Lady Olénie's government

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
Introduction to the story | Lady Olénie | The City of the Hundred Fiefs | Novel upcoming

Table of Contents


What your government has been doing for you!


Since Lady Olénie seized the ladyship of the Fief of Glass 15 years ago, her government has worked tirelessly to improve the fief. Here are all the exciting details!

Their accomplishments

The safety of all inhabitants of our fief are a priority: from other fiefs by maintaining our wards, from magic made manifest by walling up cave accesses, and from magic floods by organising forecasts and evacuation processes.

Tower maintenance
An enormous amount of work has been put into restoring and improving our towers, as all towers in the fiefs have all been ravaged by age and centuries of magic floods and always threaten to fall down, killing thousands of people along the way.

Water access and quality have been improved: sewer system enhancing, purifying instruments installation in our section of the river, 25/27 towers fitted with running water, and 3 daily bucket deliveries organised in the remaining 2 towers.

Great efforts have been made to educate the public with free evening classes to teach reading and many educational posters made with great visual to communicate information to everyone in the fief regardless of whether they can read or not.

Our government funds artists and writers and organises great storytelling events and theatre shows to entertain and educate you. It has also invested in sport infrastructure to allows everyone to enjoy watching their favourite athletes while seeing them fully!
Every day:
  • 0.14 ton of glass produced
  • 1 glass instrument crafted
  • 28k m3 of water pumped
  • Produced every year:
  • 36 educational posters
  • 9.9k tons of flour
  • 50k bottles of Soulmates' wine
  • In the past 15 years:
  • 0 towers fallen
  • 0 creatures' rampages
  • 0 incursions from other fiefs
    What's next

    Improve literacy rate

    Develop new crops

    Running water in all towers
    Meet your government
    Lady Olénie by AmélieIS

    Lady Olénie
    Our much admired lady. Always bow respectfully when you see her and fall silent unless commended to speak.

    Head of the police
    Dame Louise, also our lady's friend and bodyguard. Always pay attention to her every gestures and be ready to obey.
    Glasswork header.jpg

    Head of glasswork
    Much respected by everyone, working with our lady to brings about impressive innovation & ensure our prosperity.

    Head of farming
    The one keeping us all fed! The one you are also most likely to meet, so do not fall to expression your gratefulness.

    Related articles

    Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


    Author's Notes

    Information on how I came up with my numbers and sources

    Fiefs and inhabitants
  • City: 100 fiefs, total 4.5 millions inhabitants (to compare, Paris population in 2019 = 2.1 millions)
  • Fief of Glass: 27 towers (close to the median for all fiefs), 45k inhabitants
  • Each tower = 50-100 floors, 1.7k inhabitants/tower, around 15 inhabitants per floors
  •   Glasswork
  • Using as a model the British manufacture Cumbria Crystal makes hand-made lead crystal "using traditional skills, materials and heritage processes". They produce one ton per week.
  •   Water
  • Using the Empire State Building as a compariosn for my towers: 102 floors, Floor area 2,248,355 sq ft (208,879 m²) floor area, 443.2 m high (1,454 ft)
  • A study in the US found that inpatient healthcare buildings were the most intensive users of water, averaging 50 gallons per square foot per year. Next are buildings like hotel averaging 42 gallons per square foot per year.
  • I have farming in my towers, which are going to use more water, but most plants take their roots directly under the city and so don't need additional water, so I'm using the 50 gallons per square foot per year.
  • That means that 1 tower use 101,175,975 gallons water per year = 1049 m3/day, and so all 27 towers use 28k m3/day.
  • Checking if the underground river can withstand 100 fiefs with similar needs, I use the [url:]Seine[/rul] at Poissy as a model: average flow is 493 m3/s = 42.6 millions m3 per day, should be enough XD
  •   Flour
  • In the Middle Age, to feed one active person for a day with bread as the main source of calories: one 2lbs whole wheat bread
  • Net yield in 1800-1849 for wheat was 23.16 bushes/acre.
  • A bushel of wheat = 90 one-pound loaves of whole wheat bread = 45 loaf of 2 lbs of whole wheat bread.
  • So to feed 1 person for 45 day = 60 pounds whole wheat flour, 1 person a year = 8.1 bushel of wheat or 486,67 pounds of flour, and for 45k people 1 year = 365k bushel of wheat = 21 900 000 pounds of flour = 9 934 tons flour
  •   Wine
  • Using as a model Château Yquem, a very small winery with an extremely weak yield (average 9hl/ha), a good model for my Soulmates' wine which needs high magic concentration.
  • Château Yquem has 113ha (= 1.13km²) and makes 100k bottles/year.
  • The Empire State Building has an outside surface area of 8,094 m², so this is enough, however the entire surface woul dnot be covered in vine. I also wants the wine to be very exclusive, so I'm taking the Château Yquem values and hlafing them.


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