The Police of the Fief of Glass

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
Introduction to the story | Lady Olénie | The City of the Hundred Fiefs | Novel upcoming

Table of Contents


Our Police Force protects you!


Respect them and be properly grateful for their hard work and dedication to your safety!

Dame Louise
She is the one responsible for maintaining the peace inside our fief.   Under our previous lord, she was already a talented child spy. Then she became the very first person to support our Lady when she made her bid to seize power, and so Dame Louise now enjoys her full trust and confidence. This makes her the second most influential person in the Fief of Glass.

Guard the lady
  • Accompany her everywhere and guard the door of the her private quarter or office.
  • Always be close by and ready to intervene at the least frightening movement towards her.
  • Keep the plebs at a respectful distance and prevent them from pestering her.
  • Shove to their knee and punish anyone not showing the proper amount of respect.

  • Guard the Lady's tower
  • Guard the Lady's personal quarters and her belongings.
  • Guard the government members and their offices and regulate access to them.
  • Guard the control system of the wards that protect the entire fief.
  • Guard the precious instruments and wine that are kept inside the tower before being sold.

    Protect all inhabitants
  • Protect every single inhabitants of our fief from all dangers.
  • Protect them from magic made manifest into basement kraken.
  • Protect them from magic flood or plants such as Soulmates' flowers.
  • Protect them from their own stupidity and impulse to do criminal acts.

  • Spy on the neighbours
  • We are always keeping magic-measuring instruments turned towards our borders.
  • We are always monitoring the neighbour constantly.
  • We are always ready to prevent incursion inside our wards.
  • We are always ready to use the information gained against our ennemies.





    Always pay attention to the Police and be ready to heed their every command!
    All of our safety depends upon it...


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    Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


    Author's Notes

    Icons from Game-Icons: mighty-force, body-balance, and shield-dash.

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    Aug 4, 2024 22:03 by Marjorie Ariel

    As usual, you've done a great job at promoting the subject of the article while still implying its dark side.

    Aug 5, 2024 21:28 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    Thanks you <3

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
    Aug 25, 2024 21:46 by Mardrena Lockehart

    Your unique approach to formatting is always a treat. Very compact and informative goes to show you don't need to fill out each and every field in the standard template sometimes its fun to go nuts and be creative!

    Crazy Anime Cat Lady and Gamer Nun, Proud Texan Enjoying Renaissance Faires.
    Aug 31, 2024 14:15 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    Thanks <3 Yes, I really love the more compact format now. It helps me to 1) really focus on what I like and finds fun, 2) mention information that I need but that is more boring to read about without spending enough time on it to actually become boring.   And playing with icons and little silly doodles is always fun XD

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
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