Welcome to Skålnir

Welcome To Skålnir

    Oh hey, didnt see you there. How ya doin'? So I was prompted to put some dramatic exposition of the world here, and I did initially have that buuuut I think there's enough of that around this wiki. Speaking of, this Wiki is hard to navigate hey. So, let me talk ya through how I recommend exploring it.


1. Get a taste of the vibe of Skålnir. This is a high-epic fantasy world that is very Nordic-inspired. However, fantasy is sick and free-flowing so don't feel it's restricting you to uphold that tone. While writing stuff I've used inspiration from Roman mythology, Celtic stories and random Germanic tribal shenanigans.
  So, how do I recommend you get a feel for the world, welp, chuck on the pinned soundboard playlist in the discord and you can have a read of the following articles.
  • The Royal Cleansing - The most recent 'Era-defining' event within the world, this is what broke down the old nations and formed the new nations.
  • The Aether Prohibition - This article dictates the world's view on magic. It is not uncommon in the form of religious gifts or mage-punk enhancements (see Magics place ). But raw 'magic you're born with' is quite rare, and heavily despised.
  • Stories of the World - Two little stories set in the world, again to just immerse ya little. Cathedral of Dreams is the longer one, and it has 2 parts, u can access part 2 through the link on the right of part 1, its hard to see). The other is more cryptic in nature. It speaks of the first Fey to enter the world, so yet the *fey wilds exist* just accessed differently to dnd lore.


2. Have a read through the religions of the world, they occupy different spaces on the continent but it isn't to strict.
  • The Pantheons of the World
  • So, Pantheon of Dawn and Nightbreak are the two primary religions. Nightbreak focuses on learning from the past, Day focuses on building a future (is the tldr). The Elladin and Slovan spirits are smaller religious ways and are more suited if you character is from one of the smaller nature-based communities. The Council of Justice is more a moral system than religion and can be shared with believing in certain dieties or other pantheons. The Zajansian Schism is some cultish group focused on bringing back the previous rulers of Skålnir, The Giants. And the Pantheon of the Everlasting Ecplise is also cultish, they look at what happens if you offer your soul to a god other than death.


3. Maybe you want some unique phenomena or locations in Skålnir to inspire some backstory ideas. Here are some funky things in the world.
Also to note, Kingdoms have different vibes, although it's super flexible, you don't have to be nice if your from Earania or a pessimistic monster hunter from Monter. But some locations may play into your backstory better if that's something you wanna build into your character. (I will release the Nations in 3 sets of 5 with announcements in the discord to tell you when they are up).
Currently, you can read about:
  Note: You can also click on a nation on the map to read more about it. That may help with location.