Nang Kap'ahu Delta

Saleh'Alire » Ecology Tolara Talaina'Vao Ajda-Donesh Basin

Praise be to your Brothers and Sisters, for our Lord has given us a paradise and we must go to it! And if we do, great shall be our reward when we arrive! Rejoice in this, the joyous promise of Paradise, and follow as our Lord tells us to!
Red Priest of the Cult of An'hang, speaking to his congregation

Situated on the southern peninsula of Tolara in the region known as Talaina'Vao, the Nang Kap'ahu Delta is less a true Delta and more a collection of intercoastal waterways, mudflats, and estuaries- all of which combine to form one of the largest subtropical wetlands on the continent; it was first discovered by an expedition team led by Yen Tae-Hyun (the very same whose team discovered the Kuai’ain Palace).   It's disputed whether the Nang Kap'ahu Delta is its own area, or if it borders the Ajda-Donesh Basin- especially the area called the Ajda Wet Forest, which makes up the western half of the basin. Regardless, Nang Kap'ahu is humid and experiences heavy monsoon-like rains during the majority of the year- typically receiving a rough average of 800 inches (2,032 cm) of rain each year. While most areas would experience significant flooding with such levels, the Delta's location diverts most of this into the ocean.   Divided into 6 sections (overstory, midlayer, lower canopy, shrub, and understory), from the sky Nang Kap'ahu has been described as "an unending sea of green" due to the density of the trees in the region. Beneath, however, sits the true sea: A wetland unlike any other in Saleh'Alire.   Here tidal waters are slowed by a heavy accumulation of marsh reeds- creating a semi-stagnant saltwater environment that is further supplemented by the monsoons, as well as multiple large freshwater rivers which drain into the region. Sitting beneath it all is a darkly colored, thick silt that most traveling through the area have described as "a heavy sludge". Despite the unappetizing description and low soil oxygen levels, however, the silt in Nang Kap'ahu is perhaps the most mineral rich on the continent.
Located In
Talaina'Vao, Tolara
Landmark Type
Combined Wetland / Marsh
Overall, the Nang Kap'ahu Delta is rife with a high diversity of both flora and fauna- making it the most diverse ecosystem in all of Tolara. Archivists estimate that up to (if not more than) half of Tolara's native species may live in the Delta, where a single square kilometer has been known to provide home to more than 1,000 different tree species at once.   The high nutrient density leads to a significantly increased presence of Mangrove, Silk Cotton, and Banyan trees in the area- as well as an uncountable number of vines and Orchid species. These play host to thousands of wildlife in turn. The most notable of these are the thousands of fish which live among the silt rich caves of Mangrove roots- and the astounding number of wading fowl that prey on them; Cranes, Herons, Spoonbills, and many other birds are a common site, as are select species of Monkeys and Lemurs. Additionally, various lizards, amphibians, and insects also call this place home- as do a large quantity of muscles and clams, who enjoy the fine sediment.  
Major Landmarks
  • Monuments
Major Cities
  • Gillia
  • Nyreen


Author's Notes

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I absolutely love getting feedback on my setting and its worldbuilding. I love it even more when people poke and prod at it, and ask questions about the things I've built within it. I want both. I actively encourage both. And it makes me incredibly giddy whenever I get either. However, there's a time and a place for critique in particular- mostly when I've actually asked for it (which usually happens in World Anvil's discord server). And when I do ask for critique, there are two major things I politely request that you do not include in your commentary:   ➤ The first is any sort of critique on the way I've chosen to organize or format something; Saleh'Alire is not a narrative world written for reader enjoyment... It's is a living campaign setting for Dungeons and Dragons. To that end, it's written and organized for my players and I, specifically for ease of use during gameplay- and our organization needs are sometimes very different than others'. They are especially diferent, often-times, from how things "should be organized" for reader enjoyment.   ➤ Secondly, is any critique about sentence phrasing and structure, word choice, and so on; unless you've specifically found a typo, or you know for a provable fact I've blatantly misued a word, or something is legitimately unclear explicitly because I've worded it too strangely? Then respectfully: Don't comment on it; as a native English speaker of the SAE dialect, language critique in particular will almost always be unwelcome unless it's absolutely necessary. This is especially true if English is not you first language to begin with. My native dialect is criticized enough as it is for being "wrong", even by fellow native English speakers ... I really don't want to deal with the additional linguistic elitism of "formal english" from Second-Language speakers (no offense intended).   That being said: If you want to ask questions, speculate, or just ramble? Go for it! I love talking about my setting and I'm always happy to answer any questions you have, or entertain any thoughts about it. Praise, of course, is always welcome too (even if it's just a casual "this is great", it still means a lot to authors)- and if you love it, please don't forget to actually show that love by liking it and sharing it around. Because I genuinely do enjoy watching people explore and interact with my setting, and ask questions about it, and I'd definitely love to hear from you... Just be respectful about it, yeah?

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