Travelling to Veneral's Crossing

The PCs make the week long journey to Veneral's Crossing from Fort Bromleck. Blue/Yellow Event.

Plot points/Scenes

1. Encountering the broken down wagon

Location: On the road.
Details: The PCs see a cart lying askew in the middle of the narrow road, blocking their path, one of its wheels missing. A worried merchant hurries out from behind it, asking the party to help retrieve the missing wheel that has fallen down a small gorge beside the road so it can be reattached.  

2. Finding the Wheel

Location: Gorge on the side of the road.
Task: Find the cart's missing wheel.
Encounter: Treachorous footing as the PCs descend the gorge to retrieve the wheel, then have to carry it back up. The gorge is about 30 ft deep, and the wheel is lying at the bottom.  

3. Reattaching the Wheel

Location: On the road.
Task: Reattach the wheel with a Crafting or suitable Lore check.
Details: The Merchant is extremely grateful and promises to spread word of the PCs good deed.




Experience: 50 Experience for helping the merchant fix his cart.
Fresh Sundries: The Merchant gives the PCs a couple of pieces of fresh fruit each, as well as some extra rations.
Parent Plot

Cover image: Isle of Bromleck by Appy Pie Design


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