Travelling healers

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
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Travelling Healers

The healers

Individuals with a great sensitivity to magic and a great deal of control over it. Promising children are picked up by other healers and trained as apprentices. They are not the only healers in the fiefs, but they are the most skilled ones and are consulted by anyone with the opportunity.

They heal through massages, by touching the skin of their patients and manipulating the magic currents inside their body. Occasionally, they will create herbal and mineral solutions infused with their magic to have the patients ingest them in their absence of to have it work in the long term.

Travelling from fief to fief freely to go where they want. Fief lords and ladies have to pay them and tempt them with special offerings to attract them to their fief. Ward pins are often a condition of their stay anywhere. Those who try to trap them will find themselves falling mysteriously ill.
Their culture

There is a big mystic around them and their extraordinary power, not helped by them not being local and so having been raised as enemies. They are as admired as they are feared. Do not believe the numerous rumours spread about them.

Healers can bring information and goods with them as they travel, and they also very often participate in negotiations between fief lords and ladies to bring peace and prosperity to people as another kind of healing.

Healers rarely gather in big groups. They have complex relationships with each other, and even if they rarely fight openly, there are big rivalries between healers' families, and family loyalties is very important to them.
Master healer.png
Our own healer
  Healer Josbert, the healer who most often visit the Fief of Glass. He is not very open with his expression and can appear judgmental and haughty, but do not let yourself be intimidated! He is amazingly skilled and is sure to make you feel better.

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Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


Author's Notes

Massage icon and portrait by me. Journey icon from Game-Icons.

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