Previous inhabitants of the Fief of Perfumes

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
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Report for Lady Olénie's attention—The previous inhabitants of the Fief of Perfumes

    My lady, in Light of the Fall of our neighbour, the Fief of Perfumes, at the hand of the would-be emperor a few hours ago, we can expect to receive imminently asylum requests from a section of their population.   I strongly advise you to reject these requests. Here is why.  
The people
The Fief of Perfumes is specialised in the farming of plants they then use in the production of perfumes and, in a lesser measure, of potions. At first sight, this expertise would be a good combination with our own glass specialisation, allowing us to make more potions to sell directly rather than just sell the glass flasks to fiefs like Perfumes.   Furthermore, the people that are the most likely to flee in front of the would-be emperor are those at the top of their government and management. They are those that have the best skills to use the magic unique to their fief, and also those that have the best insider knowledge regarding the plants their fief specialises in.
Why flee
The prophecy promising the return of an Elantian emperor who will unite us all and bring back prosperity and glory has been dear to our people's heart for centuries. As the new would-be emperor is conquering fief after fief, the newly conquered are acclaiming him as a liberator and saviour. And so, we have to ask ourselves what type of people would disagree?   People enamoured with their self-importance and assured that to rule over a bunch of rubbles is better than to serve under the most powerful empire of the world. As indeed, being conquered by the would-be emperor would mean having his people as members of the new government of their fief.
Why accepting them would cause us problems
From all of this information, we can confidently make a few predictions:  
  • The refugees are not going to want to come to our fief because they believe in you, my lady, but because you are their last resort. They will all be convinced that you are doomed to fail to the would-be emperor and that it is not worth it for them to stay in the fief.
  • Any ressources spent to welcome and settle them will be wasted when they disappear in the next few days or weeks.
  • Their sudden disappearance will then send a message to the rest of the city that you were too weak to convince or force them to stay and that you are easily manipulated.
  • Before they flee, the refugees will do even more damage by spreading rumours about the would-be emperor that are going to frighten our people, destroy moral, and make them less obedient.
  • Thus, the ony thing we are likely to gain from this adventure is a spat of rebellions that the would-be emperor will take great joy in exploiting.
    My lady, I recommend you to accept to offer these people very limited help and safe passage to another fief, but only to do so in exchange for some of the ressources they fled with: seeds of plants they use in perfume and the knowledge to cultivate them.   Under no circumstances should you allowed them to stay longer than a day, my lady, and never should you offer them charities or gifts than we can ill afford and that would be ill received.

    Rumours about the would-be emperor

    As the first refugees are making contacts with us, I have gathered here what they have to say about the would-be emperor:
  • He is incredibly charming and can convince your own brother to turn against you.
  • He always knows when someone is lying to him.
  • His reprisals against traitors are legendary and include flaying people and letting them get slowly digested and kill by carnivorous plants.
  •   All of this means that one third of your army will flee before him, one third is already working for him, and the last third will only stay with you because they are frozen in terror.

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    Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


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