Fungus for Plant Warfare

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
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Warning: Ongoing Fungus Attacks!


This is a warning to all of our farmers to be on your guard against a new fungus attacks currently being targeted at the Fief of Glass!

What do we know about this attack?

A fungus that attack plants. It is not magical, and so it can easily bypass fief wards and is therefore used by enemy fiefs as a form of plant warfare.

Transmitted by painted magpies that have been baited to go to enemies fief and made to land in contaminated soil before being sent to our fief.

The birds seem to be coming from the Fief of Perfumes which has just been conquered by the would-be emperor, but nothing has been confirmed yet.
Mode of action
This is very clearly a fungus engineered solely to stop our production of flour from Larante flowers and to slowly starve us!

When a painted magpie that has been contaminated by the fungus comes to pollinate a flower, the fungus is dropped inside.

The fungus crawls all over the flower and penetrate inside it, targeting especially the stigma section of the pistil.

The fungus settles next to the ovaries of the flower and spreads its digestive enzymes, eating the resulting slurry.

No fruits
The destruction of the ovaries prevents fruit generation, but the plants are still pollinating.

The fungus then spreads to other plants through pollinating animals and insects.

When all flowers in a field are dead, the fungus lays dormant until the next flowering season.
What can we do to defend ourselves from this attack?

Watch over the plant carefully

Notice any suspicious white spots

Wash the affected area with fungicide

Add a small dose of fungicide in bird baths
Warning 1
Do not waste fungicide on unaffected areas!

It is expensive and difficult to produce.

It kills the good fungi the plants need to absorb magic.
Warning 2
Do not attack painted magpies coming from Perfumes!

The poor birds are perfectly innocent and do not know what they are doing.

If they see you attack other magpies, they will not come to your farm at all.

Stay vigilent and be ready to defend your plants!


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Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


Author's Notes

Icons (modified or not by me) from Game-Icons: delicate-perfume, water-fountain, pollen-dust, plant-watering, crow-dive. Icons from font-awesome: crow, coins, mushroom, eye. I made the other icons from icons from Font-Awesome and Game-Icons, apart from the dead mushroom which is mine.

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Aug 12, 2024 13:38 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

That poor dead mushroom hurts my soul. :(   I am glad that the information points out the birds are innocent so DO NOT ATTACK THEM.

Aug 13, 2024 07:26 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

The poor mushroom :(   Yes, like my article on magpies showed, they are absolutely essential for farming, so the farmers better not upset a single one of them and make them leave!

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