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11/30/213 - Report of Walter Lefkaris

General Summary

We are in Gatefall about to leave when the Portal activates. This Half-Orc and self-admitted pirate was kicked through bound and gagged. He claimed to have run afoul of a street gang at a brothel. And apparently instead of killing him they used him to smuggle goods into Gatefall. What a queer fellow. The Guards were very interested in this smuggling ring.   We traveled to Horde Hill where GamGam apparently has a BanBan. We barely managed to convince them to let us spend the night. We pressed on to the old Archaean manor, now Steel Industries. They said the Harpies know they are there and the Steel Hawks that follow the Harpies fly overhead. We spent the night there while the Steel Hawks were circling waiting to strike us, and pressed on to the mountains where I last saw the Harpies. We came across a narrow path up the mountain. Upon traveling to a natural narrow chokepoint, we were attacked by a horde of Steel Hawks. We slaughtered them with ease and harvested their feathers. In one particular incident, I saved Lyudmilla from one of the hawks. Just cut it in half in front of her. She had to have noticed. We rested a bit and carried on. We ascended further to a better vantage point. We saw their nest, but there was no obvious way up to the peak of the mountain. We'll likely have to climb. Stigr fired an arrow of light into the air to get the Harpies' attention and they descended upon us. They told us to leave or die. Interesting that they didn't attack on sight. Seems like they care more about preserving their territory than straight up killing. They referred to other Humans from the Empire trying to encroach on their mountains. I convinced them that we are not Archaeans and that we were foreign explorers who simply stumbled upon them. I said I wanted to speak to their leader and they said to come up to them. Fuck.   We slowly ascended to the Harpies' nest, being watched by their warriors and hordes of Steel Hawks. There was no path up. Any invading force would have to climb to the peaks while being attacked the whole way. It would be a nightmare trying to invade these mountains for the terrain alone. Once we got there, we looked around as best we could. They had nests of eggs and were led by a Harpy with an elaborate headdress. She looked like a priestess or mage. Her name was Lasthena. She said the Harpies need us for meat (possibly offer them a share of what we hunt?) and seed (men to reproduce). When asked about their origin and need of men, she said according to the stories, the Great Mother blessed them with flight but cursed them with needing Human men to reproduce.   Lasthena said men with red and silver armor came to plunder the riches of the mountains. To enslave her sisters. They don't come often anymore. But there is a large camp of them in the mountains overlooking their ruined city. They fled the destruction of their city by the Plague. Lasthena asked us to remove them from the mountains (violence not necessary). If we did so, we would earn her trust and could discuss an alliance.   Regarding their military capabilities, This nest has a dozen Harpies with a large flock of Steel Hawks. They have bows and can use magic. We saw no forge, but the harpies do know well enough to scavenge and loot those they kill, so I expect they have iron weaponry. When asked, she said the flock of Steel Hawks are allied with the harpies and are scouts. They also attack trespassers and hunt in the forest (but the Harpies don't). Given how many Steel Hawks there are, there'd be no element of surprise and they'd know invaders were coming well in advance. There seem to be other nests dotted about the mountain. Lasthena did not go into her relationship with other nests, though I suspect, against an invading force, they could unite. Invading the mountains would be incredibly costly in lives and coin.   We discussed the beginnings of an alliance. Lasthena seemed receptive to the idea of us sharing a portion of our hunts with them. We did not discuss their need for men to reproduce in great detail. I suspect it would not be hard to find men willing to do so provided they aren't killed afterwards. Hell, even if they do die, I bet men will fist fight to lay with the Harpies. Ranaghar seemed enthused by this idea. Lasthena seemed receptive to this foundation, but would not move forward while the encroaching Archaeans were in the mountains. My mentioning of an alliance where we defend each other seemed to interest her more than anything else.   Lasthena promised the harpies will not encroach on our encampments close to their lands. We may have the lowlands and what we have already taken, but may not take anymore or it will be war. She gave us a small shining silver Dragon scale. Lyudmila was absolutely stunned by this. I thought they were all long extinct but the scale looked pristine. Lasthena said it was a token of friendship so that we might pass through their mountains to get to the Archaean interlopers. Lasthena said that a great silver Dragon lives in these mountains to the east beyond the human camp. It wants to be left alone. She said to take the token back to our people and to only return if we've done what she asked. I cannot help but notice the message she was sending by giving us a Dragon scale of friendship. Herris' report said they called upon a giant Winged Beast that seemed like a cross of a wolf, stag, and bird. Who knows what other beasts the Harpies can call to their aid? A Dragon would mean death for our whole camp. I advise proceeding with caution.  
  • Walter Lefkaris

  • Rewards Granted

    325 XP, 100 Guilders


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