Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge

Summer Campy 2024 Wrap-up Thoughts

So, ironically, this year was a bit of a flip from last year's summer camp. This year, I decided to go a bit rogue and instead of flipping back to Fyria, I stuck with writing for the Delta Space. Normally, I switch back and forth each year, at least since I started the Delta Space a few years ago. Anyways, the reason why I say this was a bit of a flip was because last year I went into the challenge with a lot of trepidation, I was pretty low emotionally and was not confident, and yet last year ended up being a very proud year for me. I was very pleased with what I came up with, and despite not winning in any categories I was happy and felt fulfilled creatively.  
This year, I went into the challenge feeling the most confident I had ever felt...and despite a promising start with Bronze I began to struggle once Silver dropped. For the first time in a long time, I had trouble coming up with ideas, and my fingers would freeze when I tried to type.   I became quite self-conscious during the month and despite managing to write every day for many of the articles I wasn't happy with the end product.   I especially struggled with the Silver and Gold prompts, they just weren't sparking anything in me.
  I typically keep a separate Google Doc to just brainstorm and sometimes even write some chunks of articles before porting them into World Anvil. And this year's brainstorm doc was a mess of rewritten, half-baked, and uninspired ideas. I had to start telling myself just to push forward, just to write, and to write what I could at any length. I mean I can't be too hard on myself, I still wrote all 42 prompts totalling like 54k words or some nonsense like that. I think I am just too hard on myself most time.   Luckily, for the most part, I am happy with the majority of what I wrote even though I did not meet my initial expectations or enthusiasm. Plus or minus a few articles that I still don't overly like, but that's just how it is sometimes. And there are a few articles in this year's mix that I absolutely adore. Some as just singular articles, and some as concepts that I will be using for the Delta Space moving forward. Those two facts have made this year's experience worthwhile and in a way just as fulfilling as last year's challenge. And I am extremely excited to expand upon some of these ideas in the future. So, all-in-all, I am counting this year as a success and am moving forward positively.

Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge

For this year's reading challenge, I have decided to feature 12 articles here, though I did end up reading more than this number. Definitely had a hard time deciding which articles to feature this year. So, I have done a mix of articles, some from well-known writers on World Anvil and some less so. Trying to spread the love as much as I can. One rule I made for myself was that I could only select one article from each prompt, and I could only select three articles from each prompt level. That way I could feature articles evenly from each category. Otherwise, I have placed my thoughts on each article below, and also my personal experience with each prompt category as a sidebar with some random thoughts and musings. Enjoy!
Bronze Prompts
Article 1 - Bloom by GreyTailZA
Prompt - A sickness that caused societal upheaval

I really like the idea of a debilitating disease that is slowly trying to take you over, but also gives you incredible Druidic magic and abilities. Where despite it giving you these abilities you have to fight tooth and nail to keep yourself, yourself. Very interesting concept. I also think it is kind of funny how both GreyTailZA and I wrote about spore-bound diseases that include Bloom in the name. Though my article is a smidge different in tone.   
My Experience with Bronze: It is likely my favourite stretch of prompts and the articles I wrote from them, alongside Diamond. This is because this was my first big foray into true horror-themed writing. I think I was very much influenced by my listening of The Panic Table podcast and my desire to play Mothership. I was quite shocked with what I was able to write, in a positive way. Articles like The Bloom Plague and The Metamorphosis of Dr. Amara Mir were truly new ground for me, and I really love them. And outside of horror-themed writing, there are a few here, particularly the Quantum Recliner and The Interstellar Rythm and Rally Carnival Station that I really like.  
My Favourite Bronze Submissions:
Article 2 - Darion Vires The Ascension of a Stoneweaver by Aeuvex
Prompt - A character who goes through a great change or metamorphosis

This was such a classic fantasy hero journey-style character, and I really dug it.  Despite being fairly long reading through it was easy, it was very clearly written, and I felt like I had a strong grasp of what Darion went through from beginning to end. I think this particular character has strong main-character vibes, or at least has the ability to be a character of lore. Spoken fondly by future generations as a morale hero to look up to and strive to be like.     
Article 3 - Modular by Kwyn Marie
Prompt - A vehicle that, when introduced, caused societal upheaval

A very unique design for a vehicle, I really liked the concept for this one. Where the vehicle could be pretty much anything and is designed to be purpose-built dependent on need.  The controversial aspect of this vehicle was also well-structured and intriguing. With the vehicles being associated with interstellar invaders, and eventually being banned despite the bemoaning of the wealthy. I could totally see future conflicts arising because of this vehicle in this setting, purely based on the influence of the wealthy and their desires.   
Silver Prompts
Article 1 - Pop Hug by Roxanlita
Prompt - A personal item that keeps you safe

This was a very entertaining article, the item itself is a super interesting concept, very tongue-in-cheek. It has a bit of DND magic item flavour in there, kind of like a Daern's Instant Fortress but cuter and far more dangerous. I enjoyed the comedy of the article, and the item felt a bit dangerous with its subtle warnings about not using it with more than one person at a time. And the addendums and ™ notes at the end were a very nice touch.  
My Experience with Silver: This is where I started to struggle with ideas and motivation, a lot of the articles I ended up writing were not very inspired on my part. Though again, there are a few that I ended up really liking particularly the Vega-9 Punks and The PermaLok Adhesive Tape but they still feel only loosely affiliated by their associated prompts.  
My Favourite Silver Submissions:
Article 2 - The Fallen Star by Coweringomega
Prompt - A building considered a refuge against the world

A fantastic article for only being a few paragraphs long. It really sets the mood of the building and the surrounding area.  I was kind of creeped out by it. Like sure, it's a safe place away from the dangerous area surrounding it but I wouldn’t be surprised if something evil was lurking somewhere within it. And that is what I liked about the article, it really conjured things in my mind after I read it. It feels like a great place to run a one-shot horror campaign for a TTRPG.   
Article 3 - Teeth? by Hanhula
Prompt - A species with protective anatomy

I mean what can you say, as always, Hanhula’s writing and ability to create bizarre, wonderful, and engaging pieces of world-building continues. An article about creepy sentient teeth that can be both cute and horrific. Sign me up. Perfect, no notes. Perfect blend of the bizarre and fantastical. Hanhula has been one of the most consistent and best writers on this site over the last few years and deserves every bit of recognition they get. This article needs to win in this category, no question. Or just give her a bunch of awards, they deserve it.  
Gold Prompts
Article 1 - Honeytown by Dark Hobbit
Prompt - A settlement that's known as a party town or pleasure city

I like the spin Dark Hobbit took for this prompt, I was expecting a literal party town of debauchery, I mean the name Honeytown kind of invokes those kinds of vice and sin in my mind. Maybe that speaks more about me than, but I digress. Honeytown ended up being a place of calm, and subtler pleasures. A place that seems built more on community and an economy of actual honey. It just seems like a nice place to visit. The article really went in a different direction that I expected, in the best way possible.   
My Experience with Gold: I struggled with Gold the most, by far. Very few of the prompts inspired me or felt fitting for the Delta Space setting I was working on during Summer Camp. I usually really like faith-based writing, despite not being a very religious person, but the prompts just wouldn’t jive with my setting. They may have worked better for Fyria but I don't know. And while I do feel confident in the articles I wrote, they again only feel very loosely affiliated with the prompts. I am proud of some of the articles in this stretch especially those I was able to connect together in larger narratives. Especially the ones associated with WhiteStar Militech and the ones about the Hivemind Sentius Network conspiracies. Also, the article about Silas Grieves was another fun foray into horror writing that I was overall pleased with.  
My Favourite Gold Submissions:
Article 2 - Old Crow by BCGR Wurth
Prompt - A leader or high-ranking person in an organization

A really interesting article, partly because of the setting. The setting is diesel tech, from what I understand of it. So, it's very machine-focused, though it seems that faith also plays a major role in some aspects of the world.  The Old Crow, while not the highest rank of clergy seems to hold a very important place in the education and preparation of the next generation on a local. I find a lot of people tend to go big with leader-focused prompts, so I liked seeing a leader role on the community level. And with such an interesting setting as well, it really held my interest.  
Article 3 - The Book of Teeth by Jylietz
Prompt - A document of spurious or controversial attribution

The title of the article was what initially captured me. And luckily, the contents of the article did not disappoint. The description of the Book of Teeth document gave me creation story vibes, though I know the article is about two gods/idols and an interaction they had. I would have to say this article while short really enticed me to check out some other articles in this setting. And it's super unique and really interesting, I would highly suggest checking out Mutania alongside this article. Some really cool concepts here.   

Diamond Prompts
Article 1 - Janitor by Wordigirl
Prompt - A profession that is considered dirty

It is funny, you never think about maintenance workers or janitors in places of high secrecy and security. They themselves have to be highly trustworthy as they could pretty easily steal information. So, the thought of a simple Janitor in an agency of spies is more fascinating then you would think it to be. I like the concept of internal hiring, with janitors being elevated to field agents and vice-versa. Would be interesting to hear about one of these cases, a former-janitors experience being bumped up to an agent. Or even how extreme a shift from being an active agent to a "regular" janitor would be. And Wordigirl is another fantastic writer I have been a fan of for a couple of years now. They've done some great work, and certainly deserve any accolades coming to them.   
My Experience with Diamond: Probably my favourite stretch of articles alongside Bronze, luckily I felt that this last stretch of articles really clicked and I love some of the concepts I came up with here. Some will likely be major plot points in the Delta Space moving forward. I especially loved writing The Variance Sings to Me, Custodial Sanitation and Maintenance Engineers - Station Janitors, and The StarLight Five. As a quick shout-out, the two bonus articles I wrote I also adore which are the 100+ Gung-ho Shopping Mall and the Spirulina Protein Stick and COOL Drink Combo. Just silly writing about consumerism and suspicious food items.  
My Favourite Diamond Submissions:
Article 2 - Twins in Life Joined in Death by Sunlance XIII
Prompt - A myth or prophecy about the end of the world

A very fascinating myth, I like the idea of the Coalescence and how the two planets merging together is slowly(?) leading to a world-ending calamity. Though the details of which seem to be a mystery, though a poisoning of sorts is implied. I like the open-ended nature of the article, it leaves me creating theories in my head about what's going on. Also, I love how the writer created a glossary page for important terms for this setting linked to this article page. A fantastic idea so that people can easily understand required concepts in your setting quickly.  
Article 3 - The DRSE Anti Corruption Committee by Tlcassis
Prompt - An organization fighting corruption

I liked this more grounded concept for a fantasy setting. It is something that can really be imagined happening in the real world. In fact, what drew me to it was that it does resemble some early turn-of-the-century attempts in America to have task forces and committees doing this sort of work. Most of which ultimately failed, much like this committee did, but it all ended up leading to the creation of something bigger and more successful. In real-world comparison, this would be something like the FBI. I would love to read more about what came of this defunct committee, with specific people or if there was ever a successor group.   

Goals for the remainder of the year;

Well, to be honest, at this particular moment, I am a bit burnt out feeling. So, for the rest of the summer, I am likely going to take some time away from the site and from writing. I have some exciting things coming up in my personal life, camping, concerts, etc. that I am very much looking forward to.   Also, My significant other is a pro-wrestler and she has been getting a lot more bookings as of late I want to support her as much as I can with things like keeping the house in order, cooking, creating graphics for her, and helping her write out emails, etc. Cheap plug, her name is Laurel CassieD, go check her out on Twitter and Instagram! Then of course there is my full-time job working for The Star's sponsored content team, which typically gets super busy between September and November. So, those two things in particular are going to be taking priority for the next few months.   But I am not just going to be working for others, don't worry. I also intend on taking some classes to improve on a couple of skills both related to writing and not. For writing, I intend to try to take some classes in dialogue writing as that is a weakness of mine. And non-writing-wise, I want to take some photography classes as I just recently got into film photography. I have a background in journalism and I used to be into photography and videography but fell out of it years ago, and recently I was inspired to get back into that space. Just for fun, and so far its been very nice.   That being said, I do have some concepts that I want to expand upon and hopefully, if time permits I can get a few articles posted here on the Delta Space. And I will definitely be back for World Ember, where I will likely do the same as last year and write articles for both Fyria and the Delta Space.


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