity for every person within the Free States; while this is clearly false there is some merit to it. By far Aarelan, Free States, and Republic of Valantiapay reverence to the largest number of deities. This is because they lack any kind of hegemony, be it political, cultural, or religious. For this same reason there is a distinct lack of centralised religions as they come into conflict with political establishments.   See Religion in the Free State for a list of commonly worshiped deities within the Free States.

Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy

Within the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy the majority of the population worship the Draconic Pantheon which is also the state religion. However, with the strong naval traditions of the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy and the number of refugees taken in after the Age of Blood the worship of over a hundred deities has been noted although none in any great number.

Kasari Dominion

The Cult of The Crimson Flame is the official religion of the Kasari Dominion and is the most popular religion of the kingdom. Officially all other religions are outlawed, dissident members of the elder race have been known to worship the Morndinsammanand Seldarine . Worship to the Old Gods has been noted, these are darker pagen forces that are said to predate much organised religion in Runetalras.


Within the Kingdom of Legvaren the official state religion is that of the Seldarine , with all others being outlawed.


The majority of the population of the Kingdom of Selu’Qidar is atheistic, not because they believe that deities are nonexistent, but because they believe the deities have abandoned them. The few religious denizens of Selu’Qidar worship the Seldarine , Deneir, or Mystra.


The Octurn is the official state religion of the Kingdom of Thaxnoria with the worship of no other deities being permitted, the only exception being the Craglands in which the majority of the population pay worship to the Morndinsamman. Throughout Thaxnoria discrete worship is paid to a wide variety of deities including the Morndinsammanand Seldarine , while many within the Uvani Hilllands defy the law in paying open worship to the The Eternal Lady and Tempus also known jointly as the Union of Flame.

Vegan Empire

Cult of The Ebon Flame is the official religion of the Velgan Empire and is the most popular religion of the kingdom. Officially all other religions are outlawed, dissident members of the elder race have been known to worship the Morndinsamman, Seldarine , and Draconic Pantheon. Worship to the Old Gods has been noted, these are darker pagen forces that are said to predate much organised religion in Runetalras.

Wild Isles

Religion in the Wild Isles is a diverse and complex mix of pagan, druidic, and formal deity worship. The majority of the population pays homage to the natural forces and spirits of the land, sea, and sky, as well as ancestor worship. These beliefs are deeply ingrained in the daily lives of the people, as they rely heavily on the land for survival and see the natural world as sacred. Religion within he Wild Isles is a mixture of nature worship, ancestor worship, formal pantheons, and even darker, more sinister practices. It reflects the harsh and unpredictable environment of the Wild Isles and the need for protection and guidance in the face of danger.   The Morndinsamman, Seldarine, and Draconic Pantheons are the only formal pantheons that receive widespread worship among the peoples of the Wild Isles. These pantheons are made up of gods and goddesses associated with dwarves and gnomes, elves, and dragonkin respectively, and are particularly popular among the dwarves, gnomes, elves, draconic races that call the Wild Isles home, but worship to them has spread amongst the other races.   In addition to the Morndinsamman, Seldarine, and Draconic Pantheon , a number of other deities also receive some degree of worship. These include Beshaba, deity of misfortune, Gond, deity of craft and invention; Malar, deity of the hunt and beasts; Mielikki, deity of forests and rangers; Milil, deity of poetry and song; Savrus, deity of magic; Selûne, deity of the moon; Shar, deity of darkness and loss; Silvanus, deity of wild nature; and Talona, deity of disease and poison. These deities are typically worshipped by individuals or small groups, rather than entire communities.   There are also darker and older things worshipped within Wild Isles, things that are capricious and demanding for the protections they may offer.They are worshipped by some of the peoples of the Wild Isles who provide them with sacrifices.   Much like anywhere else in Runetalras, there are also cults or secret societies that worship darker, more malevolent entities. These cults are small and operate in secret, and have been known to engage in sacrifice and the practice of forbidden magics.  

Yhess Kingdom and the Mossada Wastes

Within the Yhess Kingdoms and Mossada Wastes there are no official or state religions, as the region is filled with those who worship a wide variety of deities. There are however, deities that hold more sway over the peoples of the region, those being Amaunator, Chauntea, Cyric, Deneir, Hore, Illmater, Jergal, Lliira, Loviatar, Mystra, Tempus, Tymora.

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