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Order of the Seeking Fox



On the 8th of Falling Moon of S316 Nanganato was hit by a destructive force of nature that came to be called the Harborquake. The next day, Arashizo, Naoki Naoko, Number 27, and Xiaohuli had all separately arrived at Haven in search of work, and were escorted to a waiting room. Joining them was Emiri Okane, who had visited in hopes of talking to Aiko Amaya for information involving someone she was trying to track down. The five were largely forgotten for a long time, as the building seemed to be bustling with activity.   Meanwhile city officials struggled to contain the damage and called upon The Cord for assistance investigating an unknown cavern that had been exposed beneath a warehouse in the Fu Ward. Tsuya Ai, rushed and overworked (and possibly misled by Amisaki Atsutane) accidentally mistook the room of people waiting for work for the Crimson Dawn and hired them to do the job.   The five explored a series of caves beneath the city, encountered creatures such as the goblin Klobs and the brass dragon wyrmling Ilkobetha, and discovered what looked to be a lost shrine dedicated to Hamamoto by the Tunsheian. Among the wreckage they uncovered a strange magical gauntlet, and heard the voice of the Dark Goddess tell them to leave it where it was. Despite this, they fought off the shadows that attacked them and took the gauntlet with them back to the city.   Although they did complete the task successfully, they were greeted with a displeased Honomi Ai when they returned. Honomi scolded them for misrepresenting themselves as the Crimson Dawn, while also commending them on their ability to do what needed to be done. She agreed to let them off the hook if they completed one other task for the Cord, traveling to Iron Home and checking on the Order of the Iron Boar which was behind on their monthly payments.   After the five travelled to Iron Home, while helping the town retrieve valuable goods from one of the mines infested with basilisks, Arashizo was turned to stone.   Aided by a Suzume they met in town, named Aria, they explored the partially destroyed home base of the Order of the Iron Boar. There they discoverd the corpses of all but one of the members of the group. When Aiko Amaya arrived later, she offered to let them join the Cord officially as the replacements for the Order of the Iron Boar. The group agreed, and chose the name Order of the Seeking Fox for themselves.  

Heading North

At night, the gauntlet was stollen from Naoki's backpack while the party was sleeping at the Ironhill Inn. After Xiao did some snooping around the Temple of the Forge they discovered that the gauntlet had likely been stolen by Nuan Diushi who seemed to be working with whoever attacked the Iron Boar.   The Seeking Fox knew that whoever had attacked the Iron Boar were doing something in the north, and suspected that might be where Nuan had gone as well. They also knew that the druids in the Circle of Resilience in Mythea's Glade to the north might be able to restore Arashizo. Although they had no way to transport him yet, they decided they couldn't wait any longer and set off for the north.   During a brief visit with the druids of Mythea's Glade, the order had a run in with the Purple Twilight, and also learned that the druids were missing crucial spell casting components that should have been delivered days ago by the Order of the Black Cat. The Order of the Seeking Fox immediately travelled west to Koba's Point, the home base of the Black Cat to investigate. They found half of the Black Cat killed by the same people who had assaulted the Order of the Iron Boar. The Black Cat's former leader, Ryu Shiroma, was afflicted by some kind of undead curse by the necromancer Kozue Southwind. The Seeking Fox captured Kozue and also Nuan Diushi, although Nuan later escaped. They also recovered the stolen gauntlet and freed the captives Aiyalae Nightbloom and Black Moon. Naoki attuned the gaunlet and discovered it's true power as the Gauntlet of the Arcane Key. He also slotted in a piece of it that Aiyalae had been carrying, the Webbed Clip of the Arcane Key. It seemed that this gauntlet and its pieces were the reason that the Iron Boar and Black Cat had been attacked.   Underneath the lighthouse they discovered a secret workshop that had apparently been built by Koba Claycrafter and used to construct golems. On the bottom level of the workshop they found Number 29 and Number 30 studying. Although the two Lifeforged had been involved in the attack on the Black Cat, the Seeking Fox found them to be good hearted and tried to help them out. Together they managed to open the vault where Koba kept his greatest treasures, and defeated a giant Quartz Golem that was guarding it.   Inside they found notes about numbered trials that Koba had been carrying out to give lifelike personalities to golems. They also discovered a small cache of artificial limbs, and four colored spheres that were artificial companions according to notes discovered nearby. Emiri even found directions to create more of those, but it looked like a complicated process that would take weeks of studying to truly understand. They left three of the spheres with 29 and 30 to study further, and 27 took the remaining one.   When Elmara Truestride and Aiko Amaya arrived at the lighthouse with a job for the Order of the Black Cat they were shocked to find that Black Cat was the only member still on her feet. They decided to escort Black Moon and Ryu to Mythea's Glade to see if the druids could help undo whatever curse Kozue had placed on him.  

The City of Four Guilds

The Seeking Fox traveled to Ahonato, in place of the Black Cat, to investigate a strange series of murders. They brought Kozue along with them and turned him in at the Iron Hall. While there, they began to learn about the complicated politics of the city which was operated by the competing Bronze Guild, Iron Guard, Silver Guild, and Gold Guild.   While attempting to rest at the White Moon they were attacked in the middle of the night by fiends similar to those they had encountered at Koba's Point, as well as one newer and more powerful one. At the last minute they were able to flee, thanks partially to the aid of three strangers who showed up. These strangers were later revealed to be Motarasu, Toru, and Kome.   After the group fled and later regrouped, they attempted to continue their investigation. Naoki Naoko reported a major breakthrough and instructed everyone to gather outside of the Temple of the Dark Goddess. There he lied and blamed everything on Hamamoto herself, inciting a riot which led to the death of some in attendance and the temple being burned to the ground. In the aftermath, Naoki found himself at odds with the rest of the Seeking Fox members, and he was forced to flee the city with the Gauntlet of the Arcane Key still in his possession.   The rest of the Seeking Fox were apprehended by the Iron Guard and spent the night in the Iron Hall before being released in the custody of Romi Stonesworn. She assigned her own subordinate, Roku, to escort the party and keep track of them as they continued their investigation. Eventually the group met up with Kome and Leilu, who both tried to help them locate the source of the fiends.   Xiao discovered Motarasu hiding out on a suspicious boat, and brought the whole party back to the boat the next day. Although Motarasu had fled, they found Yumia Southwind who had been using the body of Morean to summon fiends in the city. After Emiri dealt the killing blow to Yumia, the group reunited the dreamwalking archfey with his body and then set out to try and uncover the truth behind Motarasu's involvement. Although Kome had believed he was a good person trying to uncover an evil cult in the city, it seemed more like he was less concerned with the cult being evil and more concerned with pieces of the Gauntlet of the Arcane Key they were rumored to have in their posession.   After dropping Kome off at home, the group was contacted by Uthaz for their help interrogating the corpse of Yumia. Thanks to Uthaz's magic, they were able to ask a few questions and learned that Motarasu had a vendetta against Nanganato and wanted to destroy the city. He had a plot to use the gauntlet to unleash a "Mind's Eye" although she wasn't sure what that meant. Yumia and her brother also hated Nanganato for their own reasons and were being paid by Motarasu to help him. She didn't know where he was getting his money or information from, but did mention overhearing the term "Black Hand" on a couple occasions. Emiri used the Peak to ask Rhea Firelocs about the term Mind's Eye, and she explained that it was just a theory that wizards had been discussing for centuries. Since beholders could alter reality with their dreams, then trapping a behold in a specific dream would allow you to alter reality in a specific way. Such a trapped beholder was referred to as a mind's eye, but it was just a theory. No one was powerful enough to actually do that.   Later the group bluffed their way into the First Quarter and paid a visit to Yosai Goldwind at the Gold Hall. After speaking with him, the group became pretty convinced that he was part of the Tunsheian and had at least one piece of the Arcane Key with him. After investigating him further, and breaking into one of his warehouses, they were even more convinced. He eventually confirmed this information, offered to work with them, and gave them one of this two gauntlet pieces as a sign of good faith. He also made them promise not to share this information with anyone, and threatened to kill anyone who found out.   Before leaving Ahonato, the Seeking Fox met up with Kome and Toru again. The two explained what they knew about the cult and how Toru's father had been murdered for learning too much. By now the Seeking Fox knew that it was Yosai and the Tunsheian that Kome and Toru were talking about, but they were afraid to give that information to the two. They didn't want Yosai to hurt them, so they kept quiet about everything. Kome took an extra long time saying goodbye to Aria, after developing a bit of a crush.  


After leaving Ahonato, the Seeking Fox traveled back to Koba's Point to check on 29 and 30, who had adopted the names Hush and Reach respectively. Hush wanted to go and find Soshu Lifeforger, but Reach wanted to stay and study Koba's works further. They asked 27 to be the tie-breaking vote, but 27 was hesitant to do it. 27 convinced the two to join the Seeking Fox on their trip to Iron Home, then wait there for more info before making a final decision.   After that, the Seeking Fox and the two Lifeforged traveled to Mythea's Glade to check on the recovering members of the Black Cat. After a brief visit with them, the group continued on to Iron Home and checked in with The Cord. As it turns out, they had been recently hired to deal with bandits operating out of a cave to the northwest. The Seeking Fox left Hush and Reach in the town and hurried off to find where the bandits have been hiding. While fighting their way through the caves, the Seeking Fox discovered various pieces of mail and shipments that had been stolen from the road in recent days. Immediately after finishing the job, while still exhausted, they found themselves face to face with the person who had hired them for the job. To their surprise, it was Anzai, setting a trap for them. Anzai, and the hunter he had hired to help him, quickly overpowered the worn out Seeking Fox and abducted 27 before fleeing.   It took the rest of the group several days to learn that Anzai had been hired by Hatsume Atsutane to retrieve as many missing Lifeforged as possible and bring them to her at Atsutane Lodge. Eventually they made their way to the lodge and learned that Hatsume was researching the Lifeforged there. She had Number 25 there as well as the disassembled remains of another Lifeforged that Anzai had killed. With some well timed distractions and a little bit of fighting, they were able to get 27 out and fled back to Iron Home.   Unsure how to proceed, they collected Hush and Reach and decided to return to Koba's Point. There they met with Ryu, Black Moon, and the newly restored Arashizo. Reach, Emiri, and Xiao decided to stay here and study for the time being. Hush and the rest of the Seeking Fox journied to Ganeshuku to look for leads. While seeking an audience with Amisaki Atsutane, they learn that she is busy because of a recent robbery that took place. They also meet up with Eisuke Okane, who has been investigating the Tunsheian and wants to speak with Amisaki for his own reasons. He decides to join the Seeking Fox for the time being.   While looking into the robbery themselves, the Seeking Fox found themselves on the trail of a kobold named Scratch. They get into a fight with some fences that Scratch sold stolen goods to. After witnessing their strength, Scratch decides to approach the Seeking Fox and pay them for a job. Unfortunately during the skirmish Hush is damaged and enters a the same kind of mindless rage that killed most of the Lifeforged during a riot in Ganeshuku. 27 is barely able to subdue them and the Seeking Fox is forced to book a boat and smuggle Hush back to Koba's Point.   Being closer to Reach seems to calm Hush a bit, and Emiri begins working towards fixing the damage. Scratch informs the others about a number of the things he has stollen and pawned off, including all of the Atsutane Clan's research into where Soshu Lifeforger has fled to. Apparently the research was sold to some people traveling to the Western Province so that they could deliver it as a wedding gift to Eyota Wide Eyes. After some convincing, and some gold, Arashizo agrees to help reform the new Order of the Black Cat, along with Ryu, Black Moon, Hush, and Reach. They plan to go track down the stolen information about Soshu as soon as Hush is repaired.   The Seeking Fox left Emiri behind to work, but took Xiao and Scratch back to Ganeshuku to finish the job Scratch hired them for. When they arrived in town, Scratch snuck off while Eisuke took everyone else to the Hall of Eternity to meet Denbe Kashikoi and Eru Arashi. The next day they met up with Scratch again, who had been using the stolen money and goods to procure supplies for a young dragon hiding in the cramped tunnels beneath the city. When he took the Seeking Fox down to meet her, they were surprised to find Ilkobetha. Scratch told them that a young green dragon had been attacking her and would probably have killed her by now if it could fit through the narrow tunnel entrance. The group spent a lot of time planning for an ambush and collecting supplies before putting their plan into action by luring the green dragon into the tunnels.   The fight started off well, but quickly became deadly when the green dragon dragged Leilu under water and 27 had to chase after them. They narrowly managed to slay the dragon before it escaped out of the tunnels to the open waters of Lake Kohu, but not before Leilu was killed. Acting quickly, Eisuke tried to call Leilu's spirit back to his body. Leilu, guided by Morigawa, found himself standing at the gate to the afterlife. He questioned the Lady of the Dead about what he would find on the other side and if his missing brother or parents were there. She provided no answers though. Leilu ultimately decided he couldn't give up his search yet and answered Eisuke's call to return. Not without drawing the ire of Morigawa though. She woould be keeping a closer eye on him from now on. The Seeking Fox bid farewell to Scratch and Ilkobetha before heading back to the surface.   When the Seeking Fox finally get their meeting with Amisaki Atsutane she admits to knowing them and admiring their style of getting things done. She is the heir to the Atsutane Clan and bound to do things in the politically correct way, but much prefers people that aren't afraid to break a few rules to accomplish things faster. She tips them off about a gauntlet piece owned by the Shogun's Council. While they were busy arguing about what to do with it, it was stitting in the well gaurded vaults underneath House Pannoowau. Amisaki doesn't come out and say it, but practically encourages the group to steal the piece if possible.  

Pannoowan Vault Heist

During some well earned down time, Xiao began opening some of the mail they had found in the bandit cave before the group was attacked by Anzai. One of them was a wedding invitation addressed to the Silver Siren in Ahonato. It requested the pressence of one or more Sirens for an upcomming wedding between Eyota Wide Eyes and Wohali the Spear's Point at House Pannoowau. The Seeking Fox decided that this might be a chance to sneak in and get access to the vault, so they booked a ship back to Ahonato.   In the city they paid for an appointment with the Sirean Misako. Misako told them that the Sirens already had appointments booked for the next 12 days. After that it would be too late to make the trip on foot. The Seeking Fox suggested having Yosai pay for the trip so they wouldn't have to travel on foot. Misako was skeptical that the head of the Gold Guild would want to pay for a trip to benefit the Silver Guild. Nevertheless, she agree to send one or two Sirens if the travel could be expedited.   The Seeking Fox met with Yosai next and tried to convince him that stealing the gauntlet piece from the vault would benefit their mutual partnership. He agreed, but was unable to spend as much money as they required to send Sirens to the wedding. Instead he gave the party 400 gold to buy clothes, jewelry, horses, and a carriage to impersonate a Siren. He also gives them his second gauntlet piece, but forces them to complete a job for him first. He sends them to speak with Captain Auras, who has been trying to track down thieves that keep stealing from the Iron Guild.   After some investigating, the Seeking Fox determine that Kome and Toru are the culprits. The party visits the pair at Toru's house, and learn that Toru's father had been working for the Iron Guard at the time of his murder. The Iron Guild had been paid off by the cult to station him in a specific out of the way location on the night he was killed. The Seeking Fox can tell that Kome and Toru are getting close to exposing the Tunsheian, close enough that Yosai is already hiring people to have them killed. Fearing for the lives of their friends, the Seeking Fox encourage the pair to skip town. Kome won't leave her family behind though, so the Seeking Fox gives them enough money to bring her parents and younger brother along with them. Aria tells them to travel to Iron Home and stay at Okane Manor until they can find a more permanent arrangement. Kome is ultimately convinced by Aria's offer and says that she looks forward to seeing her again in Iron Home.   When the Seeking Fox returned to speak with Yosai again, they were able to truthfully state that the pair of thieves would not be causing any more trouble for the cult. Yosai paid them and sent them off on a boat. During the trip, the boat was attacked by sahuagin. Two members of the crew, Captain Green and Tabito were killed. Another, Orn, nearly perished but was ultimately saved by Eisuke just in time.   After the boat docked at Nanganato, the group used Yosai's funds to purchased a coach from Coach House and five horses from Blue Bell. Aria and Xiao posed as Sirens, while Eisuke, 27, and Leilu posed as their attendants and body guards. During the long ride west, the group passed through the Blind Thicket and were coaxed by Syllis to use the well there. Morean appeared to Xiao and warned her about the dangers of that well, hinting that he might hold a grudge against whoever created it.   After continuing their journey west, the carriage eventually encountered Eibar Mada and a group of Pannoowan warriors on their way to House Pannoowan. With Xiao and Aria posing as Sirens, it wasn't hard to convince Eibar to escort them the rest of the way in. Eibar brought them to a barn where they could drop off their carriage and horses. While there, they caught a glimpse of a foreign looking man with brown skin and silver eyes who was dropping off a delivery.   Afterwards they were escorted to a pair of houses that would be allocated to them for the duration of the stay. In the days leading up to the wedding, nightly festivities were held at a large building near the center of the compound. While attempting to gather intelligence there, the Seeking Fox were surprised to overhear a performance from Naoki. The song was presumably about the upcomming wedding, but heavily focused on the great heroics of Naoki Naoko and his close personal friend Shishido Okane. Afterwards he was dragged out of the room but a man in dark armor who turned out to be Shishido himself.   The Seeking Fox managed to get a letter delivered to Naoki and arranged a meeting. Naoki explained that after he left them he had been chased by a cleric, named Ima Mizushima, from the temple he had burned down. She was understandably furious with Naoki for causing a riot and destroying much of her temple, but as a follower of Hamamoto it was her duty to ensure the gauntlet pieces were collected. She used her power to remove the attunement from Naoki so that the curse wouldn't kill him anymore, but encouraged him to keep collecting the pieces anyway. After parting ways with her, Naoki reconnected with his old friend Shishido who was working with the Tunsheian to collect the pieces of the gauntlet and then destroy it. Naoki didn't like the Tunsheian for driving him and Shishido apart many years earlier, but he saw it as a viable path to getting the gauntlet destroyed.   Over the course of the next several nights the Seeking Fox collected as much information as they could from people attending the nightly entertainment. They learned about the vaults and how to reach them, as well as which vault held things like the wedding gifts and which vault held the gauntlet piece that belonged to the Shogun's Council. They met a number of interesting people during this time. Hushin Tierloc was a member of the Shogun's Council and was here studying the gauntlet piece. He had a particular interest in armor, and commented that someone had donated interesting armor as a wedding gift. Shohei Kessho was a member of the Kessho Clan renowned for innovative smithing techniques. He had been recruited all the way from the Eastern Province to come and help the Pannoowans refine their crafting of a brand new metal that was especially effective against magic. They even met a pair of bards that had seemingly arrived here from another realm entirely.   On the night of the planned robbery, the Tunsheian arranged for a distraction in the main hall. An animated tree broke into the building and began attacking people, which prompted the warriors to neglect their usual guard duties for a time. Aria, Xiao, Naoki, and the two strange bards they had met all entered a newly created tunnel and navigated a series of traps to reach the vaults. Meanwhile on the surface, 27 and Eisuke helped fight off the tree. So did a large armored figure that turned out to be the Blackest Night. After the fight, the warriors discovered the tunnel and confronted the would be thieves on their way out. The two bards dissappeared from the realm just in time to avoid being arrested with the others. Shishido made up a story about Naoki infiltrating the group of thieves to make sure they didn't escape, and it seemed to convince the warriors who only arrested Xiao and Aria. The two were moved to a barracks where several warriors stood guard over them until a trail could be held.  

Mind's Eye

While waiting, Naoki and Shishido convinced the group to hand over their remaining gauntlet pieces to Shishido to avoid being caught and so that he could destroy them. After they complied, they were surprised when he revealed that he was temporarily working with Motarasu. It became clear at that point who had animated the tree to attack earlier. Shishido's loyal warriors killed the other warriors in the barracks and then he handed the completed gauntlet to Motarasu. Motarasu immediately attacked the Seeking Fox, but he was ultimately killed by them. In yet another twist, Shishido animated Motarasu's corpse as an undead minion and revealed that this had also been a part of his plan. It was impossible for a living creature to use the gauntlet without the curse killing them, but a dead man couldn't be killed in the same way. Shishido planned to use his undead servant to unleash the Mind's Eye on Nanganato just like Motarasu had planned. He explained that magic was a problem in Shudan, because it inherently led to a few people being dramatically more powerful than everyone else. He had witnessed powerful people abusing everyone else too many times, and only wanted to bring justice to as many people as possible. He still intended to destroy the gauntlet afterwards, just as Hamamoto commanded. He asked the group to join him, but they grabbed the gauntlet and made a desperate attempt to flee instead.   27, Aria, Eisuke, and Naoki were caught by the Pannoowan warriors and brought back to the barracks where they were blamed for the murders that were actually committed by Shishido's group. Xiao and Leilu managed to escape with the gauntlet and fled into the barren landscape outside House Pannoowau. Leilu tried to use the power of the gauntlet to help them, but the curse backlashed and hurt him bad enough to render him unconscious. Xiao noticed horses approaching from a distance and knew she couldn't escape with Leilu on her back. She stabilized his wounds and then hid him the best she could before fleeing with the gauntlet herself.   Xiao travelled on foot for several days, seemingly losing her pursuers for awhile. After finally reaching a treeline and feeling a little bit more hidden, she was ambushed by Anzai and quickly captured. He fitted her with a special collar that held her in fox form and wouldn't allow her to change back. As a small fox she was delivered to Shishido and his warriors who had been looking for her on horseback for many days. Shishido needed the gauntlet that Xiao had, but knew she would have to transform back to return it. He was afraid that she would slip away a second time if given the chance though, so he refused to remove the collar. He killed her instead, retrieved the gauntlet that appeared next to her corpse, and then left her there.   Back at House Pannoowau, the rest of the Seeking Fox declared their innocence and put the blame on Shishido. Eyota Wide Eyes defended Shishido, the head of her personal guard, but Hushin advocated for the Seeking Fox. Eventually Mitena Summerset was partially convinced of their innocence and agreed to set them free just long enough for them to fetch Shishido and bring him back. She warned them that if they fled or failed to bring him back to answer for his crimes, they blame would be back on them again.   Hushin wanted to stop Shishido and told the Seeking Fox that he could teleport to any place he has seen before. He asked where Shishido would be heading, so he could send them there. They didn't know, but they realized the well in the Blind Thicket could tell them so they took Hushin there. They used it to find and retrieve Xiao's body first. Naoki was furious and pled with Morigawa to take his life instead, but Morigawa decided to return Xiao as a reward for Naoki burning down one of Hamamoto's temples earlier. In a private conversation with Xiao, Morigawa told her that the next time they meet will be the last. They also used the power of the well to locate and retrieve Leilu before finally seeing where Shishido was. By the time Hushin teleported them to a hidden cave entrance along a rocky beach, Shishido and his group were already deep inside.   The Seeking Fox fought their way through what looked surprisingly like a building hidden deep underground. It was filled with libraries, sleeping chambers, and magical research. The building had become infested with deadly plant life that made it hard to breathe or get around, but the group was able to investigate some of the books and material. This place seemed to focus on research involving divination magic and the Jade Empire. Deep below the surface they discovered the source of the plant life, the security measure that intentionally guarded this place. Someone had successfully trapped a beholder in magical sleep and created a mind's eye. The gauntlet was specifically created to be the key that unlocked the security measures in places like this, so Shishido had his undead servant try to send the mind's eye to Nanganato. The Seeking Fox fought back and barely managed to kill Shishido and his group, but not before both Aria and Leilu are killed. As the mind's eye was no longer controlled, it returned to the depths of the building and the plants began to grow even stronger. The group could barely collect Aira and Leilu's bodies in time to escape.  

The Gauntlet

They quickly returned to Nanganato and asked for Eru's help to revive their fallen comrads. The ritual to bring Aria back was tense, but ultimately successfull. Before they could truly rejoice, they moved on to Leilu's ritual next. Morigawa was bitter though, and not eager to let Leilu slip away a second time. Using Closure, she severed Leilu's ties to the living and guided him into the afterlife. The Seeking Fox were devastated by the failure and the loss of their friend, but they still had a gauntlet to deal with.   Ima approached the group with a renewed interest in destroying it for Hamamoto also. She assured them that the shrine under Nanganato could accomplish this task if the curse was removed first. By now they had concluded that it was created by the Hotsukai, but he had died centuries ago. Following The Schism no one even knew exactly how or where he had died. Naoki demanded that Morigawa allow him to speak with the Hotsukai in the afterlife, but they were not on good terms with each other. Morigawa was angry because of the resurrection of Aria, while Naoki was angry because of the failed resurrection of Leilu. Morigawa demanded a showing of devotion, and suggested that Naoki should kill a follower of Hamamoto. Ima volunteered, as long as it would ensure the destruction of the gauntlet. Naoki was not pleased, but did as instructed and was given the chance to visit the afterlife and have the curse temporarily lifted. The Seeking Fox rushed the gauntlet to Hamamoto's shrine where it was finally destroyed. Darkness filled the room and a fragment of Hamamoto's presence appeared to each of the Seeking Fox members present. She thanked them for accomplishing this task and offered them a boon as a reward.
Founding Date
7th of the Golden Moon, S316
Adventuring Party
Alternative Names
Crimson Dawn, Xiao and her Subordinates
Eisuke Okane
Number 27
Former Members
Naoki Naoko
Emiri Okane
Volmen Emberfleet
Aiyalae Nightbloom
Home Base
Okane Manor in Iron Home
Parent Organization
The Cord


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