Tower wards

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
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Classroom help: Tower Wards


Tower wards are an essential piece of technology that is the only thing keeping our tower standing

Why they are needed

Magic floods
Our city is built above a magic hotspot, and since the last emperor destabilised it, the magic currents regularly overflow and flood, corroding everything in their wake.

Cave system
The city was bult above a cave system, and so the vast hollow space below it means that the ground is weak and could collapse at any moment, especially given the enormous weight of the towers.

It has been a thousand years since the fall of the empire and the start of the fiefs, and the towers have not changed much since apart from being erected again from the same material when they crumble.

The industrial activities going on inside the towers, such as glasswork and metallurgy, and the farming going on at their surface require the towers to have special support to prevent them from getting damaged.

The towers are not marvel of architecture. They have been built in a hurry with what was available, often by just pilling up everything. They are also extraordinarily high, at 50-100 floors, and do not even stand straight.
How they work

In order for tower wards to have access to the enormous amount of power they require to do their work, they are linked directly to and fuelled by the wards of the fief.   This ensures that they are under the sole control of the lord of the fief, and so both that nobody can sabotage them but also that nobody else can help in their maintenance.

In the basement of each tower, the lord traces runes to help them divert the magic from the fief wards and to control what they do to the towers.   Since destroying the runes destroys the wards and so the tower, new lords cannot start from scratch and have to add runes on top of their predecessors' work, resulting in a dangerous combination of symbolic magics.

Tower wards are an invention of our city as a response to the fall of the empire and the erection of the fiefs; with people fighting fiercely for control over small areas, we have to make the best possible use of what little space is available.   They are only made possibly by us living over a magic hotspot, which is why we are the only city in the world with towers that are as high!

Far too regularly we hear of failures, with inefficient wards unable to prevent a tower from suddenly collapsing and killing thousands such as happened with our Long Glass Tower 15 years ago.   But do not be afraid, for our lady has invested an enormous amount of effort in the upgrade and maintenance of all our towers!


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Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


Author's Notes

Icons from Game-Icons: river, underground-cave, ancient ruins, and anvil-impact.

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Jul 29, 2024 13:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I'm glad that the wards exist. Imagine living in a tower that isn't even straight on ground that could collapse into a cave at any moment!!

Aug 4, 2024 13:37 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Yes, those towers are only being held up by magic, by even with that, collapse are very frequent an deadly ):

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