Painted magpie

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
Introduction to the story | Lady Olénie | The City of the Hundred Fiefs | Novel upcoming

Table of Contents


Farm enhancing—Painted Magpie

Painted magpies have become an essential part of farming in the Glass Fief, and it's therefore just as important to understand them and care for them properly as it is for your plants.   This briefing aims to explain why and to show how to properly organise your farm to take advantage of painted magpies while also protecting your local magpie mischief.
The birds

A small species of magpie. They're extremely clever and ingenious, able to adapt to any circumstances. Their big brains have also surprisingly allowed them to develop a rich culture.

Never try to outsmart a magpie.
Never anger a magpie.
Never show your face outside again once you've angered a magpie.

Since they've been observed to love painting themselves, a dye has been added to the pollen of Larente flowers to incite the magpie to rub against them and pollinate them.

Magpies are very vain.
Magpie can understand some human language.
Never never insult a magpie or insinuate that they aren't very pretty.

They've evolve some cultural aspects around this, with different mischiefs of magpie favouring different colours (and so different plants) and using them to distinguish each mischief.

Magpies are very petty.
Don't suddenly change the types of flowers you have in your farm and make them jealous of each other or they'll simply refuse to come back.

Sexy sexy magpie looking for a mate

The farms

If you want the magpies to come to your Larante flowers, they need to be able to see them clearly and to understand what kind of pollen can be found in which flower.

Don't hide the flowers behind other plants.
Put a colourful marker next to the flowers in the colour of the pollen.

The Larante flowers need to be easily accessible so that the magpies have plenty of space to access each individual flower and aslso space to rub themselves against them.

Don't pack flowers too closely.
Leave "neutral" space between different types of flowers.
Have water nearby for magpies to clean any colourful mistakes.

Mischieves of magpies are often in conflict. You need to be aware of relationships and organise your plants so that quarreling magpies don't have to come too close to each other during gathering.

Don't try to play magpies against each other.
Choose a few mischief of magpies to get to know properly and fully cater to them.

Under no circumstances should a magpie ever be harmed!   If you become aware of a magpie being hurt or of any threat to them, immediately inform her Ladyship's representatives!


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Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


Author's Notes

Icons from Game-Icons: bird distraction, paint-bucket, and pollen-dust.

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Jul 13, 2024 18:43 by Alan Byers

This is brilliant! I sometimes teach about gardening techniques that encourage local wildlife so this hits home, I should try my hand at something similar.

Jul 16, 2024 18:02 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Thank you <3 I've been doing a lot of bird watching in this past year, so I've been trying to include more birds in my worldbuilding XD I would be interesting to see what you would come up with if you do write about gardening techniques :D

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Aug 7, 2024 16:51 by Alan Byers

I've decided to include this in my Reader's Choice list for this year!

Alan's Summer Reading Round-Up
Generic article | Aug 6, 2024

Aug 7, 2024 19:18 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Thank you <3

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
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