Summer Camp 2024 Goals and Progress Report


Hello, for this year's Summer Camp I was a bit undecided on what I initially wanted to focus on. For the past few years, I have swapped back and forth between Fyria and the Delta Space. This year was originally destined to be a Fyria year, however, after consulting a few colleagues on World Anvil, and asking myself what I really wanted to do I decided to break that pattern and work on the Delta Space once again during this year's Summer Camp. For one, I am currently in more of a sci-fi mood for writing. And really, I just love this setting for how bizarre and somewhat ominous it has become. That and Fyria need a huge cleanup since it was started back in 2018 when I was less experienced with writing and the site itself, and the site itself has changed a ton since then as well so it's just a mess. But anyway, as per usual my goal is to write like crazy, as much as can, all the prompts, all the waves, as much as I can muster. And this year, I am feeling pretty darn good about it. Which hopefully doesn't come back to bite me haha. So strap in, it's likely going to get a bit weird in here.

Preview Articles

Well, I was only able to post one article in the led-up to Summer Camp, as work ended up being bonkers in the week leading up to the start of the challenge. But I am happy to get this one done, as it's been in progress for ages. It describes both the Ka'yar Colonial Governance and the Representative Democracy of Liberation. Two territorial there were once one and now are caught in a bitter civil war despite sharing a people and a shared origin. Enjoy!

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Jun 29, 2024 02:15

You got dis!