The Lady's Tower

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
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The Lady’s Tower


The Lady’s tower is the home of Lady Olénie and the seat of the government of the The Fief of Glass, and so it is the most important of our towers!

Lady's tower.png
The tower itself

Like all towers in the city, it was built shortly after the fall of the empire, during the succession wars. It was built as quickly as possible with whatever materials available, with the intention to raze and rebuild it later.   However, when the time came, too much effort had been invested in improving its defences, and so all of the lords and ladies since then have decided against the waste it would be to redo it from scratch just for minor cosmetic improvements.

Lords and ladies' towers are generally strategically placed in the centre of their fief. Ours, however, is located at our border with the Fief of Perfumes, betraying a past where both of our fiefs were combined together generations ago.   Yet, similarly to how the tower has never been rebuilt in the millennium since the fall of the empire, the division of the fief into Glass and Perfume did not convince our lords and ladies since then to rebuild it anew.
Content of the Lady's Tower

The lady’s personal quarters
They are located a few floors below the top of the tower and are obviously positioned right at the center of the tower without sharing walls with the outside.   Surrounding them from all side and also occupying the floors directly above and below it are rooms occupied the lady’s personal guards, ready to jump to her defence.

The government
A few floors below the lady’s quarters are the quarters that members of the government and their family are entitled to use. Below those are their official offices were they carry out their work.   Further below them are offices occupied by the administrative teams managing the fief following their edicts.

Lower floors
This might be the lady’s tower, but this does not prevent the lower floors from being dangerous during floods.   This means that they are only occupied by the poorest people who have no other choices, but who are nevertheless considered to be above those living in similar floors in other towers.

Like all towers in the fiefs, the surface and roof of the Lady’s Tower is used for farming.   The plants growing on its walls are all fruit bushes that produce a wide variety of berries, while its roof is occupied by fruit trees producing principally citrus and dates.

Despite how tempting it might be to glimpse the luxury hidden inside and its even more intriguing inhabitants, do not get inside the tower without express permission! Trespassers can expect to be severely punished!


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Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


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Jul 29, 2024 13:10 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that they decided that rebuilding wasn't worth it because they'd put too much into the defences. I like that the upper floors are used for farming.

Aug 4, 2024 13:40 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Thanks! All the towers in this city are covered in plants (roofs and sides) as they have very limited access to outside the city and need to get their food where they can. So yes, huge towers, with lots of defences, farming and industry, so even when it's not the lord/lady's tower, it's a lot of effort to rebuild one if a collapse doesn't force you to...

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