
Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
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Classroom Help—Runic Magic


Rune magic is the easiest type of magic to start practicing and can be done without any special education. However, it can also quickly turn into the most dangerous of all...

Reminder: what is magic
Magic is a form of energy that behaves as a particle and as a wavelength, just like light. All over the planet, naturally-occurring magic flows in currents hidden to the naked eye and gathers in specific hotspot. Magic is also produced inside the body of all living beings and can then be exteriorised in spells.
How runes work

Runes are used to fix magic in place, either naturally-occurring or externalised magic. They are themselves made of a highly concentrated pinpoint of magic.

Runes can be permanent or temporary. to be permanent, they need to be made of a material that naturally retain magic like most metal, otherwise their magic will dissipate over time.

The exact rune or runic combination chosen determines what type of magic this pinpoint does and what effect it has on the rest of the magic
The language of runes

The language of rune is strictly symbolic, based on vibes and instinct rather than any official guidelines, and so they are deeply individual.   The runes are meant as a focus help for the user while doing the magic, and later as a reminder of what the magic does.   In complex runic combinations, the runes are also accompanied by symbols explaining how they interact with each other.

As there is no unified education system across the city, there is a high degree of variation in the runes chosen and their meaning, and everyone has their own tricks.   This makes working with other people extremely dangerous, as everyone will interpret the runes slightly differently.   If a partnership absolutely cannot be avoid, take the time to establish a dictionary beforehand.
The few common symbols

The negation of the symbol

Danger, passion.

Destruction, passion, heat

Movement, flow, freedom

Cage or bars
Restrained, contained

Fight, violence, strength

Love, feeling, friends, organs

Imperial sigil
The emperor and their family
Example of ambitious runic projects
The runes that twist the wards of a fief to force it inside each tower to form tower wards that help protect it and keep it upwards. This is usually only done by the lord or lady of the fief, but even then they have to take over the runes of their predecessors as wanting to start from scratch would mean letting the current tower crumble.   This means that there are enormously complicated sets of rune sequences traced on top of each other, combining or negating each other, resulting in a complete mess that is very fragile and cost an enormous amount of time and effort to maintain.
Young children should be encouraged to play with their own runes as soon as they start doodling, however they should be monitored carefully when playing together to prevent them from mixing each other's runes.
Alchemy Circles
Where Used in the The Fief of Glass, by glassworkers   What: A codified recipe, understandable by illiterate people, but also a runic combination engraved below the cuve used in the melting of the glass so as to enhance the effects magic chants used during the process.   How: Runes are written in a circle divided into 4 quadrants indicating:
  1. Top left - what material is affected by the magic
  2. Bottom left - what processes it has to go through
  3. Top right - the resulting materials
  4. Bottom right - the resulting properties of the materials.
Thus, the left half is the start and the right half the end, while the top half is the physical and the bottom half the immaterial.
Example of annotated circle
Effect: Make glass lenses that transform the magic that goe through it into orange wavelength magic, i.e. transformation magic.
Use: Allows people to transform the matter of an object by making theirmagic go through the lense before hitting the object.

To use rune magic, first the shape of the rune has to be traced on a surface.

Then, the practitioner pushes their magic inside the rune while focusing deeply on its meaning.

Magic, naturally-occurring or externalised, flows through the area of influence of the rune and is affected by it.

Runes are best suited for the creative minds, so never be afraid to experiment with them!


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Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


Author's Notes

Icon from Game-Icons: bird-cage. Imperial-symbol from me.   The alchemy symbols are used are historical ones mostly coming from these resources:

  • Plate of historical chemistry symbols
  • The book "La Bible Des Symboles" by Madonna Gauding (in French).

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    Jul 25, 2024 00:30 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    I love this take on runes. I am having fun imagining someone trying to copy what they think is a love thing and accidentally frying someone's organs or something.

    Aug 4, 2024 13:52 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    Thanks! Well, in the case of someone copying someone else's work, it wouldn't be that bad unless they get intrusive thoughts while doing so. What's important is the meaning the person who draw the runes think that they have.   It's when they come upon a work that is already drawn and they just want to add on top of it that the problem starts, because to do that in a safe way, they have to perfectly understand what the other person did and so what the runes meant in their mind...   Or maybe, you find a beautiful peace of jewellery and think it's meant for a love one to create a bond or something, but it was a defensive ring made for a soldier and you fry them! D:

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
    Aug 8, 2024 07:00 by Rashkavar

    Very cool - very in depth, and yet still digestible! Quite enjoyable!

    Aug 8, 2024 08:01 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    Thanks! <3 I'm very proud of these alchemy circles :D

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
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