Crossing the Channel

The Party is preparing to embark on a three-day voyage from Veneral's Crossing on the Isle of Bromleck to the port city of Noroak on the mainland. The ship, the "Seabound Hope", is a sturdy vessel captained by the experienced but superstitious Captain Maris, and crewed by a mix of seasoned sailors and a few new hands.

Plot points/Scenes

Day 1: Departure and Ominous Signs

Scene 1: Setting Sail
The adventurers board the Seabound Hope and meet Captain Maris and the crew. The captain gives a brief overview of the journey and warns of potential dangers, including rumors of strange sightings in the waters.   As the ship leaves Veneral's Crossing, the crew performs a traditional ritual for safe passage, asking for blessings from Aguan, the God of Water.   Scene 2: Strange Encounters
Just before sunset, the ship encounters a dense fog bank. Visibility drops to near zero, and the crew grows nervous.   Suddenly, ghostly apparitions of drowned sailors appear on the deck, moaning and reaching out to the living. The adventurers must fend off these spectral entities while the crew struggles to keep the ship on course.   The apparitions vanish as quickly as they appeared, leaving the crew shaken and the adventurers puzzled.  

Day 2: The Storm and the Kraken

Scene 3: The Calm Before the Storm
The next morning, the sea is eerily calm. The crew is on edge, whispering about the previous night's events.   Captain Maris confides in the adventurers about an old legend of a kraken that haunts these waters. He fears that the fog and the apparitions are signs of the beast's presence.   Scene 4: The Storm
By midday, dark clouds gather, and a fierce storm hits. The adventurers help the crew secure the ship and navigate through the rough seas.   During the storm, the ship is attacked by a group of aquatic Bloom creatures, driven to madness by the Bloom's influence. The adventurers must defend the ship and crew from these relentless attackers.   Scene 5: The Kraken's Wrath
As the storm reaches its peak, the ship is suddenly seized by massive tentacles. The legendary kraken has appeared, drawn by the disturbances in the water.   The adventurers must work together to fight off the kraken, using their skills and wits to damage its tentacles and drive it away. The crew assists as best they can, but the adventurers are the primary line of defense.  

Day 3: Arrival and Resolution

Scene 6: Aftermath
The storm subsides, and the kraken retreats back into the depths. The ship is damaged but still seaworthy, thanks to the adventurers' efforts.   The crew begins repairs as the ship continues its journey to Noroak. Captain Maris expresses his gratitude and admiration for the adventurers' bravery.   Scene 7: Safe Harbor
The Seabound Hope arrives in Noroak, and the adventurers disembark. They are hailed as heroes by the crew and the locals who hear of their exploits.   Captain Maris offers them a place on his ship for future voyages, should they ever need it, and a modest reward for their help.



The adventurers have survived a perilous journey across treacherous waters, defending the ship and crew from supernatural threats and a monstrous kraken. Their bravery and resourcefulness have earned them new allies and a tale to be told in the port city of Noroak.  


Captain Maris' Grattitude: 100 gold coins and free passage on his ship in the future.
Reputation: The story of the party's heroism and strength is shared amongst the sailors.
Experience: 100 Experience for surviving the journey.
Plot type
Plot Beat/Side Quest
Parent Plot

Cover image: Isle of Bromleck by Appy Pie Design


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