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11/5/213 - Report of Anja Lefkaris

General Summary

Revenant Details
[Written report of Anja Lefkaris as dictated to Gatefall Company employee Bernard Krieser for 1 Stuiver.]   We hired 4 woodcutters and 2 mercenaries to work for us in restoring the manor. I offered to throw in money, but the others didn't seem to need it at the moment. Regardless, I will have a tavern. We're gonna head out to the manor. We arrived in Horde Hill, where there were clear signs of battle. Nilivander gave me a little gnome trinket. How sweet...   We got to the manor. The undead Walter had killed had been partially consumed. Small piercing marks. Like that of beaks. The Giant Vultures? We burned the corpses and began fortifying the manor. Until then, we take to shoring up the manor's defenses. We then resolved to investigate the temple to the south. From there, we will hopefully obtain more wealth to hire more workers!   On the way to the temple, we encountered these large wolf-like creatures. Worgs, we called them. We killed 5 and the sixth fled. My Aasimar heritage has awoken further. I was able to fly today to avoid their attacks. I killed one with my magic missiles. Maybe I'm getting the hang of this!   This... person approached our camp at night. It spoke in raspy pseudo-Latian. It was asking for "Dimas" and wanted to know where he was. This undead was intelligent. He speaks and thinks. He says he wants vengeance against Dimas. He says that perhaps "the goddess" smiled upon him and gave him a chance for vengeance. He produced a symbol of a sailing ship. Said the goddess was called Umberlee. He says he was a pirate on the River until he was betrayed by his jealous subordinate Dimas. Dimas betrayed him to the "New Faith." He said the new faith was of "Zarus". They lashed him to a stake and left him to die of exposure. He said his name was Tullius Macer. He called his language the tongue of Archaeus...and he was of the Archaean Empire.   Tullius had no perspective on how long he had been dead, only that he had been single mindedly hunting Dimas for some time. Consumed by a desire for revenge. Tullius demanded we help him or he'd kill us with the power bestowed upon him by his goddess Umberlee. He also said Dimas had his former ship and it was ours if we helped him kill Dimas. He demanded we leave immediately, so we pressed on.   He said perhaps the Archaean Empire still exists. Perhaps not. Depends on who you ask. He said it died with the Old Faith. I asked him about the theorized calamity. He spoke of a plague. The Plague of Death. Those who caught it, when they died, rose as undead. He said Archaeus has many cities, but doesn't know where they are. The others asked about the word "Nadezhda." I didn't know what they were talking about. He says it was the land of the Batrachi and once part of the empire, but no longer. He referred to them as frog folk. He said their lands were north of the river. He was unaware of the Portal or Obelisk. He said the New Faith betrayed the old gods of Archaeus. The New Faith won the conflict. Tullius recognized "The Great Thunderer" as Talos, the husband of Umberlee.   We approached the ship, which was dashed against the sandbar. The ship was full of holes and ruined. Surprising, given that we're on a river and not the ocean. Something unnatural must have grounded this ship. A swirling mist forming into inking blackness. Tullius' nemesis Dimas is a shadowy specter of a Dragonborn. We fought him and his spectral crew. We killed several of the crew and wounded Dimas. But he killed Stigr in one blow! He then possessed Stigr's corpse! THE BASTARD. HOW DARE HE?! I'LL FUCKING KILL HIM. AND ALL GHOSTS. YES THEY DESERVE TO DIE AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN THE HELLS.   [Bernard here. She really seems to hate ghosts. When there's something strange in the neighborhood. Who are we going to call? Call Anja!]   We were stuck. We couldn't get the ghost out without destroying Stigr's body. Sigrid wrestled him to the ground and hogtied him in an erotic manner. I turned my magic towards Tullius to save Stigr and Sigrid. But somehow Stigr returned. He expelled Dimas from his body and vomited him out. Tullius killed Dimas and then disintegrated himself, his vengeance fulfilled.   [Anja was evasive here as to what happened with Stigr. Advise we monitor him.]   Oh another fascinating find. Umberlee, Tullius' goddess, didn't know who our gods were. The gods of The New World seem to have no celestial connection to the gods of The Old World and viz vasa vice versa. Their reach is limited to the presence of their worshippers, it seems. Also I let Sigrid headbutt me. It was an interesting experience. We boarded the ship and brought the chest inside to shore. Gamgam opened the chest up. We found a scroll that was a recipe for a potion of water breathing, a silver ring with a blue stone (ring of swimming), and a small wooden box with Coins inside. 12 gold coins of Zarus, 38 holed silver coins, and 16 pieces of coral. I took the Ring of Swimming for Walter. I think he'd like it. We were too injured to press on to the temple, so we returned to Steel Industries and then Gatefall to rest up.

Rewards Granted

567 XP
Report Date
24 Oct 2022
Primary Location
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