Karsuva Forest

The Karsuva Forest is home to a variety of sea and forest dwelling monsters and is a rich location for treasure seekers looking for marine treasure. Wrecked ships wash up here as does their cargo. The remnants of lost sea-faring nations can be dug out of the sand is oen is willing to risk both the denizens of the sea and the frequent storms that batter this coast line.


Rumors and Tales:   •  The Swan's Kiss - There is an outcropping of rock that looks amazingly like a swan, with arched neck and wings settled, it sits on its nest. Legends tell that the swan was the druidess Sharixia, who would transform into a giant swan to protect her forests in times of need. During an orc invasion, the orcs sought to kill her by burning down the forest. She brought the last of her children, her animal friends, to her and sat on them as the fire burned the forest down around her. She managed to change to stone to protect children and they had been able to escape after the conflagration had burned out. It is said that someone pure of heart and in need, can kiss the swan and bring forth Sharixia to fight again.   • The numerous shipwrecks are sometimes caused by strange ghost-lights that hover above the waters, guiding ships into storms, rough seas, and rocks.   • It is said that merfolk live in the waters, but none have seen them. In truth, the merfolk are of a variety that live deep in the darkness of the ocean where no light reaches. Their faces have maws of needle-like teeth, their eyes large, their bodies have bioluminescent lights, and their appetite for blood is ravenous.   • Trolls and hill giants live in the woods. Sometimes they come to the shores to grab shipwreck survivors or beach combers to take them to their lairs for eating.    • The frequent storms, while rough on ships, do wonders for the local flora of the forest. The trees are tall and healthy, and life flourishes.   • Many archaeological societies are looking for hirelings and mercenaries to defend them as they dig and excavate for lost civilization artifacts.   • There is an abandoned logging camp in the forest. Supposedly, the trolls got to them and the site was left to rot. The company that owns the logging camp is willing to pay good money to those who retrieve the tools, maps, and valuables that still are on the site.   • There is a troupe of feral goblins that wander the woods, avoiding the trolls while trying to steal goods, salvage, and (in particular) boots from travelers.
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